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Chapter 289 Chapter 286: Temple of Uriel

alcatraz 流浪的蛤蟆 1929Words 2018-03-12
The blisters on the crimson sea surface are getting bigger and bigger, one after another ghost warships appear in the blisters, seeing this fleet full of eerie aura, the three people who are still staying on the Golden Princess come to mind— —The ghost ship fleet of the humphead dragon, the name of this unit whose combat effectiveness is still higher than that of the Skeleton Whale Knights. "Awesome, these ghost ships can teleport so far, which is much higher than the Golden Princess." As soon as I stretched out my hand to summon Buddy the tortoise, the Golden Princess turned into a cloud of mist and I held it in my palm. Although Yan Tianhong was eager to try, I held her tightly and said lightly: "With my own force Fighting against the army has nothing to do with the spirit of warriors. This fleet of ghost ships cannot be countered by manpower at all. Next time we will bring the same huge army, let's fight them head-on!"

When all the ghost ships were condensed with strong death eclipse bombs and tilted down, Yan Tianhong and I entered Paradise Island one step ahead of schedule. The Book of Heaven was opened in my palm, Yan Tianhong was behind him, and forty or fifty peripheral members of Fengmo, after checking the information in the book, I said lightly: "There are very powerful monsters on this island, some Not even inferior to the level of the humphead dragon, we can only guarantee absolute safety if we reach a temple in the center of the island. Come on the road with me now." The temple on Paradise Island is said to have been used by Uriel, the maker of the drifting island. There is no exact record in the Book of Paradise, but a brief mention. All creatures on the island are The temple cannot be invaded.

I am the manager of Paradise Island, and the monsters on the island will not attack me, but Yan Tianhong and those peripheral members do not have such identities. They continue to stay in the wild, and will soon become delicious food for the monsters on Paradise Island . However, when I hold the Book of Paradise, I will know the distribution of monsters on the island like the back of my hand. I can still lead these people to avoid danger, but the density of monsters on Paradise Island is too high. Still walking very hard. Although there are no magical beasts in some places, the paths are not accessible to humans. Although our group of people are considered to be very skilled, we are not monkeys who can climb cliffs after all.

An adventurer was unwilling to take such a difficult road, and used flying props to rush into the sky. His reckless behavior immediately paid the price. The target was so obvious at high altitude, and soon a group of ghosts passed by. We only heard He let out a long scream, and dropped cards all over the sky, but he couldn't see that he was swallowed by something. This lesson finally made the others more cautious, and they did not dare to act without authorization. It took almost two days before we reached the highest peak of Paradise Island.The shape of this island is like a cross. The highest point is the center of the cross, which is 2,600 to 700 meters high. Looking down from the highest peak, the entire Paradise Island seems to be unobstructed.This island is astonishingly large, but it stands to reason that it is absolutely impossible for an island of 110,000 square kilometers to have such a high mountain.

Rumbling, there was a dull explosion sound outside the island. We are already standing outside the gate of the temple on Paradise Island, which is already considered a safe zone. Looking from here to the seaside of Paradise Island, a ghost fleet that does not know which general belongs to is attacking this place that does not obey the jurisdiction of the Three Underworld Gods. islands.The fierce artillery on the ghost ship, the roar of monsters on the island, the huge body in the ocean, and the endlessly fierce monsters on land... This battle was even fiercer than the last time I saw it. Those peripheral members who finally climbed to the entrance of the temple all changed their faces when they saw such a level of war.They have never seen such a powerful monster on Alcatraz. On both sides of the war, any one, even the weakest monster or undead, is enough to set off a bloody storm on Alcatraz, causing damage comparable to natural disasters.

"Wang Lin! If you bring us to this kind of place, everyone will die." A man with a pale face protested with a trembling voice.I replied ignorantly: "Follow me, everyone is still alive. If you want to act, I promise not to stop you. Let's go! Let me see what is the mystery of this temple!" I strode into the temple. The gate of this extremely magnificent temple is wide open. There is no such thing as a door at all, but the entire temple is shrouded in a layer of soft divine light. The entire temple is wedged between the highest peaks. In the middle, most of the temple buildings are hidden by the peaks, only the gate and the dome are exposed.

After entering the gate, there is a temple square that is as big as four football fields. Surrounding the square are all kinds of warcraft sculptures, some are terrifying, some are majestic, and some look like humans, but in subtle places, showing their differences. After entering this safe refuge, the adventurers relaxed. It was very uncomfortable to spend this time fleeing at sea. Every day they had to worry about being chased by the Skeleton Whale Knights. Withstood the heavy anchors in the hands of the skeleton whale knights. Precarious, at stake, wandering on the verge of life and death, these adventurers who have already started to leave this realm in Alcatraz Island, after experiencing this feeling again, they are indeed much calmer than ordinary people, at least once on the Golden Princess There was no trouble.

They each took out food and water from their own space cards, and just sat down and rested on the square of the temple. It seemed that these people did not plan to explore the temple with me. "Do you want to rest for a while, or come with me inside?" "Don't you want to rest for a while? I see that you are also very tired. You haven't had a good rest these days." I smiled wryly and said, "If I want to rest, I just need to use the power in my hand to hide in Baffin Island. It doesn't matter how long I have to rest? It's just hateful, my road is a way of life for others, but it is a way of death for me." , Only by struggling on the sea of ​​death can I find a glimmer of life. For such a luxurious act of rest, let me enjoy it after I find something in this temple.”

"Okay then, I'll go with you." Yan Tianhong's light tone always makes people feel at ease, she is a very reliable girl.
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