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Chapter 15 tea ceremony

I just want a bowl of hot soup 张佳玮 1524Words 2018-03-18
In the most famous tea-tasting passage, Miaoyu invites Daiyu to drink her own tea. The relationship is very good, and she seems to be a best friend, but when Daiyu asks, "This is also the rain in the old year", she "sneers", and "everyman" Out.A difference of water determines elegance and vulgarity. I imagine how delicate this girl is when washing.Later, the girl said that drinking too much tea is a thirst-quenching fool and drinking donkey. I guess Uncle Lu Tong wrote, "Four bowls of light sweating, all the grievances in life are scattered to the pores. Five bowls of muscle and bone clearing, six bowls of Tongxian Ling. I can’t eat seven bowls, but I feel the breeze blowing from my two armpits.” That one——must disagree greatly.

Chinese elegant people often write about tea in a miraculous way.I have seen so-called legends about taking water from the Yangtze River and the Three Gorges. The protagonists are Lu Yu and Su Shi respectively. in this way.Zhang Dai wrote a story about Min Laozi Cha.The old man was suspected to be eccentric and picky about tea and everyone, but when he saw that Zhang Dai could identify good and bad teas, he laughed and made an appointment with him.It can be seen that there are really picky people.But Zhang Dai also quoted Dong Rizhu's "Three Characters of Concentrated Hot Man Tea Theory", which I think is very appropriate.Zhang Dai's attitude is more tolerant, better than Miaoyu's.Teacher Wang Zengqi wrote that he also agrees with the "thick hot full three characters to make tea the principle", and wrote that Mr. Lao She also drank tea all day, not picky.Gu Long once wrote, "As long as the tea is hot, it will be as young as a woman, and you will never hate it."Of course, those who are proficient in tea ceremony have their own rituals and enjoy themselves as they like, but Cai Lan is more violent, thinking that Chinese tea ceremony is nonsense. Apart from procrastination, the biggest feature is "unhygienic"!

By the way, how ritualistic can drinking tea be?People who are new to the Japanese tea ceremony may find it trivial, but its solemn ceremony is far superior to that of Miaoyu.But the great master Qian Lixiu (Qian Zongyi) also recited "Qingjingheji" back then, and also "tea ceremony is nothing more than lighting a fire to make tea".Many of the tea utensils handed down by his old man and Takeno Shaoou are also back to basics.For example, Sen Rikyu’s shaped Raku tea bowls are cut with a knife instead of a potter’s wheel. The utensils may not be neat, but fortunately they are simple and clumsy.

It is also said that the British did not believe that green tea and black tea were a kind of plant at all, and they were two different things because they had seen too much black tea made for the convenience of shipping.Half a catty of black tea can be used as a dowry for a princess, and it is so precious, so before the 19th century, British tea was very expensive. Therefore, most of the dignified ceremonies are originally due to the fact that rare things are more expensive, like many expensive borrowed dishes, which need to be seasoned with good ham and chicken soup.When I was young, a classmate invited KFC to his birthday party (there was only one KFC in my city at that time), but all the people who went there were respectful and apprehensive.Tea is also similar.Tea processing in Lu Yu's era was not as good as it is today.When Su Shi went to try Erquan, he called it "a small moon in the sky". In fact, Song Zhituan tea was heavily scented, and the taste was not as good as today's tea.It is their interest and connotation that tea people can play elegantly, but the dignified sense of ritual is actually not that necessary.

Most of the things of the old era can now be pondered to have a unique charm, romantic and subtle, and full of ornamental value.But the sense of ornamental and ritual overwhelms the practicality too much, and it seems very weird.For example, the feel of paper books and the aroma of ink all make reading more elegant, but in terms of convenience, it is inevitable that it is far inferior to iPad or Kindle.Wang Xiaobo once told a joke that a general and a soldier were hiding in a cellar, and the soldier was bored, so the general handed him a piece of chewing gum.The soldier chewed: "It's tasteless." The general: "Nonsense, I've been chewing for a long time." Wang Xiaobo thinks that the same is true for many old cultures: after chewing for a long time, you can definitely get a lot of flavor, but that will inevitably be self-sufficient.

There are many, many good things and good people in this world. It is fun to wander around and delve into the depths.But it’s a little hard to think about any of them as ritualistic and indispensable, and digging out a sense of superiority to embarrass others or yourself.When I was a child, someone gave me Ferrero chocolate for the first time. I was reluctant to eat it. I offered it, and looked down on other children who ate gold coin chocolate. In the end, it broke and I couldn’t eat it. I was sad for a long time. In fact, most things are not worth offering.And if we have too many things in our hearts, we are afraid of this and that, or some Miaoyu girls are picky about tea, picky about water, picky about cups, picky about heat, picky about posture, and finally sneered and said, "You are actually a big layman" Let us Scared, or we ourselves are too sentimental and ritualized him/her/them-you know, there are too many offerings, and there is not much benefit except being laughed at or feeling wrong.

Whoever is away from whom, who is away from something, who doesn't know what, can live on, and can live well.Life is like a fortune, and life is not as solid as gold or stone. It is better to drink fine wine and be dressed in rich and plain clothes. The redundant rituals should be left to those who are willing to sanctify.
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