Home Categories Essays Yanyue doesn't know personnel change·The joys and sorrows in Song Ci

Chapter 26 Close the door and listen to the rain lock streamer

I like this sentence "Liuguang is easy to throw people away" It was many years ago.At that time, the cardamom years, I only felt that the years were green, and there was still a long period of time in my life, which was enough for me to waste as much as I wanted.I always say that I wish I could age in an instant, so that the flashy process can be avoided.Overnight, from black hair to white hair, she became the pure yearning of a young girl. At that time, I really felt that the emerald green time filled my life, almost flooding it.But I like to face the moon in the middle of the night, or listen to the drizzle, and chant this sentence "The streamer is easy to throw people away, the cherries are red, and the plantains are green." I didn't know until later that I liked it at that time. It's just the artistic conception in the words, but I don't understand the sigh in the words.Because when I understood, Liuguang had left me far away, and those wasted days didn't even leave traces.And all I can do is to keep reminiscing and nostalgic.

Later, I read the words and sentences: "It turns out that the colorful flowers are blooming all over the place, and they are all ruined like this. What a beautiful day is the beauty of the day, who's house is the place to enjoy the pleasure! Such a scene, flying in the morning and rolling in the evening, with clouds and green pavilions; raindrops The wind, the misty waves and the boats—Jiping people think that this time is cheap." It suddenly dawned on me that time is really cheap, and the graceful spring scenery will seduce people.With just a gorgeous turn, youth has been thrown far away.How many people just lament the fleeting years like this, passing through one spring after another.Everyone wants to grasp the passing time hard, but always ignores that there are still many unknown times for oneself to spend slowly.

The lyricist Jiang Jie who wrote this song "One Cut Plum" was born in Yixing, Jiangsu Province at the end of the Song Dynasty and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.Xianchun was a Jinshi for ten years.When the Southern Song Dynasty died, he deeply felt the pain of the country's subjugation and lived in seclusion. He was known as "Mr. Zhushan" and "Cherry Scholars".And his title of "Cherry Jinshi" is precisely because of this poem.At the beginning of the word, it is written that the strong spring sorrow is just waiting for the wine to be poured. At this time, he is a wanderer at the end of the world, and his longing for home is hard to restrain.The small boat is swaying on the Wujiang River, and the wine flags near and far are waving in the wind.I really want to stop the boat on the willow bank, sit in the wine shop, have a few jars of vintage wine, and get drunk and have fun.Maybe in that way, you can forget your melancholy as a passer-by, and forget the infinite sorrow brought by the spring.

In fact, Wujiang is not far from his hometown Yixing. He only needs to light boat on Taihu Lake to return home.Thinking that he must be bound by the world, it is hard to get rid of it, looking at his hometown that is close at hand, but it is better than the end of the world.The boat flowed in the middle of the river, passed Qiuniangdu, and crossed Tainiang Bridge without stopping for a moment.He couldn't leave the passenger ship all the time, and could only stand by the side of the ship, watching the wind and rain in the south of the Yangtze River.Life is like a long journey, no journey will be smooth sailing, only by overcoming countless adversities can the sea and the sky be broadened.In this process, it is inevitable that you will be frustrated and your clothes will be wet by the waves.Jiang Jie boarded the passenger ship of his life. He was tired of wandering and just wanted to return to his hometown and be an indifferent hermit.In fact, everyone's life has been walking, has been on the road, and has there ever been a stop?The ancients said: "The tree wants to be quiet, but the wind doesn't stop." That's it.When the heart moves, everything moves. In this world, who can make the heart as still as water?

So, he couldn't stop dreaming, dreaming that one day he would go home, and his young and beautiful wife would wash his guest robes for him.And he put on a wide-sleeved coat, dressed in style.He fiddled with the sheng with silver characters, lit the heart-shaped incense, or cooked a pot of old wine and a few small dishes, and poured them to Langyue.All this, how comfortable and elegant.Washing away the travel dust of travelers, only a home will be truly bright and clean.After reading this, I can't help but think of the dialogue of the shadow puppetry in "Daming Palace Ci". When I wrote about the shadow puppetry in Wuzhen, I also thought of that moving scene.

A young woman, carrying a bamboo basket, is stirred tenderly by the bright spring scenery and the long clear water.She said: "Why does spring come as scheduled every year, but my husband who travels far away does not hear from me every year." In this tone, with a touch of sadness and infinite longing, only Yangliu Feihua listened to her heartfelt words.And the husband who traveled far away, left home and went to the country for three whole years, just for the resplendent Chang'an in his dream, and to fulfill a man's grand wish.Now I have finally returned to my hometown in fine clothes and horses, and it is spring in my hometown again.The south of the Yangtze River is still pink and the willows are green, and the green hills are like Daisy. Nothing has changed. He doesn't know if his wife who left after just one night of the wedding is still beautiful.Later, they met on the wide road, and the wild flowers and green grass witnessed their reunion after a long separation.It seems that at any time, this picture is a kind of temptation to me, making my heart sway and it is difficult to hold back.Rather than being tempted by the colorful spring scenery, it is better to be moved by that encounter.

Jiang Jie is not the general on a horse, he is just a traveler on a passenger ship.He can't return home in good clothes. Facing the broken mountains and rivers and the fall of his homeland, even though he can throw away his false fame, he can't help but feel sad.But the wish in his dream was as beautiful as theirs.The same spring is rippling, although there are more hazy misty rains.His wife may no longer be young and beautiful, but just an ordinary old woman, but she is the only one who can soothe his wandering heart.Waiting for him in the wind and rain, washing the guest robe for him, and adding fragrance to his red sleeves.However, all of this has nothing to do with love, but a kind of warmth that has been with each other for a long time.They may not be able to join hands in the end of the world, but no matter how far away they are, they cannot abandon them.

He finally sighed: "Liuguang is easy to throw people away, the cherries are red, and the plantains are green."And he is still in the process of rushing to the distance, not knowing the date of his return.The hasty time has not allowed him to waste any more, as if he would be thrown by the time in the blink of an eye.In fact, no one in this world dares to bet against Guangguang, because this will be a losing game, and no one can have a chance to win against Guangguang.When we are all gray-haired, time is still as green as ever. Since you are far away, don't ask about the way back, because any journey will have an end.The time changes and the seasons change. You only need to go through one cycle before you can go home.At that time, the slanting plum branches have already penetrated the walled courtyard, and they are the first to bring you the news of spring.

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