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Chapter 42 Li Zhiyi: Lovesickness after not seeing each other, but still the same after meeting

The remaining cold is exhausted, the rain has passed, and after the Qingming Festival.The flower diameter gathers more red, and the wind marsh lingers on new wrinkles.The milk swallows wear the courtyard, and the flying catkins stick to the sleeves.At the right time, it is still late in the day.The taste is really as strong as wine.
This is Li Zhiyi's proposal letter to Yang Shu.Not long after receiving this love letter, Yang Shu and Li Zhiyi, a year-end couple, lived together. The light rain stopped after Qingming, the residual cold disappeared, and the path full of peach blossoms was covered with Luohong.The wind blows the pond, the water ripples like wrinkles, swallows fly from house to house, but the catkins fly onto people's sleeves and come and go, causing people to be very troubled.Such a good scene, I have you in my heart, how can I describe the feeling, it is as intoxicating as drinking strong wine.

The eyelets on the belt were frequently moved, and I could only let the day-by-day torture make me sick and thin.When I can’t see you, I miss you badly, and when I see you, I still miss you badly. There is really no way.We always meet and separate like this, and see each other again after separation, how uncomfortable it is, then it is better not to separate at all, I am next to you, you are next to me, and we will never separate for a moment!The sky is ruthless, but the sky is not old; people have feelings, why can't they be together?I also had no choice but to tell the willow tree in front of the court what was in my heart, hoping that the willow tree could testify to our love.

It is another love elegy of "the belt is getting wider and you will not regret it, and you will be haggard because of Yixiao".However, the brave Li Zhiyi didn't have time to waste his feelings and life in lovesickness, he sent a signal of courtship to the one he loved. Heaven fulfilled people's wishes, and the two lovers joined hands by the waterside of Guxi from then on.Although Dangtu's relegated life was poor and without means, Li Zhiyi loved the house and Wudi fell in love with it.He called himself "Guxi Jushi", and wrote a large number of poems in Guxi in his life, including "Guxi Collection".

But the days are not as smooth as we imagined.When his friend Luo passed away, Li Zhiyi wrote an epitaph for him: "There are two streams in Gushu's stream, one is clear and the other is turbid." The clear one is Luo, and who is the turbid one?Naturally, Li Zhiyi did not say clearly that evil prevails over good, and an honest gentleman doesn't care about it, but a villain has become suspicious.Guo Gongfu, a famous person in Guxi, often pretends to be Li Taibai and seeks fame, but in fact he is a despicable and shameless person with a small belly.He thinks that this dirty word is alluding to himself.

There is also a famous joke between Guo Gongfu and Su Dongpo, which says: Guo Gongfu passed through Hangzhou and showed Su Dongpo a scroll of poems. : "How many points can I get for this poem?" Dongpo said, "Ten." Guo Gongfu was overjoyed, and asked Dongpo the reason for the ten points. Dongpo said: "Seven points means good reading, and three points means good writing. Isn't it exactly ten points when added together?" This Guo Gongfu is actually a person with average talent but thinks he is great. To put it bluntly, he has no self-knowledge, which is also a common problem of literati.The stronger the vanity, the stronger the jealousy, and if it is strong enough, it will harm others and oneself.Guo Gongfu began to look for opportunities to retaliate.

At that time, coincident with the court's grace, Li Zhiyi's son was also sealed.How despicable is Guo Gongfu?He actually instigated a local landlord surnamed Ji to sue Li Zhiyi, saying that the son born to Yang Shu belonged to this Jiwa landlord, and charged Li Zhiyi with falsely receiving court grace.After receiving the case, Cai Jing, who was in power, cut off Li Zhiyi's official status, and even Yang Shu was punished with a cane.It is said that after Guo Gongfu learned of this result, he gloated and wrote a doggerel to mock the poor couple:
Guo Gongfu was complacent, thinking that he had solved his great hatred, but he didn't know that he was jealous of others saying that he was dirty, but he forgot the admonition that "the pure is pure, and the turbid is turbid". He made a lot of shit and was criticized by the world.The embarrassing things about him compiled by later generations add up to more than a basket.

A person's integrity and sentiment are originally the nature of the heart, and they are not displayed on display.Cutting the membership and the punishment stick can't change the noble ambitions of this fairy couple.Li Zhiyi wrote "Huanxisha · Made for Yang Shu", and sang even more high-profile love between himself and Yang Shu's unchanging love! It was not until Li Zhiyi was 67 years old that his nephew Lin Yanzheng and his disciple Wu Kesi sued for his injustice, and they were able to rehabilitate him and resume his official posts. He died of illness at the age of 71.Yang Shu and her son complied with his last wish and buried him at the foot of Dangtu Zangyun Mountain to the foot of Yufeng, fulfilling his long-cherished wish of "one storehouse still hopes to accommodate this old man".Even if he dies, he will go back to Dangtu. Li Zhiyi is determined to be Dangtu's "son-in-law".

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