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Chapter 20 Ouyang Xiu: How deep is the courtyard

The courtyard is deep, the willows are piled up with smoke, and the curtains are countless.Yule Diao'an Tour Yeye, the height of the building does not see Zhangtai Road.
The whole word starts with a question: "How deep is the courtyard?" When the three deep characters are connected together, the first sentence grabs people's hearts.How deep is it? "The willows pile up smoke, and the curtains have no number." Rows of willows are lined up to form countless green curtains. Behind the willow curtains are the courtyards you entered, the courtyards one by one. The door, a heavy bead curtain.So, what is surrounding this deep house compound?There are still tall buildings. Anyone who has seen the Qingming Riverside Picture must have seen a similar scene.

"Yule Diao An Yuye, the building is so tall that you can't see Zhangtai Road", I can't see the place where noble sons and beauties riding tall horses are having fun through many tall buildings.Zhangtai, the name of Chang'an Street in the Han Dynasty.Tang Xu Yaozuo's "Zhangtai Liu Zhuan" recorded the story of the prostitute Liu's family, and "Zhangtai" became the synonym for the place where singing girls lived.This implies that the woman's husband is looking for flowers and willows outside. The strong wind and showers knocked down the spring flowers. At dusk, the rain finally stopped. The courtyard door was tightly closed in the dusk, but there was no way to keep the spring in the courtyard.So, being locked in the deep boudoir, she had to sit on the swing alone and watch the spring slowly pass by her side.With tears in her eyes, she confides her thoughts to Chunhua, begging for the spring to stay, but the group of flowers is speechless, turning into a little bit of falling red and flying across the empty swing.

Men are free outside, looking for flowers and willows, while women are locked in numerous deep houses and courtyards, wasting their youthful years.Ouyang Xiu's poem has written the whole life of ancient Chinese women.Thinking about it, the young woman's state of mind at this time can only be described by Wang Changling's "Girlfriend" poem "Suddenly saw the color of willows on the street, repenting to teach her husband and son-in-law to seek a title". When my husband was a poor boy, she weaved, he read, looked at each other, he laughed, and she laughed too.Although life is hard, each other is the most precious treasure in each other's eyes.Now, she is like a piece of furniture in the house. He seems to have long forgotten that there is a beauty in the house, who is busy hunting for beauty in the willow alley all day long, but he is the only one waiting for her.

"Tears ask the flowers if they don't speak", ask the flowers what?Ask the flowers, why can't spring stop?Ask Hua, why did my husband neglect me?Ask Hua, is my youth gone forever?Ask Hua, can I only spend my life like this?How could flowers answer, it would only make people sad.The flowers are also involuntary, and are forcibly blown off the branches by the wind. Wherever the wind blows, the flowers will fly there.However, no matter how bad it is, Hua still has a chance to fly over tall buildings, she is not even as good as Remnant Hua. This sentence "tearful eyes ask the flowers without saying a word, and the chaotic red flies across the swing", is like a beautiful small painting. The person in the painting must be wearing a red dress with wide sleeves.Floating among the red petals flying all over the sky, she stretched out her white jade-like fingertips and touched the petals in the air.And behind her, the background that looks extraordinarily deep and green, must be painted with a brush like drops of water.The picture stretches infinitely, the red petals fly with the wind over the swing, over the pond, over the branches of willows, over the heavy buildings, and out of the courtyard wall.If a painter paints this situation and this situation, what kind of picture will be a soul-stirring picture!

In fact, the complaining woman in her boudoir was once a happy little bride.But, that was a long time ago. This poem is very warm to read, and I just feel that there is an indescribable beauty.It is so wonderful to savor the feeling of happiness in it.It must be the personal experience of the newly married Ouyang Xiu.The bride is very beautifully dressed.She got up early in the morning and sat under the window to do her makeup. She tied up a phoenix bun, tied it with a gold mud belt, and inserted a comb called Dragon Pattern Jade Palm between the buns.The groom looked good, so he went to the window and smiled and supported her, watching it foolishly.The little bride deliberately asked: "Are my eyebrows drawn nicely? Is it the right shade? Does it look fashionable?" In fact, it's not a question, it's clearly showing off her beauty to the groom, hoping to get compliments from him.In Tang Dynasty Zhu Qingyu's "Recent Test on Zhangshui Department": "After putting on makeup, I asked my husband in a low voice, whether the thickness of thrush is fashionable?" It can be seen that thrush is one of the pleasures of the couple's boudoir.

There are also model husbands who draw eyebrows for their wives in person.In the Han Dynasty, Zhang Chang had a hobby of thrushing his wife's eyebrows. This kind of privacy was spread out somehow, and it was passed on to the emperor.The emperor asked: "How can you, a big man, do such a useless thing as drawing a woman's eyebrows?" Zhang Chang said: "I heard that the private affairs of husband and wife in the room are more excessive than drawing eyebrows. "Indeed, even the emperor has no right to ask what the young couple do in the boudoir.Shao Hengzhen in the Yuan Dynasty had a whim and wanted to be a model husband, so he imitated Zhang Chang and gave his wife thrush eyebrows, but he couldn't do it right. Instead, he was complained by his wife, so he wrote a poem to complain: "Sweeping Dai is too thick, but painting lead is shallow, and I can draw Zhang Chang." Lang is not free." This lady is really hard to serve, if there is too much Daisao, she thinks it is thick; if Fu Fen is thin, she calls it shallow.Thrush masters like Zhang Chang will also be caught in a dilemma.

After drawing the eyebrows, I lay out paper and cable pens to trace patterns. "I've been working on a pen for a long time, and it's the first time to try my hand at drawing flowers." Where is it to draw patterns? It's obviously an excuse to act like a baby. Sitting on the lap of the little husband, leaning on his arms, he doesn't draw flowers, and puts the pen in his hand Playing, deliberately delaying time.Bite for five minutes to draw on the tip of the pen, and then bite for another five minutes.The little husband's legs were numb, so he said helplessly: "My lady, you see you are so slow, at your speed, when will you be able to finish your embroidery?" She smiled without answering, picked up the pen and started I tried it on the paper, and suddenly tilted my head and smiled and asked: "How do you write the word 'Mandarin Duck'?" This little bride has so many ghosts.

From these details, it can be seen that this little husband also takes care of the bride in every possible way, enjoying her rascal and acting like a spoiled child.He knew her little tricks and tricks in his heart, but he enjoyed the process very much.Many girls have had such capricious moments, and all the men smiled and saw how she acted petty, it was so cute, it made them intoxicated.At the moment when he was relied on by others, a man's warmth was unknowingly born in his heart.It's a pity that once the love is gone, and seeing the woman's entanglement and unreasonable behavior again, she will find her face disgusting and just want to run away.

When the reader was moved by the affection of "asking with a smile how the word 'Yuanyang' came out of the book", the former bridegroom locked up the rich family with hatred, stepped on the horse, and left in the dust. Life is like tea, which is tasteless if it is not scalded with boiling water; love is the opposite, and it is impossible to know its final gathering and parting without passing through the ordinary time.
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