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Chapter 16 Liu Yong: Where to wake up tonight

The chilling cicadas are miserable, it is late to the Changting Pavilion, and the showers have just stopped.There is no thread to drink in the tents of the capital, and Lan Zhou urges Fang to miss the place.Doubted see tears in their eyes, even Yuning choke.Reading back and forth, thousands of miles of smoke and waves, the dusk is heavy and the sky is wide.
During the Anshi Rebellion, Chang'an was broken.Down the Mawei slope, the resolute soldiers stopped. They wanted Tang Minghuang to kill the woman who made their emperor drunk.Do you want a country or a beauty?Tang Minghuang chose the former with trembling hands.

A length of white silk and a wisp of soul.What's the matter with the woman who breaks through the country?In fact, this is the last answer that history left for this love. Tang Minghuang, who swore to the sky in the Hall of Eternal Life on July 7, "willing to be a lovebird in the sky, and Lian Lizhi in the earth", made the finality of love. answer. Fleeing to Sichuan, it was rainy in Sichuan, and it rained continuously for more than ten days.The sound of the rain was mesmerizing, like weeping, and the wind chimes on the car were beaten by the raindrops, making rhythmic tinkling sounds, which was indescribably bleak.Tang Minghuang, who was immersed in the grief of losing his lover, heard the sound of bells in the rain, and his thoughts suddenly moved. It was a sad sound from the bottom of his heart. He is really a talented musician, and any sound can inspire his creation. inspiration.Soon, there was a weeping flute sound in the misty rain, and infinite thoughts were played leisurely along with the ding ding in the rain.So, there is this song "Yulin Ling".

This rain that started from the Tang Dynasty continued to the Song Dynasty. Listening to the continuous sound of the rain, it was as if hearing the mesmerizing bells in the rain a hundred years ago.Liu Yong tapped lightly to see the beat, and wrote this eternal masterpiece "Yulin Bell". The heavy rain had just stopped in the evening, and Liu Qi was about to hit the road. Farewell time: Evening. The time for the ancients to see off is generally early morning and evening.For example, Li Xin's "Send Wei Wan to Beijing": "I heard that wanderers sang a song of departure, and crossed the river for the first time last night with a slight frost." Few people send people off at noon.When people get up in the morning, when they are most energetic in spirit and physical strength, it is best to go on the road at this time.As for the farewell in the evening, it is generally by boat, because people can rest in the boat, which does not affect walking at night.Liu Changqing's "Farewell to the King's Eleven South Tour" "The Yangtze River is a long sail, and the five lakes are spring at sunset" is to go by boat.

Farewell location: waterside, ferry, long pavilion. During the Tang and Song dynasties, water conservancy and transportation were developed, and boats as a means of transportation not only saved energy, but also saved financial resources. The cost of riding a horse or a car was relatively high, and generally only dignitaries could afford it.People can also cook on board, equipped with wine and food, which is very convenient. "The boat system is very wide, there is a stove in the boat cabin, and the wine is like a meal, and the guests can point it out."The custom of seeing off at Changting comes from the homophony of "ting" and "stop".Seeing off at Changting means keeping those who travel far away.

Way of seeing off: Set up an ancestral account to see off. "There is no way to drink in the capital gate", she set up a tent in "Doumen" (Bianliang City, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty) to see off.The ancients set up curtains and feasts for friends to see them off, or called "ancestors", or "ancestors", or "ancestors", and set up curtains to worship the ancestors called the road gods. The drapery used by friends to see off and set up to worship the road god is also called "tent drink" or "Zhang drink".Jiang Yan's "Farewell Fu" "drinks in the eastern capital and sees off guests in the Golden Valley" is the source of this phrase.

Of course, wine is indispensable when sending off.The farewellers often say some words of reluctance or blessings through the strength of alcohol after drinking.We Chinese are reserved, and there are some things that cannot be said without the strength of alcohol.However, neither he nor she had any interest in drinking this wine.The breakup is imminent, how can there still be the emotion of drinking?Had to drink slowly, delaying time. "Where Fang is reluctant to leave, Lan Zhou urged her to leave. She held her hands and looked at her tearful eyes, but she was speechless." No matter how long it was delayed, the sound of the drums from the ship to urge passengers sounded, and this time it was time to leave.In ancient times, when passenger ships set sail, they had to beat drums to urge passengers. Fan Chengda's "Evening Tide" poem: "Eastern wind blows rain and evening tides, and the drums urge the boat to go in the mirror." She knew that it would be impossible for him to stay longer, She grabbed his hand, her eyes were dim with tears, but she didn't know what to say, she clearly had a thousand words in her heart, but at this moment she couldn't say anything, she just sobbed.One is that it is impossible to speak, and it is useless to say it; the other is that it is impossible to speak, and when one speaks, one will cry.In order not to create a ridiculous scene of howling and crying, I had to lock my throat and hold back.Come to think of it, young men and women who have had the experience of seeing off can understand this conflicting emotion.Yi Shu said: "It's so deep, but it's hard to tell. It turns out that if you really love someone, your heart will be sour, and you will be speechless instead. Sweet words, most of them are said to people who have nothing to do with them." In fact, it is not just lovers, the world loves us My parents often say something to blame us, but it is the irrelevant person who exaggerates you like a flower, and you will never know what you think of you in your heart.

"Reading to go, thousands of miles of smoke and waves, the dusk is heavy and the sky is wide." This is what she wanted to say but couldn't say.When you go, you leave your hometown and live in a strange place. I am really worried, really worried, but he still left. Liu Yong said, "Amorous feelings have hurt parting since ancient times", and "sorrowing parting" has been an inescapable disaster for lovers since ancient times.Birth is suffering, old age is suffering, death is suffering, meeting with what you hate is suffering, being separated from what you love is suffering, not getting what you want is suffering.The so-called, the five aggregates are suffering.The five aggregates are all complete, which is called "sentient beings". All living beings have sentient beings, and all sentient beings suffer.

It was not easy for people in ancient times to go out for a trip, so getting together with relatives and friends is something worth cherishing.This is different from modern people. We only need a phone call to solve communication problems, and an airplane ticket allows you to stand in front of your American girlfriend in half a day.The problems of time and space are solved, but most people start to worry about not being able to find a suitable partner.People in ancient times didn't need love to get married, but people in modern times want to find their own love but it's like winning the Mark Six lottery.Loved, not loved, together, divided.I don't know how many times I have to break up in love in my life before I can achieve a positive result.

Now, only Liu Yong himself is left. "Where to wake up tonight? Yangliuan, Xiaofengwanyue." In the past, he drank, she poured the wine, she sang, and he played the piano.Drunk, he fell into her arms and fell asleep in the dark.In front of her, he sometimes looks like a child in his unrestrained form.With all kinds of amorous feelings, she is sometimes like a mother, pampering him in everything. Now he is the only one drinking alone, in a daze, but his mind is full of her shadow.He whispered her name lightly, and finally fell into a deep sleep.Until he was woken up by Xiao Han who was freezing to the bones in the early morning, and saw that the sky outside the cabin had turned pale, so he sat up and walked to the window.The stars in the sky are gone, only a lonely waning moon hangs in the sky, emitting faint light feebly.He didn't know where the boat went, but he thought that at this time, she must be like him, waking up after sleeping alone, and she must be extremely sad.

"This past year, it should be a good day and a good time. Even if there are thousands of styles, who will tell me!" This time, I don't know when I will be able to come back. From then on, her beautiful youth, together with the spring flowers of nature Qiuyue is like a fake, even if there are thousands of words and feelings, who can I tell? I don't know if Liu Yong has come back. Liu Yong, who set out from Bianliang, went south to Suzhou and Hangzhou. When he came back, she must have disappeared in his heart like dust and smoke.Man is the most affectionate animal, but also the most unfeeling animal.

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