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Chapter 15 Liu Yong: People haggard for Yixiao

Standing leaning against the dangerous building, the wind is thin, looking at the extreme spring sorrow, and the sky is gloomy.In the afterglow of the grass and smoke, no one can rely on his mind without words. The phrase "I will not regret it as my belt grows wider, and I will make people haggard for Yixiao" has become a mantra. It may not express lovesickness, but may also be willing to dedicate to a certain hobby or a certain job, at the expense of health.You don't need to know who Liu Yong is, and you don't need to ask where this sentence came from, but if you don't know how to say "the belt is getting wider and you will never regret it", you will be left behind.

I don't know which song girl Liu Yong fell in love with this time, and asked him to make such an oath of no matter what, but, thinking about it, Liu Yong would definitely not blindly lose weight for any woman.To regard the person in the words as the person who wrote the words, and the oath in the words as the oath of the person who wrote the words, is often just disappointment. The general meaning of the word is that a man misses a woman at dusk in spring. The man stands silently on the roof, and no one knows what he is thinking when he climbs to the top.Xiayu wrote that the man wanted to get himself drunk, and he wanted to sing about the wine, but he forced himself to be happy. "The belt gets wider and wider, but I don't regret it. I don't think about eating and drinking for you. I am getting more and more haggard, and my belt is getting looser, but I don't regret it.To put it bluntly, I miss you even if I starve to death for you.

Although he has no intention, I have affection.Sometimes, the person you care about doesn't care about you.But you know this, but you still have to "make people haggard for Yixiao" without complaint or regret.In love, who hurts the most?Undoubtedly, the one who loves more is hurt the most.Wang Guowei used this verse to talk about the second state of great careers and great learning in ancient and modern times. This is a state of persistent pursuit of ideals and selflessness. I want to come to Liu Yong to linger among the flowers, his feelings are "butterfly in love with flowers", flying from one flower to another, each flower is in love, and each flower is reluctant to part, but in the end he is still fascinated by the fragrance of the flowers in front of him. .It can't be said that he is just acting on occasion, otherwise, how can there be so many women who are infatuated with him?However, it is impossible for him to love only one woman after wandering around the brothel for many years. "Teacher, teacher, and student are beautiful, and the fragrance is affectionate to me. Anna is longer than reconciliation, and the four become one. Fortunately, since the emperor did not pay, the new words have been written for a long time, and they have been repeated several times. Focus on me." The singers scrambled for him to write lyrics for him, he looked left and right, whether he looked at this or that, and didn't know which one to write first.To be affectionate is to be ruthless, in fact, to have no real affection for any of them.Liu Yong used this to boast that he was hanging out with three singing girls at the same time, and his attitude of playing games is very obvious.

So, where did the phrase "I will not regret it as my belt grows wider, and I will make people haggard because of Yixiao" come from?In the heart of this prodigal son in love, is there a lover who once made him forget about food and drink?In fact, this sentence "the belt is getting wider and I will not regret it, and I will make people haggard for Yixiao" is not original by Liu Yong. Marry the body with the apricot blossoms blowing all over the head. I will rest for a lifetime. Whoever is young in Moshang, even if he is ruthlessly abandoned, he is full of love. You can’t be ashamed.” The sentences are those who “make decisive words and clever”; Don't regret it, make people haggard because of Yixiao" is based on Wei's Ci, but "the spirit is more mellow".Feng Yansi also has a sentence that "every day before flowers, often sick wine, in the mirror is always beautiful and thin".Being thin because of love is the norm in Song Ci, but like Liu Yong who said clearly, I don’t regret being thin for you, but I am the first person.From then on, the thinness in Tang Poetry and Song Ci seemed too plump compared to Liu Yong.

Liu Yong likes to deal with many women, because of this, he ruined his future.So, has Liu Yong ever regretted his actions?Saying no regrets is unreasonable.However, in terms of his IQ and EQ, he is still imagining that with his talent, he will definitely meet Bo Le, and from then on he will have both career and women.According to Zhang Shunmin's "Huayanlu", Liu Yong annoyed Emperor Renzong because of his lyrics, and the official department refused to confer an official, so he went to see Yan Shu, the prime minister at the time.It is estimated that before going to see Yan Shu, he was quite confident in his talent, and only waited for Yan Shu to praise his literary talents.But he only heard Yan Shu ask meaningfully: "Does Xian Jun compose the music?"

In fact, Liu Yong lost his fame because of writing lyrics and composing music. Didn't Yan Shu ask this question knowingly?He set up a trick for Liu Yong to drill into it: "I, like the prime minister, usually like to write ditties or something." Liu Yong's EQ is indeed extremely low.Those who know a little bit about the world will be humble at this time, belittle themselves, and elevate others.What's more, in front of Yan Shu, he was still a junior.Yan Shu began to put his mind to it: "Although Shu composed songs, he never said 'sit with needle and thread with you'." Although I also composed songs, I never wrote anything like "sit with you with needle and thread" .From Yan Shu's point of view, you Liu Yong write obscene words and songs every day, and talk about useless things, how dare you become an official?

Liu Yong had no choice but to leave sadly after hearing this.This sentence, which was picked up by Yan Shu to criticize Liu Yong, comes from his "Ding Feng Bo": This poem is about a woman who repents and teaches her husband to go out to take the exam, and only hopes to "stay with him in the town, don't throw away, and sit with him while sewing."The reason why Yan Shu extracted this sentence from Liu Yong's countless erotic poems was to satirize him: "If you don't love fame, why come to me to ask for an explanation?" Yan Shu went all the way to Gongqing without disaster or difficulty, but he and Liu Yong were not in the same way at all.I secretly think that Liu Yong's talent is indeed better than Yan Shu's.Yan Shu is neither the founder of Ci, nor the one who carried it forward. The leisure and leisure of scholar-bureaucrats is, at best, pure spring and snow, but at worst, it is corruption out of spending money.But when Ci came into Liu Yong's hands, it really flourished, making Ci become grassroots literature, and it is elegant and vulgar, and both refined and vulgar are appreciated.Who dares to say that the brilliance of Song Ci was not jointly created by Liu Yongzhi and thousands of prostitutes?If there were no Liu Yong and others, Song Ci would probably have disappeared in time and space in Yan Shu's generation, and we would not be able to see these beautiful Song Ci today.All his life, Liu Yong hoped that he would be successful, but he did not give up writing lyrics for the sake of his future.For the sake of words, he really reached the point where "the belt is getting wider and he will not regret it, and he will be haggard because of Yixiao".

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