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Chapter 11 Cucumber Roast

life is a foraging 古清生 1176Words 2018-03-18
Cucumber is a food that is also a vegetable and a food in Shenzhou, Jizhou, and Fucheng in Hengshui, Hebei. It is easy to remind people of the term "melon and vegetable generation".Melon and vegetable substitute means that there is no food to eat, and it is replaced by melon and vegetable.People today are determined to lose weight, and often like to substitute vegetables and vegetables, and do not eat staple foods, as well as fish and eggs.However, the national hunger experience in the 1960s proved that the effect of melon and vegetable substitutes on weight loss was not good, and it was extremely bad.People at that time were all swollen under the food environment of melon and vegetable instead of communal food, and their faces were full of beer color.At that time, western trousers were not yet popular in China. The trousers had a big waist and were folded one, two or three times, and then tied with a belt, commonly known as multi-meter trouser waist.Such fat waistbands are said to be liked by the magicians of the acrobatic troupe today (in order to hide a lot of supplies), and no one wears them anymore.However, with such a large trouser waist, there is actually someone who can swell the waist so much that it will not be folded at all.Conclusion: Melons and vegetables are not a good way to lose weight.

On the contrary, people who don't replace melons and vegetables are not fat.Thinking of the hunger of the whole country and the hunger of all the people, there are still many people who are full all day long.There is a folk song in the Fucheng area of ​​Hengshui that: If you eat one or two a day, you will not be hungry for the purser; if you eat one yuan a day, you will not be hungry for a cook.The chief of affairs, the chief executive officer of the canteen of the people's commune, even if the commune members eat one or two meals a day, they can't go hungry.When the members of the commune eat one yuan a day, the cooks are still not hungry.According to an insider's report, when the cooks distribute the steamed buns, they will shamelessly pull a little off the bottom of the steamed buns for their own consumption.There are tens of thousands of buns, and every time a bun is pulled, he gets a lot.

However, these anecdotes still don't move me. What I can move is the Chinese people's dedication to folk songs, even before starving to death, they will not stop the creation of folk songs.If you eat one or two a day, you won't be hungry for the purser; if you eat a penny a day, you won't be hungry for a cook...how is it better than Bai Juyi's writing?From the perspective of literary criticism, we can find out why Chinese people don't like Yang Shuo's literary works. You can't describe a suffering bun as a happy bread. I eat roasted cucumbers, and the people of Fucheng are no longer so hungry. They are thin-waisted humans.They asked me, why are you so fat?However, they immediately forgot what they said just now, and insisted that I eat the chicken, duck and fish on the table vigorously.I specially ordered cucumber roasted.On that day, I tasted the Hengshui style in the Juxiangqing Restaurant, and Xiaowei, a Hengshui person who is comparable to my wine enemy, also came to the scene. Unfortunately, I ordered a 48-degree Hengshui Laobaigan. It turned out that this was a wrong choice. It was not as good as 67 degrees and 67 degrees. Hengshui Laobaigan at 55 degrees.Especially the plain 55-degree Hengshui Laobaigan, it may still have the taste of the guerrilla era in the plains.

Cucumber roasting, shredded zucchini gourd, wrapped in wet starch, baked in a pan, baked into a thin round cake, and then cut into fan shapes, the taste is soft, crisp, cottony, burnt, fragrant, soft and born in Translucent starch, crispy zucchini, crisp yet soft.Burnt, the starch on the outer layer is burnt, and it creaks when chewed. Its main ingredient is cucumber, which is also a grain or a vegetable. It looks transparent, white and green inside, similar to a frozen jade color containing emerald.When there is a little excess nutrition, it is especially delicious to eat cucumber. Anyway, there is no need for psychological burden to eat cucumber.However, melon and vegetable substitutes cannot continue to eat for a long time, because there are folk songs as evidence: low indicators, melon and vegetable substitutes, full of food, fast hunger, swollen thighs and swollen head.Thinking about it, it was the result of institutional hunger and had nothing to do with today's food, so roasting cucumber is also an independent choice. When I ate it, it happened to be a poetic autumn.

Cucumbers in Hengshui are zucchini.Zucchini is also called Jiang melon, white melon, pumpkin, American pumpkin, Yunnan small melon, snake melon, nettle melon, March melon.Henan is called Songgua, and Northeast is called Jiaogua.Cucurbitaceae, Cucurbita.Its leaves and flowers are similar to pumpkins, without vines, and it grows branches and melons.
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