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Chapter 68 postscript

Tang Nuo, a famous writer and book lover in Taiwan, is famous for his ball commentary, reading guide and prose. During Tang Nuo's tenure at the publishing house, he enthusiastically introduced and launched many good books, such as the "The Greatest Voice of Mankind" series, which collects important declarations and speeches, and advocates that the books be read one by one. These works write guides one by one, but the most diligent field is the mystery novel. Although it is not unrelated to the job, it also has the meaning of "abducting readers to another level through the most intelligent and excellent novels".Now it is well-known European and American masters, such as Lawrence Bullock who created the Matthew Scudder series, Josephine Tey who shocked the world, Hammett and Chandler, the founders of the hard-line faction. etc. Tang Nuo has recommended several articles.

Tang Nuo's introduction, although it is called a guide, but Tang Nuo showed his outstanding talent in the article, turning a small area into an all-encompassing place, talking about everything from ancient to modern times, from home and abroad, and making full use of it from a point in the novel, like His ball commentary also attracted the attention of many non-fans.He would half-jokingly say that a friend said harshly, "The best mystery novel I have ever known in this life is Mr. Yu Yingshi's "Fang Yizhi's Evening Examination"", and he would also discuss how excellent genre novels can break away from genres and influence a large number of people. People's life, from time to time, conveys their years of life experience to readers, which not only perfectly completes the task of arousing readers' interest, but also opens up more interesting discussions, making the introduction of genre novels not only related to genres , The readers of genre novels have also extended to the intellectual class.Therefore, Tang Nuo's reasoning guide is popular on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and has a great influence on the publishing industry and readers. In the past ten years, the names that have gradually become familiar in the cross-strait reasoning craze-Lawrence Bullock, Josephine Tey, Tony Xie Lerman and others were introduced or re-introduced to the Chinese world with Tang Nuo's strong pen and pair of eyes.

For the first time, we edited and published a collection of guides to mystery novels written by most of Tang Nuo and allowed to be published, with a total of 107 articles.Due to the different writing times and slightly different styles of each article, the editor only unifies some proper terms, and the unique use of punctuation (especially commas) in Tang Nuo's writing is reserved, and readers are expected to understand.
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