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Chapter 44 Only when you have a face can you see your face

concave-convex relativity 吴瑟斯 1955Words 2018-03-18
There is no doubt that this is a society that judges appearances. For two girls with equal conditions, the beautiful one must have the upper hand. Not to mention work and love, it is easier for the beautiful one to take a taxi than the ugly one.A man's appearance is also very important. He is also a world champion, and the handsome one can quadruple the applause.If you can rely on face but rely on ability, you are stubborn. If you can't rely on face, you can only rely on ability. Today's topic is whether it is right to judge a person by appearance when dating.As a person with average looks who can't take advantage of appearances, of course I have to say that judging people by their appearance is wrong.This point of view is really nothing new. It is nothing more than saying that we should not only look at the face, but also look at the charm, affinity, talent, ability and so on.

However, some people will ask: "There are charisma, talent, etc., plus good looks, who do you choose?" Let me tell you that I don’t choose anyone, I even crawled to the toilet to pee first... because there is an old saying that “take a pee without a mirror and take a look at yourself”. Therefore, the matter of looking at the face must be divided into people. First, hold the mirror and look at yourself clearly. Of course, Wu Sesi supports looking at the face!He is handsome and rich.It’s better for ordinary people to relax their appearance requirements, don’t say "Oh, I don’t have any idea when I see that popular face, how can I fall in love?" If it was Fan Bingbing, you would fall in love at first sight, but you are sure that your face will not put Are people scared away?

If "judging people by their appearance" means "pleasing to the eye", as a friend of the opposing side, I would say that there is nothing to talk about.Looking pleasing to the eye is the first element of love. The love I said "don't look at the face too much" is only for those who are picky about their looks, and they would rather hang themselves with a beautiful tree than find an ordinary tree to enjoy the shade. "Color control" people. People have many instincts, beauty is just one of them, but following the call of instinct is not necessarily the right choice. "Passing by the door of the bank to pick up a few bundles of money to spend" is also an instinct, but you don't do it. This shows that compared with animals, human beings have the ability of self-suggestion and self-restraint, and they have the ability of self-suggestion and self-restraint. The strengthening or weakening of cognition will affect the final behavior of people.

For example, if you believe that "judging people by their appearance" is reasonable and a manifestation of being loyal to the heart, you will continue to strengthen the importance of appearance in your heart, and as a result, you can't see ordinary people at all.On the contrary, if you think that there are other more important criteria for choosing a mate than appearance, you will naturally reduce the requirement of appearance to "pleasing to the eye". "Pleasant to the eye" is a very delicate word. Some people are only pleasing to the eye when they look at the faces of celebrities, and some people are also pleasing to the eyes when they look at the faces of the public.

Everyone will regard "appearance" as a parameter for evaluating others, but how important this parameter is is a matter of opinion. I don't believe that everyone's love has to look at the face, because I am a typical example of reason in love.I have always believed that people's emotions can be controlled, and there is no "must..." formula, so we will not fall in love with only one person.We've dumped and been dumped, and we've all found the right person in the end.It's not that the taller you are, the more "right". Love is a process of comprehensive weighing. Putting face first is tantamount to building a wall in front of yourself, which will block many beautiful scenery.

This advice is the same for men and women. It is generally believed that men's durability refers to middle-aged talents, successful "mature men".In fact, there are a bunch of leftover men who are unhappy, poor, lazy, and unable to adjust their positions around me. They especially need the care of this society. They are nearly middle-aged, they have accomplished nothing, and their mentality is particularly bad.Looking for a partner with the belief that "there's nothing in the sky", they are very paranoid about the pursuit of beauties, and beauties look down on them, so they say they are greedy for money.The girl is so beautiful and not greedy for money?Of course, the requirements for high appearance are also high.

Occasionally, girls who are good in every way like them. Although they try to get along with others on the surface, they sigh behind their backs: "Oh, everything is fine, except that they look a little ordinary." "I really can't pass my own test." , and even more excessively, always comparing the newly-acquainted girl with the ex-girlfriend, "It's still XX beautiful, it's good to take it out..." It can be seen from this that what they like is what they are not worthy of.Don't say I'm arbitrary, can't you figure out whether you are strong or weak in front of a person?So I love to be as humble and fearful as a dog, always worrying about the other party's cheating, and in terms of material supply, I also swell my face to pretend to be fat, and I will give it if I want it!Buy it if you want it!Unwilling and unwilling, he wants to save face and suffer, and loses everything every time.

Some prefer to lower other requirements for the sake of appearance, looking for a partner who is nothing but young and good-looking, with a strong urban-rural interface temperament, extremely poor cultural quality, shallow eyes and nose, and has never seen the world.The mediocre man is still like picking up a treasure, relying on himself to eat a few more years, and offering it with small favors.Invest in cultivating her dressing taste and temperament, and when she is mature, she will fly away and fly back with a green hat.The mentality of the mediocre man is even worse, scolding the woman for being unreliable, the vicious circle can't stop at all!

Look, most men only agree that "it's reasonable to look at the face", but they can't accept the fact that "most beautiful women belong to the rich". Let's talk about women. It's even more unreliable to choose a man based on his appearance. A man is bothered even if he is not handsome, let alone a handsome one.Some people say that men are unreliable anyway, it is better to find a handsome one, this is a fallacy!Anyway, men are unreliable, we should be nuns hand in hand! Of course, I still say that, if you are a star face, you can choose whatever you want.It's better for a girl with an ordinary appearance not to fall in love with a boy who is too good-looking. There are too many temptations in the world. If he doesn't look for others, others will look for him.Handsome and dedicated, that's the hero of a romance movie, and it has nothing to do with you.

I don’t need to say much about the importance of security in love. The kind of love that “worries about Ta’s going away at any time” is a real pain, so even though it’s inevitable to be infatuated, you still have to be rational when making decisions. Don't talk to me about "too sensible is not love", what is love, only the "Bible" knows, I only know that "both sides are equal" is too important in love. It is probably a reasonable suggestion to ask the other half based on your appearance standards. Words like "loyal to the heart" are harmful, but who can really be completely "loyal to the heart"?The cruelty of life is precisely that: you always have to learn how to keep your heart true to reality.

It's always good to exercise restraint, don't spoil yourself.
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