Home Categories Essays Where has all the time gone? My dad and I have been together for 30 years
After Yu'e, my parents found me a new aunt, who was from the same village as Yu'e, even with the same name, Dai'e.Dai'e is white and thin, with a duck egg face and slender eyebrows, which is very pretty.I have never seen a sister with such a gentle temper, and compared with the previous Yu'e, I especially like Dai'e.I cling to her like brown candy every day, and I like to sleep smelling her arms during my lunch break, which makes her giggle.Dai'e has a little hobby. She likes to bring her fellow villagers to play at home. Sometimes a large group of brothers and sisters come to the house at once, making it very lively.Those older siblings would bring me tangerines and peanuts, and occasionally gold coin chocolates.There is an older brother among them, I think he looks average, and he is always very proud, but for some reason, Aunt Dai'e treats him the best.She always washes clothes for this brother, a lot of them, and hangs them on the balcony of my house.Once, Dai'e's cousin secretly told me with a smile: This person is Dai'e's sister's "boyfriend".

One day, when Dad came home early, he happened to meet the brother and Dai'e's cousin at home, and chatted with them for a while.The elder brother said that Aunt Dai'e's job in my house is to serve people, which is boring, and she will not be able to get ahead in the future; he has friends who can earn tens of thousands a month, and who else is selling jewelry, selling a piece of food that can be eaten? For several months... Dad smiled and said nothing.That night, I heard my father whisper to my mother that Dai'e might not stay long.I was very sad, so I ran over and questioned her relentlessly. At first, my father and mother smiled and said nothing. Later, my father said that Aunt Dai'e might have a better place, and we should be happy for her.Sure enough, not long after, she said goodbye, and I was a little sad.Fortunately, at this time, my kindergarten was renovated, so the children in the class and I returned to the classroom.

Aunt Dai’e’s boyfriend is a construction worker. Once my father and mother talked about him, my father made the topic far and wide. He said, “The wave of migrant workers entering the city has already begun, and their contribution to economic construction has It is precisely because of them that each project can be completed quickly - high-rise buildings rise on the ground, and bridges connect all directions. Our city will become more and more beautiful, which is inseparable from them." But Dad added, "Rome wasn't built in a day, and the process of urbanization won't happen overnight; there are many things that need to be adjusted, some habits need to be changed, and some systems need to be established..." I was confused and didn't know what he said. What play was he singing with his mother—how did I know, he and his mother were still a little angry about the fact that the balcony was full of this brother's clothes to dry at that time.

Anyway, my beloved Aunt Dai'e has left me.Later, before entering elementary school, I was in full-time kindergarten, and I never found a new aunt at home.
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