Home Categories Essays Where has all the time gone? My dad and I have been together for 30 years

Chapter 10 Self-study college entrance examination: become a tank, dad

In the past two years of the college entrance examination, only a small number of educated youths who went to the mountains and went to the countryside were lucky enough to enter the palace of higher education.In order to encourage young people who once lost the opportunity to go to school to become self-educated, and to meet the strong demand for talents from all walks of life, the country first implemented the self-study college entrance examination system in 1981. As soon as the self-study college entrance examination system was announced, Dad stepped into this queue without hesitation.He was as eager to learn as a fish is to the ocean.At that time, he worked during the day, read and took notes at night, and went to the library to check information on weekends.He counted his time minute by minute, hungrily, day and night.

At that time, the TV series "Huo Yuanjia" was popular all over the country. Every time the TV broadcast started, the streets were empty and everyone went home to watch TV, but Dad didn't watch it. He gave up a lot without complaint or regret.Facing the treasure house of culture, he pursued diligently, accepted the baptism of countless fresh knowledge, and was particularly fascinated and persistent.Grandpa sighed for his son-in-law's study spirit so calmly, and often said: "Only us Qianqian (father's nickname) can do this!" His tone was full of appreciation and praise.

The first homework for Dad's self-study college entrance examination is philosophy.On the day of the exam, my mother hugged me and waited for my father in the yard, hoping that he could get his first diploma as he wished.Dad finally came back, and from a distance, he ran towards us with a smile on his face, as if he knew what my mother wanted to ask, took me in his arms, kissed me and said, "Yes, there is no problem." In the next three years, Dad did not stop his pace of studying.Political economy, Chinese, English, ancient history, modern history, Chinese literature, and foreign literature were turned over page by page in Dad's hands, and each chapter had notes and summaries.The stacks of notes witnessed my father's hard work. It was not about coping with the exam at all, but the worship of knowledge and the pursuit of learning, so eager and sincere.According to my mother's words, my father is a tank that can overcome any difficulties and difficulties.

The difficulty of the self-study college entrance examination back then was not comparable to that of the normal college entrance examination.There is no teacher guidance, no pre-examination outline, no delineated range, uncommon papers, and tricky questions, which can be called the door of hell.Compared with the superiority and ease of those favored children in school, it shows the difficulty of self-study college entrance examination candidates. One year of Archeology and Modern Chinese, my father failed only because of a difference of 3 points.He later said that on the day of the exam, shortly after the papers were handed out, people started whispering in the exam room, because the exam questions were too biased, and the entire text seemed to be in another strange language.

"What kind of question is this, so off?" "Isn't this deliberately making things difficult? Everything in the corner has been moved here, I have never seen it..." Just 20 minutes later, people left the stage one after another, 40 Minutes later, there were not many people left in the classroom.Dad pondered, and began to answer his understanding of the question, and he must persist until the end. After the exam, the students who took the exam in the small playground were boiling, and gathered together in twos and threes, some angry and some doubtful.They discussed and argued, saying that the difficulty of the examination paper far exceeded that of the postgraduate examination.Some candidates suggested going to relevant departments to protest.Dad approves of their ideas, but doesn't intend to do what they do.Because on the one hand, it may be that the school has no experience and the scale has not been grasped; on the other hand, my knowledge is still not strong enough.So he didn't complain, but started a new round of offense.He read more widely, comprehended more seriously...During the following year, Dad passed the ancient literature exam with a high score.

From shortly after I was born, my father won the first batch of Chinese bachelor's degrees in the self-study college entrance examination with four years of hard work, and made persistent efforts to obtain a journalism (Bachelor of Laws) degree in the tenth year.No work was delayed, this long and tough battle was really not easy.I am proud of my dad! In fact, the self-study college entrance examination chosen by my father is very different from the regular university.The most obvious difference is that there is no circle of classmates in the self-study college entrance examination, and there is no network of contacts in society; in addition, there is no guidance from famous teachers and exchanges with classmates on the long way to study, so it is not easy to develop ideas.Self-learners like dad can only study hard with the original way of thinking and study habits.The double degree that my father had worked hard for for ten years, if only from the perspective of practical profit, is a loss-making deal with half the effort.When I was in middle school, my father suffered an accident at work, and that paper diploma did not save his fate.Dad often made fun of himself.

But I know that Dad has never regretted it in his heart.In fact, people of the previous generation, like Dad, who regard ideals and honors as big as the sky, only when they are truly confident in their own choices in their hearts, are they not afraid to mock themselves in an understatement tone: "Look, ten years of hard study can't change you!" Come to the equivalent benefit, loss, alas..."--In the face of the great satisfaction of pursuing knowledge, connections and benefits are only small regrets.Because the weight is light, so feel free.The true wish in my father's heart has been fulfilled to the greatest extent during the more than ten years of night battles, when he showed the fighting spirit of a warrior, and when he gained a solid and profound cultural foundation bit by bit.

Youth may be delayed, and the journey of seeking knowledge may experience dangers, but the pursuit of dreams should not be given up in life—this sentence, my father has been telling me since I was a toddler Said, and persisted with his wordless actions.
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