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Gide's Diary

Gide's Diary


  • Essays

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 224196

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Chapter 1 1887

Gide's Diary 安德烈·纪德 592Words 2018-03-18
I read this quote from Joinville: "I don't want to turn my head once to see Joinville, lest my heart soften and I can't bear to tell him to leave this beautiful castle and the two children I have left." This "beautiful castle" reminds me of La Roque. An amusing scene from the crossword puzzle: In the Louvre, a lady buys a dressing gown for her husband and asks the clerk who shows it to her to try it on.dialogue: Oh! beatus minimun. . Of all the Latin poets, Virgil is the most "Christian," that is to say, he is the closest to Christianity, though he does not understand it.The priests of the Church knew him, and in his fifth (or seventh) pastoral see him inspired to prophesy the coming of Christ.People, driven by religious fanaticism, burned as many ancient authors as they considered immoral (such as Savonarola), but Virgil was always respected.

It is for this reason that Dante takes him with him on his tour of Hell (and also because Virgil describes it in Chapter VI of the Aeneid). Some passages are full of tenderness, which is surprising from a Latin writer. What could be more touching than this scene: Dido took Aeneas in and showed him the frescoes of the Trojans' exploits in the temple.Aeneas weeps (as is his habit), as Ulysses hears Demodocus tell. My first feeling after reading "The Barber of Seville" was really pleasant-a sense of freshness and lightness, which is often lacking in Molière.Molière does not appear to be as young as Beaumarchais, but his thoughts are deeper and his jokes are more vulgar.

Where it digs deep, Beaumarchais flicks and plays. Read The Marriage of Figaro. It's not as good as - the characters in the play insist on showing 50% intelligence.I still like the boy servant in Mozart's opera, and I think it's more ideal than this little nasty servant.
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