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Chapter 9 Nine

end 石钟山 944Words 2018-03-18
Another round of Ma Bayi's hard work failed. During this period, he also tried to sleep with his arms around the broom, but he was unsuccessful. He slept too hard at night, and when he woke up the next morning, the broom always is gone.He can see Yang Wuyue several times a day, for example, when he stands at the sentry post, Yang Wuyue goes in and out under his nose, or stands in line to go to the soldiers cafeteria to eat, he can always see Yang Wuyue, Yang Wuyue In Ma Bayi's eyes, it became more and more radiant, which made Ma Bayi's heart tremble.In Ma Bayi's eyes at this time, Yang Wuyue seemed to be the moon in a mirror, a flower in a mist, lofty and vague at the same time.This kind of feeling makes Ma Bayi both painful and sweet. In short, this kind of love is very uncomfortable.

Ma Bayi also tried to get close to Yang Wuyue. Before the lights were turned off at night, Yang Wuyue was standing under the lights of the playground, holding "Mao Xuan" in his hand and studying in a standard way. Ma Bayi was running on the playground, and he was in front of her. After stopping, Yang Wuyue raised her head and called out: It's you, Ma Bayi.Every time Yang Wuyue saw Ma Bayi, she yelled like this, which made Ma Bayi's heart tremble.Ma Bayi said with a guilty conscience: May, are you still learning? Yang Wuyue just smiled, and Yang Wuyue's appearance under the street lamp became even more blurred.Ma Bayi stood there, looking at Yang Wuyue's appearance at this time, his heart was shaking, and his whole body was shaking.Yang Wuyue didn't seem to notice his trembling, and said calmly: Bayi, I didn't lie to you, the 21st Division is a good place.

Of course, it was because of Yang Wuyue's words that Ma Bayi came to the 21st Division.It can also be said that Yang Wuyue changed Ma Bayi's life.Later Yang Wuyue said: Bayi, get used to it, come to me if you have any difficulties, I am a veteran, and I will help you.Ma Bayi didn't dare to look back anymore, he ran away with a big stride.He said in his heart, you wait in May, I must surpass you. Another unexpected discovery brought a turning point to Ma Bayi's efforts.The guard platoons are on duty for two hours each shift, and they take turns in 24-hour shifts. Once, Ma Bayi stood on the night shift. Not long after he was on duty, the soldiers who picked up Ma Bayi’s shift came. He came to pick up Ma Bayi. August one.Ma Bayi said: You misread the time, I just took over.

The soldier said: You are a recruit, I am a veteran, I should love you, go back. Hearing this, Ma Bayi felt warm in his heart, and after several refusals, Ma Bayi went back to sleep.Weekend row?During the meeting, this soldier was praised by the platoon leader, and he was called a model of caring for new soldiers.When others were praised, Ma Bayi blushed to the base of his neck, and when others raised himself up, he was obviously belittled.He learned from this failure and found a way to improve. When taking over the post at night, not only did he no longer ask others to take over the post, but also stood up for others. He wanted to take over all the posts by himself.Standing on the sentry post, he was top-heavy and his eyes were sore. He saw Yang Wuyue's dormitory for female soldiers under the moonlight, and Yang Wuyue lived in a certain room there. He cried out warmly in his heart. One sound: May.Tears rolled out.

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