Home Categories war military years of passion

Chapter 9 Nine

years of passion 石钟山 3194Words 2018-03-18
My father joined the army at the age of thirteen.From the day he joined the army, he devoted his whole life to the army. After decades of military service, his father's life has been completely integrated into the big family of the army. His father believes that the profession of a soldier is the most glorious in the world. Profession. This view of the father is reflected in his arrangements for the three children.Lin graduated from high school first, and he sent Lin to the army without hesitation.The father's treatment of his children showed his selflessness. He did not keep Lin by his side, but sent him to a remote checkpoint, which is a country of ice and snow.My father's outlook on life is: the flowers and plants in the greenhouse can't make a good climate, only in the strong wind and waves can they be tempered into steel.He joined the Anti-League at the age of thirteen, isn't that how he fought all these years?

A year later, Lin could no longer adapt to the monotonous and arduous life of the border checkpoint, so he wrote euphemistic letters to his father, hoping that his father would look at their father and son's affection, give him a hand, and transfer him to the conditional office. In a slightly better environment, guard the North Gate for the motherland.His father was not moved by Lin's letter, and he turned Lin's plea for help into ashes with a single match. Lin was disappointed with his father, and he turned to his mother again.My mother had long had objections to my father's approach. When Lin was asked to go to the border checkpoint, my mother had argued with my father. In the end, my father waved his hand and said: "The child is mine, so it's settled; my father has always kept the three children. He regards it as his own, not even his mother. Emotionally, he has taken the three children as his own.

After all, my mother was a mother, and my mother couldn't bear Lin's suffering. Through her acquaintances, she made a transfer order for Lin. At that time, my mother was already the head of the art troupe, so she still had some appeal.The father found out about this matter, and he was angry. He immediately called to cancel Lin's transfer order, which made the hopes of mother and Lin come to nothing. After this incident, Lin once sent a letter to his father, in which Lin said: I don't have your father, and you don't have my son!After his father received the letter, his mood was unstable for a long time. At home, he scolded Jing and Hai for no reason. Jing and Hai were both in high school, and they were considered adults.They were abused by their father for no reason, and they could only cry to their mother, who said: "Be patient, and leave this house when you graduate!"When you leave, I will leave him too, and let him scold at himself 1

Since then, Lin has never written to his father again, which is beyond his comprehension. In 1979, during the war on the southern front, Lin, as the battalion commander, also participated in that local war. As a result, Lin never came back, and he stayed in the southern jungle forever.Among Lin's relics was a letter to his father, which was sent to his father after another. Lin said in the letter: Dad, when you saw this letter, I had already sacrificed.I hated you before, but now I hate you because you are my father... His father read Lin's letter with tears running down his face. He carefully kept the letter and took it out to read after a while. Every time he read Lin's letter, his eyes were blurred with tears.

Among the three children, Jing's personality is the most like her father's. She has been fearless since she was a child, and has a bad temper. When her father is not present, she gets angry, throws things and curses at others.The mother was so angry that she scolded her: Look at your virtue, just like your father!So my father likes crystal very much. After Jing graduated from high school, her father asked Jing about her future, and Jing thought about it and said: I want to be a cavalryman!No one can tell why Qingjing has such an idea, in her mind, riding a horse may be the highest state of life.

This idea of ​​hers made her father embarrassed. It was not that there were no cavalry in the military area, but that there were no female soldiers in the cavalry.But this matter was difficult for her father, and Jing was quickly sent to a cavalry unit on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia. So from then on, there was one more crystal in the cavalry unit, and one more female cavalry.At that time, it became news in the army. Jing never complained of suffering or tiredness like Lin did. She was content and happy in every letter she sent to her parents. Two riders have been disabled. One night, Jing secretly led the black horse out, but unfortunately happened.Jing fell heavily from the horse and broke her calf.For this, Jing stayed in the hospital for more than a month.Her father didn't know about all this, she didn't tell him herself, and she didn't let her leader tell him.During the more than 30 days in the hospital, she had suffered a lot due to inconvenient movement, so she hated the black horse to death.After she was discharged from the hospital, when she approached the black horse again, it seemed to have a deep hatred for her, grinned at her, and jumped and howled from time to time.This made Jing anxious, and in another night, Jing angrily stabbed the black horse with a bayonet, and the black horse disappeared from the sequence of army horses from then on.

Jing received a demerit penalty.She refused to accept it, and even quarreled with the leader about it. She broke the head's cup and smashed the glass on the window of the head's house.In the cavalry unit, Jing was as difficult to tame as the black horse.Later, such things happened several times, and the cavalry unit had no choice but to send Jing back after consulting her father. At this point, Jing ended her short cavalry career. After returning from the army, Jing once again made a request to her father that she could not be a cavalry soldier, so she wanted to drive a train and become a female train driver.I don't know why, but his father will obey everything he asks of Jing, and he really fulfilled Jing's dream.At that time, Xiao Wuzi, my father's former bodyguard, was acting as a medium-sized leader on the railway.Jing soon became the only female train driver in the railway bureau.This incident became news again.Jing drove the train, speeding across the rivers and rivers of the motherland.That feeling is not at all like Achan riding a horse and galloping on the grassland.Jing is content to be a train driver.

For some reason, Jing was in her late 20s and hadn't found a boyfriend yet. This made her mother very anxious. She began to ask acquaintances and friends to find a wide range of partners for Jing.Either the man looks down on Jing, or Jing looks down on the man.Finally, a policeman was found for Jing at the Public Security Bureau. The two got divorced within a year of their marriage. The reason was that they quarreled right after they got married. Tied to the bed, and then played with the policeman's gun, and threatened to take this gun on the train, saying that the gun worn by the policeman was simply a decoration... The policeman couldn't live with Jing anyway So I filed for divorce, just leave as soon as you leave, whoever is older!Jing finished the divorce formalities neatly, and after she finished, she got on the train smartly and flew north and south.Since then, Jing has never mentioned the matter of marriage, and until now, she is still living happily alone.

Hai is the child that troubles his father the most. He is cowardly and sentimental by nature, and he is very sad for a fallen leaf and even a little red.He was often in tears and depressed.Hai likes to read. You can often see Hai hiding in his room reading some Chinese and foreign love stories. He often wipes his tears while reading.His father was so angry that he scolded him more than once: You are worthless!Even mother Wei Hai kept sighing.She knew that Hai's personality was very similar to her own, and it would be fine if Hai was a girl, but he happened to be a man.Mother understood why.Therefore, the mother sighed for Hai's character.

After Hai graduated from high school, when his father proposed to send Hai to be a navy, his mother did not raise any objections. She also thought that exercising Hai would be good for changing Hai's character.My father thought that letting him go to the navy was the real way to hone in the wind and waves.So Hai had no choice but to become a navy.Hai is a submarine soldier. During training, the submarine stays on the bottom of the sea for a month, sometimes even several months.The real thing is the underwater world.There are only a dozen cadres and soldiers on a boat, and most of the time they live in a cave-like space in a narrow space. Not to mention insulting, even a submarine captain with more than 20 years of service can't bear it.The sea is lonely by nature and cannot be dispatched.So, less than a year later, Hai's spirit had a problem.Later, Haibi was sent to a psychiatric hospital. From then on, as long as someone mentioned the Navy and Great Regret in front of Hai, Hai would tremble all over and stare blankly.Since then, no one in the family has said anything about the Navy.After Hai was discharged from the hospital, he was transferred to his side by his mother, and became an art pong in the art troupe.

His father also gave up on Hai, who was not up to date. He didn't believe that Hai would have any future as a soldier in the future.He once said to his mother: Just pretend that I don't have this son!He also resigned to how his mother arranged Hai. After Hai came to the art troupe, he was like a fish in water. He first wrote lyrics, and then he learned to compose.In the 1980s, the love songs composed by Hai became popular all over the country, captivating many boys and girls.All of a sudden Hai became popular, newspapers and TV all called Hai a genius composer.As a result, Hai frequently appeared on TV.There are countless young and beautiful girls courting Hai. From those she knows and doesn’t know, Hai receives several courtship letters every day, but Hai doesn’t like any of them. In a flash, Hai is thirty years old. Still haven't found a suitable girlfriend. Later, my mother asked Hai urgently: What kind of person are you looking for? Hai's answer surprised his mother. Hai said: I want to find a girlfriend like my sister!When Hai said this, he couldn't let his mother surprise. Her mother tried her best to enlighten Hai: What's so good about a girl like your sister Jing?Those who are heartless will not know how to live. Hu insisted this time and said: I can't find a girl like Jing, so I will look for it! My father sighed, and my mother shook her head.They also remembered that Hai had been ill. What else could they say to a person who had suffered from mental illness? Every so often, Jing would stay at home for a while, and then leave the car again.Every time Jing came back, it was Hai's happiest day. He always found reasons to stay in Jing's room, chatting and laughing with his sister.As soon as Jing left, Hai stopped laughing. He moved Jing's used things to his room like a mouse, and then closed the door to compose his love song.
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