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Chapter 235 Chapter 235

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 908Words 2018-03-18
Because, I don't want him to feel sorry for me. The person who came to pick me up, I know, was a good friend of my father when he was a basketball coach, and the wrestling coach of the sports school at that time-he is now my father's deputy, a group of veterans in the sports world started a company. ——As long as it is not my father, I know it in my heart. The standing committee of the brigade told my father, but it will not tell outsiders. I was carrying my big rucksack, wearing the jeans and Li Ning jacket I wore when I signed up for the army, and a pair of sneakers of an unknown brand—I really can’t remember, there were not so many famous brands in those days. Estimated to be fake.

I just walked towards that black Mercedes-Benz alone. Behind me are the eyes of hundreds of comrades in arms. I just left them under their gaze. I'm holding back, I really have tears, but I'm really holding back. "salute--" I recognized it, it was the monitor of the motor squad. he shouted. ——Immediately, in my memory, I saw the brothers in arms in front of and upstairs saluting neatly. My tears came down all at once. But I dare not look back. I just walked away in tears. They saluted silently behind. Silently, watching me walk away step by step. Forever leave them.

I don't know if they cry or not. I was crying. Tears are flowing silently. My uncle looked at me silently. He was also a soldier, an old scout.He knew the feeling—so, he said softly to me: "You have to say goodbye to them." This uncle grew up holding me in his arms, and I listened to him very much. I stood at attention, and the youth with my rucksack on my back turned back neatly. I saw hundreds of brothers saluting to me—a little soldier brother who was about to leave them—upstairs, downstairs, in the yard, and in every corner. My tears are still flowing and my vision is blurry so I don't know if they were crying or not.

I slowly raised my right hand. I slowly raised my right hand. I slowly raised my right hand. Very slowly. ——Because I know that this is my last military salute. My long salute. Salute with tears. Say goodbye to my youth with tears. No language, nothing else. Me and my brethren, there is only one military salute. And for me, this is the last military salute. When my tears gradually flowed down, I saw He Dadui. He was standing at the door of the training ground, and I knew he had rushed to the door. He raised his hand to salute me, a departed soldier. I can't see his big black face, I really can't.

One is far away, and the other is that my tears came out again. My hand is still up. I sobbed, and slowly spit out two words in my mouth: "dad……" The sound is so soft that only I can hear it. The voice is very soft, but it will always remain in my memory. Me and my youth, my kobold brigade, my military career. Salute and farewell. My last military salute. It's been a long time, I can't even remember how long.
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