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Chapter 226 Chapter 226 Get off the plane

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1079Words 2018-03-18
We got off the plane slowly. In my eyes, everything in front of me is nothing.I know there is a marching band, there is a guard of honor, there are chiefs and brothers and sisters to greet... but I really can't see anything, there is nothing in front of my eyes, it is really blank. I just carried Xiaoying like that. Our brothers just carried Xiaoying like that. walk slowly. Walk the long red carpet. I know the brethren of the guard of honor salute with their guns under the brandishing of the captain's saber. I also know that the chiefs and brothers and sisters who greeted me are all saluting.

But I can't really see anything—or rather, remember nothing. Just walk slowly. No tears, no expression. Slowly, carry my little shadow and walk slowly. Slowly, carry our female soldiers and walk slowly. Slowly, carrying our Chinese peacekeeping female soldiers away slowly. Flag, flag, salute, military music, saber. These are fragments of memory, nothing else is remembered. Really don't remember anything. I just remember that my little shadow fell asleep on my shoulder. I walked lightly. We all walked lightly. We were all afraid and woke her up. Because I told them that Xiaoying likes to sleep late, and sleeps lightly. She doesn't like to be disturbed the most, and she wakes up whenever there is any movement, so she pouts when she is unhappy.

So, we all walked very lightly. Because we know that Xiaoying fell asleep. We can't wake her up. She also spent day and night during the peacekeeping period in a certain country. Her fair skin was tanned, and some places were even exposed to the sun, and her rosy apple-like cheeks were also thin. She was tired and fell asleep. I haven't had such a good night's sleep in a long time. You said, didn't she fall asleep? I can't remember the following things, the handover, the formalities, etc., because I didn't do it-no one would let me do it, and I didn't let me see Xiaoying's parents. I dare not let them see.

I just didn't feel anything and let my brothers lead me wherever. Just sit in the car. I take off my blue beret. I know, I never want to see it again. I closed my eyes and leaned against the carriage. I knew Xiaoying was asleep. I can no longer wake her up. She is tired. I close my eyes, I don't talk, and no one talks to me. However, tears slipped out of my closed eyes silently. I know, Xiaoying fell asleep. Girl, I am going to give you a present. You must not. I know you really want me to give you this gift. I also know that if I say I give it to you on the phone, you won't take it.

You definitely don't want it. It's not that I don't like it, I don't want it, I don't look down on it. It's because you dare not ask for it. I know you, really—you dare not ask for it. You once asked me for a small gift, and you were the only one who opened my mouth to ask for a small gift—but not only did I not agree, but I really got angry with you: "Who told you to mess with my things?!" You looked at me aggrieved and then you didn't dare to watch my tears fall. You don't know what's wrong with me, what rare thing is so precious? If you take it out and look at it, it’s not too angry to swear at someone—you have never been yelled at by your parents since you were a child, and those men who chased you dare not yell at you—only me, I have yelled at you so many times, you still don’t Dare to talk back——Actually, this is what happens when a girl falls in love with someone.

You just put it away. Never dared to mention it again. —Do you know what it is now? Hehe, as I said, you mustn't. Because, so many people are watching, they will testify to me.
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