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Chapter 224 Chapter 224 Holding the Phone

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 791Words 2018-03-18
You hold the phone angrily: "I asked you something?! What do you want to do?! Don't you just want to hear me say a word?!" I was startled, what do I want to hear from you? "I tell you--" You took the phone and yelled: "You can't do that! You are mine, you are mine! You are not yours alone! You are mine, Xiaozhuang, listen clearly!" I still don't understand what you meant to say. "I tell you you put it up now! You're going to let the whole world know—" You shouted even louder: "I love you--" Tears flowed from the corners of my eyes that had become dry from crying too much.

You're on the phone and start sobbing. I don't know what mood I'm in, I really can't describe it. You sob and say nothing. What else do you need to say? What else do you need to say? Yeah, what else do I need to say? ——In this shitty world, what else do you need my girl to say? ! What else do you need her to say, a weak little girl? ! You answer me? ! I sat on the couch with my phone in hand. I sit in my messy little room with the phone in hand. I'm sitting on the phone in a place where I've spent a month of painful mental journeys. I'm sitting with my phone in a place where I'm about to end my paltry 27-year-old life.

Started to cry quietly. Close your eyes and start crying. "You're mine! You're mine!" you cry, "You can't do that! I'm telling you—you die or I die! I made it!" Of course I know, you can do it. Because, you love me. Do you need another reason? Yes. Love is the only reason. Can live for love. You can also die for love. This is the real man. This is the real girl. Do you feel strange? I turned on my laptop, knowing that this legend was destined to be forgotten.After reading it, it became garbage on the Internet and was forgotten. Then forget it.

Because, I can no longer owe anything to the living girl. Hehe, do you feel sorry? I don't think so. The reason why I was able to endure such crazy code words for a month is just one word - love. Of course it's not just about love. Is love only love? seems not. But isn't love love? Hehe, what do you think? Girl, I remember your words. I'm yours. I won't do that. So, the novel will continue. Because, I can't see you yet. Girl, let me tell you: --"I love you too." sour? Hehe, as I said, I came back alive.
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