Home Categories war military Leave me the last bullet

Chapter 220 Chapter 220 Expanding the Cordon

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1106Words 2018-03-18
I stood up and beckoned them to hurry up. Xiaoying was the last one, and she ran towards me with a smile: "Look at how anxious you are! I'm fine!" "Hurry up!" I waved with a gun in one hand. She just slowed down a little bit, actually not too slow, just teasing me: "No way!" Is now the time to make trouble? ! ——I was really anxious: "You fucking hurry up!" The first time I got mad at her - and I really regret getting mad at her now. She was taken aback, why did the black monkey get angry with herself? She froze for a moment, her face turned pale.

"Hurry up the fuck!" I really blushed and shouted thickly, and even wanted to run over and drag her. She didn't say anything, and quickly ran forward obediently - she knew that I didn't deliberately get angry at her, but was worried about her safety. She ran faster - the distance between her and me was only about 5 meters. She ran to me—I made her run. I stretch out my hand - I'm still in charge of guarding the circle and not leaving! She just ran to me, ran in front of me. ——If I had to use a sentence from an old-timer director, it would be: "The closest distance between me and her is only 0.01 centimeters."

Yes, it's that close. 0.01 cm. She ran to me, her hand so close to mine. I know she's safe--couldn't it?As long as she enters my security circle, I will protect her with my body! Whoosh— Stray bullets. Yes, stray bullets. Yes, it really is a stray bullet. ——Do you know what a stray bullet is? I know what stray bullets are. Xiaoying's hand finally touched mine, and I pulled her over and into my arms. "Get in the car!" I still shouted. But I saw her face turn pale. Then I saw her pupils dilate. Yes, not a word. Yes, not a word. Yes, a word, not at all.

She fell softly into my arms. - I was stupid. Xiaoying? ! I hold her in my arms, but there is no wound on her body? !If it was shot, there should be a wound in the front? ! — Besides, she's still wearing a bulletproof vest? ! But she really fell down so softly. Xiaoying! I lose my voice. She slid slowly to the ground. Her hand slowly let go of mine. When she slid to the ground, I saw blood on my hand holding her. I hurriedly threw the gun away and hugged Xiaoying——I saw her back, a hole was pierced in the back of her body armor, and blood came out of it!I quickly unbuttoned her bulletproof vest!

—I undo her body armor. ——I saw it, her chest was covered with blood! Stray bullets. Yes, stray bullets. Whoosh— A stray bullet pierced the back of my Xiaoying body armor, the bullet went straight through the heart but was blocked by the front body armor. So she had blood on her back, blood on her chest, and nothing on the front of her body armor. If I don't urge her to hurry up, this stray bullet is going to hit me. ...In my memory, my expression can only be a frozen expression. I don't know what expression it is. Can't really remember. Everything stands still. She didn't even say a word to me! ——I let her run away!I made her run away!I made her run away!

If she doesn't run, if she slows down a little--that's my death! Why not let me die! Why! Why not let me die! "what--" I yelled, and quickly blocked Xiaoying's wound to stop her blood from bleeding!Hurry up!Stop the bleeding quickly! "Doctor! Doctor!" I yelled. Doctors and female soldiers ran over and they pushed me away, but Xiao Fei held me back. The doctor quickly checked and gave Xiaoying artificial respiration.
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