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Chapter 218 Chapter 218 Sauna

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 2398Words 2018-03-18
There are also saunas in China now, so I won’t say much about how to wash them. ——The Finnish buddy is dry steaming. As soon as he enters, he splashes water on the stove with a wooden spoon. That washing method can steam people to death.If other people enter the sauna with their Finnish buddies, they have to come out to breathe within less than ten minutes. The Finnish buddies can sit for half an hour and even speak plausibly to you: “It’s true that Finns drink to death, but I haven’t heard of them taking a sauna. Wash it to death." - I really convinced them, I was very persistent at that time for 10 minutes, and these Finnish old brothers really talked and laughed like nothing happened!

The Finnish buddies wash the sauna together as a family. In Finland, the company officers and soldiers squeeze into the small sauna room together.Once you take off your military uniform and pick up the backing board, everyone is the same, whether you are an officer or a soldier, you have to line up.After entering, I started bragging while steaming and drinking beer. It is said that in Finland, even business talks are discussed in the sauna room. Sauna is a way of life of the Finns, no matter where the Finns go, there will be a sauna.So there is a joke inside the UN peacekeeping force - why can't two observers of the same nationality be on duty at the same time?Because if two old Finnish spotters get together, they'll start fixing the sauna on the post.

This is actually a bit exaggerated. Not every position of the Finnish army has a sauna, and only the company can build a sauna.Those guys in the company wash every day. The sergeant major told me that he didn't wash it every day in Finland. ——He told me that there is only one public sauna in a residential building in a big city in Finland, and a small blackboard is hung at the door. Whoever wants to use it must register first, write down the date and time, and one hour for each household.So basically you can only wash it once a week in the city. The sergeant major also told me that the best place to take a sauna in Finland is actually the countryside, and people in the countryside will definitely repair the sauna first.Moreover, the housewife of their own sauna room scrubs it every day, so the inside is very clean, and the wooden walls are polished to a shine.The sauna in the city is not taken care of by someone, which is much worse than that in the countryside.So women in rural Finland give birth in saunas.

——Let’s say there are many departments in Finland, it’s all messed up.That's how I recall it, I wish I could pull down nothing, but it's impossible? Because, I only have so much time left. I must hurry up. After the sauna evaporated, we got dressed and came out to sit on the sofa and drink and blow. Then I served the privately kept foreign wine-I remember now, it was "Finlandia" vodka, I really remembered it! ——But the taste of vodka according to the Gotou High School team is grain white wine mixed with water, thanks to him being able to come up with this analogy, but it's pretty much the same.After drinking Xinghong, everyone, no matter whether they are officials or soldiers, hooked their shoulders and started calling buddies.

——Actually, I have a short story about the first sauna! ——The sauna requires a high temperature, and how long it lasts is counted.Someone inside was watching the temperature, and someone outside was checking the time.When you come out, the company commander will hand you a formally printed and filled certificate: This is to certify that Chinese Army Corporal Xiaozhuang (or Major Gao XX) experienced the Finnish sauna in the Finnish Company of the Mobile Reserve Team of the UNPF Headquarters on a certain day on a certain day of the year. He persisted for 30 minutes and the temperature of the sauna room was 85 degrees.

——Company Commander of UNPF Finland (signature) fun, right?There are too many things going on with the peacekeeping force!I really don't have enough time to finish talking! —and said we had a drink! Drinking also needs to be changed. Your drinking utensils are ready. It is a traditional Finnish wooden cup called "Kuksa" with your name branded on it. ——This is a gift specially given to me and the Kotou High School team by my old friends from Finland.Branded with our two names-it is said that what kind of wine was contained in "Kuksa" when it was used for the first time, and that fragrance will remain forever in the future.The cup is only the size of a fist, filled with spirits, tied to the handle with a string and hung around your neck, and you have to drink from it tonight.But as long as you take a sip, the people next to you will immediately refill it for you regardless of what they are holding in their hands according to the rules.Either drink you down, or let everyone have fun and break up.

——Really, it would be embarrassing for you not to drink.The Finnish brother told us that Kuksa is a traditional handicraft dug out of a whole piece of pine knot in the Finnish forest. After this first baptism, it will always protect its owner in the forest. "Night of Kuksa" is actually the Finn making fun of the guests, so as long as the guests who take Kuksa have not finished the night, one hand is so old that they can't put down the wooden cup, and the cup must be kept all night. is full.The wine in other people's glasses not only has vodka, but also French Cognac, and some people even drink beer.Seeing you take a sip, no matter what he has in his hand, he will refill it for you, so it is hard for you not to get drunk. ——Such national hospitality, can you not drink it? !

Can you not get drunk if you drink like this? Drink, dance, sing—it's never been so fun! They sang the Finnish military anthem, and we sang domestic military anthems such as "Tough Company, Hard Soldiers" and "Unity is Strength". The Goutou High School team still took advantage of the seven-point drunkenness and naked buttocks to show up in public, but the Finnish brother applauded-to be honest, this grandson’s drunken boxing is really good-looking and fancy, but he never taught us, look The title of Laity Disciple is really not for nothing. Just drunk. The dog head high school team lost the virtue of the major officer first-and then I fell.

Then spend the night in Finland. ——I still rubbed it in the sauna afterward, but I really dare not drink this wine again. In fact, there are so many bird things worth talking about from the buddies of the Finnish company-in fact, there is a Finnish dog master that I didn’t talk about. Although I wanted to talk about it, it seems that I don’t have enough time, so I will talk about it here. Bar. Finland and even Norway have dog masters, one is used to check vehicles, and the other is used to patrol. I have no friendship with the dogs of the Finnish company (who dares to set magnets with the army dogs?! I don’t dare to do it in the domestic dog head brigade?!), but there are people who dare.

who? The grandson of the Dog Head High School team. ——Let me tell you what is God? It is the natural relationship between this grandson and the dog master—not only the dog masters of the Chinese army in our dog head brigade, but also the dog masters of the Finnish army and the Norwegian army. : "This is an overseas relative of the high school team." This thing is really evil!That is, as long as Lord Dog sees the Goutou High School team, he will be very close - really, he will throw himself on this grandson!The Goutou High School team didn't see them either, and they were training: "Sit! Sit!"

I’m still talking about it—why does this grandson use Chinese to teach the Finnish or Norwegian dog master? ! But with his commands and gestures, the Finnish or Norwegian dog really sits down. ——Do you think this is a godsend? !Even the dog trainers from the Finnish company and the Norwegian company laughed so hard that they stuck out their thumbs! Kazakhstan looked at the Goutou High School team with his tongue out. The dog head high school team is so happy!Can you be unhappy to find foreign relatives? !Whoever finds a foreign relative is also happy!Don't look like a dog, but it is also a serious foreign relative of Finland or Norway! ——I forgot the name of this dog master, because I don’t know me well, so it won’t bite me, but it’s definitely scary enough! I kissed my buddies from the Finnish Company, and the Goutou High School team kissed the dog from the Finnish Company. ——There are many more stories about Master Dog, but I don’t think I have time to tell. Because, I want to hurry up and go with the story. My time is running out.
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