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Chapter 215 Chapter 215 Crying and Howling

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1107Words 2018-03-18
I was crying and howling in my car! ——Does it have anything to do with you?This is my own car?Who did I provoke? !I want to cry myself, why don't you let me cry in my car? !I want to howl myself, why don't you let me howl in my car? ! I just cry and howl. I don't know if it's out of tune, but it's definitely awful. Involuntarily, I drove onto the highway in the suburbs. I was still listening to and howling repeatedly and crying all the time. "You will always be my hometown in my heart, you have been waiting for me for so many years; on the way to a foreign land, every cold night, this missing it is like a knife, it hurts me...Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! "

My eyes widen and my mouth grows huge: "Fuck!" The last sound was a roar. Fuck me!No way? ! A white wheeled armored vehicle. Fuck me!No way? ! But it is a white wheeled armored vehicle. It really stopped in front of me so alive. My eyes went straight, I thought it was hallucination - but reason told me not! It's a white wheeled armored vehicle! I stepped aside in a hurry - wouldn't I? !I got out of the car, rubbed my eyes, and looked again. Still a white wheeled armored vehicle. I was not only surprised, but inexplicably surprised. I slammed the door shut and hurried forward a few steps—but it was still a white wheeled armored vehicle.

What the hell is going on with his grandma? ! I walked over and got closer. A few soldiers in camouflage uniforms seemed to have no idea where the car was broken as they were busy. When I looked at it from a distance, I thought to myself: How the hell is it white? !Which army made it white? ! ——This kind of white is absolutely conspicuous in the dark night. I really don't know when there will be UN troops in mainland China?No way? I approached. I went around the car, and I really watched and walked around the car carefully-of course, it was outside the safe range that I didn't think I would provoke these soldiers.

When I got closer, I saw the word "WJ" written on the car body. armed police.I know, it should be an anti-riot armored vehicle, I don't know what model it is.I haven't researched it, but it's definitely not a SISU. That car is not advanced, and the country will not introduce armored vehicles? ! A Shandong soldier was repairing something: "His grandma's! What kind of fucking car is this?" Then he yelled at a certain weapon industry department and I didn't listen carefully. A lieutenant was smoking next to him: "Hey! What are you doing?" "I..." I said, "Let me see, I haven't seen..."

"What's there to see? You can't park here casually!" The lieutenant waved his hand. ——The temper of the armed police is generally much stronger than that of the field army. This is my personal understanding. I just nodded and walked back. I'm still watching. They don't care, just repair the car. "Grandma's is fixed!" the Shandong soldier shouted. The car started rumbling. "Let's go!" They got into the car. I just watched. Armored vehicles, wheeled armored vehicles. White wheeled armored vehicle. Just bang and drive away. I watched the armored vehicle rumble away.

I just watched it. The road is straight and my eyes are fine. I can see very far. So I looked at that white wheeled armored vehicle for a long time. It rumbled and rumbled farther and farther. I just watched helplessly. I don't know when, the tears just slipped. My lips move and sing softly in the evening wind: "You will always be home in my heart You have been waiting for me for so many years on the road to a foreign land, every cold night Missing it like a knife makes me hurt ..."
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