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Chapter 214 Section 214 Freelancers

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1666Words 2018-03-18
Xiao Zhuang is not a soldier today, but a freelancer—is that the answer?What more can I ask? Hehe, girl, it's not me complaining, you know me - I'm really being irritated. But now my mentality has really been tempered, and it is not so easy to hurt me in my creative state-because everything will be deleted soon. I need a quiet environment to concentrate on writing. ——Have you finished writing? Then love someone!I don't care so much about throwing it on the Internet or publishing it or whatever, I am free and free! ——Whoever says I'm good or who says I'm not good has nothing to do with me!Love so and so!

I'll go find you. I'm not going anywhere, I'm just looking for you. ——Because, you are my only hometown now. Remember your CD? Then you forgot to take it out when you got home. It was dark at that time, and you asked me to park the car outside the community, and then look around cleverly—in fact, I don’t need you to look, I have already observed the surrounding area in the shortest time, even a few telephone poles Could count them—but I didn't say them. You stick out your tongue: "I'm leaving!" I just nodded. The music continued faintly. You get off the car and quickly run to the gate of the community.

I just watch you run. Your long hair, youthful long hair, black and reddish long hair are just floating in the air. Your figure, your youthful figure, your slim figure, is just bouncing in the distance. Farther and farther until I can't see you. You suddenly came out from the gate of the community, waved goodbye, and smiled mischievously——you were not yet 19 at that time, and you were really a child! ——I can’t do it anymore, it’s too similar!It’s very similar to the scene when I sent Xiaoying home when I was in junior high school. She always sneaked back to the courtyard——Your smile and expression are really similar, if you didn’t dye your hair—Actually, I would like to dye girls’ hair I have always been disgusted, what color can I dye my hair with? ——But I don’t have any opinion on you, you can dye your hair whatever you like, even if you are a white-haired witch, I am willing to watch it—because you look like Xiaoying.

I held back my tears and waved my hands, suddenly remembered something, took out the CD and got out of the car: "Hey! Hey!" You have disappeared. I stood there in a daze, helpless, let's talk about it next time - I know there will be a next time, although you didn't ask me out.But I still understand the girl's point of view-there are many ways to make a girl happy, but the most effective and cheapest is a bad mouth.Of course, you can’t be poor if you want to be poor, and you don’t want to say flat words that don’t taste – either she will be happy when she opens her mouth, or she will cry when she opens her mouth! ——It's as simple as that, love is what you have to talk about.How can you not talk about it?It's interesting to be with you, so I want to be with you again?It's not about pretending to be an elite or a big money with other girls, it's a fake model, the real skill is that you have a mouth and a sense of humor.

I got in the car, and saw a lot of girls' summer clothes in the back seat, and I was silly for a long time. What are you talking about?If you like it, you can do it, what price do you care about if you like it? What I hate the most is--let me tell you, in fact, what girls hate the most-is pretending to be rich with others, and at the same time haggling over every detail with them.I have really seen God. A girl told me why she is willing to play with me. The reason is very simple - if I have 1 yuan, I will definitely spend it first, and then I will be happy if I am hungry; but some men don’t In this way, earning tens of thousands of yuan a month to go out with a girl and have someone take the bus with her - I have done such trivial things, but at that time when I was in college, I took the bus and nothing else. ——In contrast, he likes hanging out with me.Comfortable, happy--if I have no money, I will just say that I have no money. Really, what can't I say?Is it interesting to live so tired?

——I looked at it for a while, but I didn't dare to think about anything else, I really didn't dare to think about anything else. What can you think?I dare not think about anything! If you don't dare to think, don't dare to think -- fortunately, you are not here. I just drove and felt deserted, so I inserted the CD. Then, there is "Hometown". I was driving in the rainbow-like traffic flow under the dim street lights, and my tears really came down. Hometown is hometown. I'm listening now too. Hometown is hometown. Where is my hometown?That's what I thought at the time.

A wandering heart just flickers in the city. I sing like a wolf howl- you always say that about me but I turn the music up and howl in my car- I cry and howl in my car Who cares about idle eggs? ! "The setting sun in the sky once again reflects my face, Reflecting my restless heart again, What is this place still so desolate, That endless journey is so long. I am the prodigal son who always walks alone in the distance, You are my woman in the crowd Every cold night on the road in a foreign land This longing hurts me like a knife always in a dream see your helpless eyes my heart is awakened again

I stand here, remembering the scene of parting with you Standing in the crowd, so lonely that's you broken heart my heart is so wild You will always be home in my heart You have been waiting for me for so many years on the road to a foreign land, every cold night Missing it like a knife makes me hurt ..." Howl!Howl hard! Cry!Cry hard!
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