Home Categories war military Leave me the last bullet

Chapter 204 Chapter 204 Take a Car and Go Far Away

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 2774Words 2018-03-18
In fact, what is the concept of real war, what is the concept of a real war zone, it is really not the first impression after I got off the plane - it can only be said that it is the first time that we are nervous when we get out of the airport. I was nervous when I went abroad to war-torn countries, because the headquarters camp of the UNPF army is definitely a safe area controlled by the government forces. At that time, there were government troops patrolling the streets, but I didn’t know it was the government troops—to be honest, they The military discipline of the government army is really lax, the military uniforms are messy, and the weapons are also made in the Soviet Union in the 1960s, the American system, the British system, and even the 56 and a half made in China. It really doesn’t look like a serious army. .

The bases of our engineering brigade and the Chinese peacekeeping medical team are also within the range of the headquarters camp, and they are absolutely safe. The so-called wars I have seen are all traces of a long time ago-I am not so nervous after I get used to it, although it is still very serious. Do what you should do, but to be honest, it's really what you do.Because I know that there will be no trouble in this area, and the government army is not made of mud. The combat effectiveness depends on the appearance of the army. The actual combat effectiveness cannot be judged by this-the military quality of those veterans who have fought for many years is not average. Well, I've seen this bunch of goofy government army training. They were originally slack and unstoppable, but when the gunshots sounded, they suddenly became energetic-absolutely amazing skills!I dare not say how high their overall combat effectiveness is, but in terms of individual tactics or even platoon-scale tactics, they are not weak-there are no such troublesome foreign consultants. How many years has it been since the end of the Cold War? Who still does this now?It is my own ability, that is the real ability.

So the actual combat effectiveness of the army is not blown out by novels, TV dramas and movies, but by you yourself. This understanding was formed when I was maintaining peace in a certain country—however, their military discipline is really lax—you I can only watch, what does it matter to you?Is that the internal affairs of the country?The order of the country in perennial wars is chaotic. I dare not say that there are burning, killing and looting everywhere on the street, but it is absolutely chaotic!I won't describe it, you can see what kind of sex it is when you watch documentaries of war movies.

Whether such an army can win this war is none of my business. Strictly speaking, I really don’t care about the UNPF troops. Our mission is that you don’t want to fight, and everyone has something to say, sit down and negotiate. , Then the national election or something, if you want to fight, you can fight in the parliament, if you can't, you can slap the table and throw leather shoes and stools, and then go up to a few congressmen to hammer and grab their hair and bite. You can do whatever you want, just don't do it in the jungle, in the mountain village, or in the city The armed forces of all parties in the civil war cannons, grenades, submachine guns, machine guns and hammers everywhere-the civil war is really cruel!I don’t understand until now, in fact, international wars (excluding the little Japan and the German SS during World War II, because they are not worthy of being called soldiers, robbers and murderers) are often really not so cruel, because there is still an international morality question.But the civil war I witnessed with my own eyes was absolutely bloody and inhumane, and any brutal method could be used to bring it out! ——Actually, if you want me to say that you are all brothers from the same country, why bother?But who will listen to me?I don't have the guts to say it either?I'm an egg?It's just a soldier, and it's still a foreigner! ——Since the topic of foreign affairs is no small matter, we will not discuss it until the end, but my firm belief that I oppose all forms of civil war was formed at that time.

In fact, everyone can see similar news, because international wars are hot topics in the media, and it is not difficult to find pictures of genocide and ethnic massacre.The difference from you is that I witnessed it with my own eyes. The horrible corpses of the dead old people, children, women, and young adults were right in front of me. To be honest, it was the first time I saw such a scene. Scared to death.And after these lives disappear, they just become the numbers on the report. We really have nothing to do - many times conflicts and massacres happen when you are too late to arrive, and they end very quickly, especially on the front lines of both sides. There are almost no such places on a large scale, but small-scale ones definitely happen from time to time-the rebels are really numerous!Some armed forces are not anti-government, but anti-ethnic and anti-racial, and the fighting is also in full swing. ——In fact, this small group of armed forces is really not a formal organization, and most of them are civilians!For example, if a cow in a village of one ethnic group is caught and eaten by a tribe of another ethnic group, it will immediately be revenge for bloody massacres and extermination of the village and species, even the elderly and children.After the work is done, go back to farm and herd cattle, nothing has happened, and then the other party's ethnicity or race is this kind of folk revenge and vendetta-it is really endless!

——In fact, I am really a kind person, and I would not scold others unless I was in a hurry.Really, I know it's hard to quell hatred once it's formed.So I hope my readers don't think that I'm such a stupid person. I don't want to make enemies with anyone. I just curse people so that I can write a novel in peace.Enmity is now enmity. To be honest, I have seen all the battles. I am not afraid that you will hate me. At most, you can scold me, write an article to criticize me, and you can’t find a place to criticize me. What era do you think it is? ! ——Back to the point, I was not a combat unit back then. I pretended to be an engineer brother and sneaked in, so not all such scenes can catch up. When the peacekeeping observers or the combat units of the peacekeeping force rushed to stop, Usually this kind of small-scale massacre is over-you can't go after it, how can you go after it?Are you an egg?Are you a peacekeeping force, not an international police force?Who gave you the right to chase?Who are you going to avenge?What happened in this country has something to do with you? !It's hard to say whether it works or not. What kind of temper do you have?Holding a rifle is not as good as a big knife, sickle and iron stick in someone else's hand! ——You are neutral, you can't shoot to stop it!This is a matter of principle, if they don't hit you with anything, you just can't shoot, and you often run away if they hit you, and you don't have a temper.A sacrifice is a sacrifice, and there is no revenge—this is your mission and responsibility!

Blue Helmets are not as imposing as you might think. The United Nations will never require the peacekeeping forces of various countries to show heroism and warrior spirit-that is not the purpose of the United Nations. It is the purpose of the United Nations to stop wars as much as possible, but force cannot be used. ——This truth is actually more complicated and subtle. You can know it by reading the relevant documents and policies of the United Nations, so I won’t explain it, and I really don’t have that brain. As for peacekeeping, it is difficult to solve the problem. Is it not enough? Peacekeeping must never use force, and peacekeeping troops must never be involved in conflicts.

These all involve very complicated and delicate international political issues, so I will not expand on them.The first is that I don't have that brain, and the second is that I don't want to expand.I also hope that my readers don't discuss these, because there is really nothing you can do. ——The first time I saw such a scene was when I followed the Goutou High School team to inspect the construction site of the Chinese Engineering Corps in the peacekeeping mission area. Our jeep bumped the red dirt road and then the road ahead was blocked. I saw that it was the Indian battalion of the UNPF army, and the third brother and the others were fellow villagers, but I didn't know them. They were combat units stationed in the peacekeeping mission area.It is composed of troops drawn from a certain Gurkha regiment of the Indian Army. It has two infantry companies and a battalion directly under its jurisdiction, with a number of hundreds.

I don’t know much about this army, it’s just the idea legend I heard when I went to a certain country’s UNPD army, I don’t know anything else.I said that I am not an expert, I am just a soldier, and I am just doing what I am supposed to do. ——According to what I heard at the time, the Gurkha troops were originally a mercenary force in the Indian army.A 19th-century treaty between the Eagle Kingdom and the Nepalese kingdom allowed Nepal to maintain its independence, but it needed to provide soldiers to the Eagle Kingdom's Indian army.The soldiers of the Gurkha troops are all mountain people from Nepal, and the officers are from the Eagle Country.When India became independent, Gurkha troops could choose to join the Eagle Army or stay in India.Part of the Gurkha unit chose to join the Eagle Army, and the rest chose to join the Indian Army.The Gurkha unit that remained in the Indian army was replaced by Indians as officers.The Kingdom of Nepal has agreed to continue supplying the Gurkha units of the Indian Army.Provides soldiers to the Gurkha units of the Indian Army.

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