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Chapter 201 Section 201 Finnish Armored Vehicle

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 2298Words 2018-03-18
We've been inside that white SISU Finnish armored car, and that's where we love our little den.It was provided by the Finnish buddies, not a general kindness, right?They didn't tell anyone. I think they know the discipline and policy of the Chinese army. But love is love, in the eyes of these buddies, it is love. Let me talk about the love concept of Finnish buddies later, there are still some things worth thinking about and reminiscing about. In that era, in that foreign war zone, in that rainy season in the tropical jungle. Two Chinese soldiers, inside a white iron armored vehicle.

in love. Are you happy? Are you awake? I have no idea. You never came. I know, I really broke your heart. Huh, but I won't call you. I know that your classmates will still see it, and they will tell you that I have told you that I miss you-you are not hard-hearted, I understand you.It's not to bully you for being weak, nor is it to put some kind of pressure on you. ——It’s not that I, Xiao Zhuang, are so stupid to write a Laoshizi online novel now, I’m not the kind of person who crap——I just want to give you all freedom. Because, I was sorry to you in the past - of course you have the freedom to refuse me.

Everyone has freedom, you can choose me, of course you don't have to choose me. Ok, this section is over. I think you will gradually understand why I said those cruel words. ——Remember that it rained that day, after you left? I have been standing in the rain, standing at the door of that bar. Stand where you left off. My face was rain and tears. Are you happy?Or happy? I do not know either. I only know that the next day, at the time and place we agreed, I will wait for you. Still no news from you. Girl, you seem to have completely disappeared from this world. And my mental journey is not over yet.

You disappeared, really? I know I really offended you this time. I know this time I really hurt you. I know this time it's really possible to lose you again. What hurt, you can have the first time, but don't have the second time. I made this mistake-the Army Special Forces told me not to go back anyway, the danger of going back is an ambush-I violated this most basic principle. Hehe, I knew I was in an ambush. It's not your ambush, it's fate's ambush. —I'm in love with you. It's still very painful to write, really. Misfortune comes from the mouth I know that if you speak more words, you will lose more—but I still commit this most mentally retarded problem again and again. In fact, I am not afraid of offending anyone and hurting anyone because I know that I can’t do anything to me—but I must not It is you who should be offended and should not be hurt, because you are the best to me in the whole world now.I really have a dog temper. I offend you and hurt you when I say anything I think.

I found it all myself, I have nothing to say. You have the character of this bird, no matter how long you have endured me, I still treat you like this - so, I don't blame you.I can't call you either. I know you are feeling uncomfortable now, and it will be even more uncomfortable if I call you. It's better to let you forget me slowly. It's fair to you and I deserve it. But your story and my past are just beginning, and I know it's not over yet, and I can't stop. Although our story and the story of my past will soon be forgotten in this virtual online world and this real urban world, I know that there will still be people who are young and people who will grow up - that is, our Some people will calm down to think about the stories and my past stories, and maybe shed a few tears of youth.

That's more than enough. real. Therefore, no matter how hard it is, I can bear it alone. I still have to finish them. ——Because, I don’t want to owe anything like this anymore. Really, I owe them so much. I owe you too much. I, Xiaozhuang, should not have come into this world.Whether it is as a soldier or as a man, I am unqualified-I know it very well in my heart, and I don't want to pretend to be anything.Therefore, I still have to finish writing, no matter how hard it is, I have to finish writing. In the face of the feelings you have paid for me, what kind of thing is I, Xiaozhuang?

Before I completely die in my heart, at the age of 27 when I am still a little bloody, I want to write down as much as possible—although I know that I am no longer typing on the computer, but on the computer. The blood flowing out of my heart is written on the tail of my young years, but I still want to write it down like this. It has nothing to do with anything else. It's my due, what I owe them. I owe you too - my camouflage butterfly, my girl - please allow me to call you that again. okay?hehe. Remember the second day?I will wait for you at the appointed place. Of course you didn't come on time--does it make sense to be on time?Where is the reserve?Where is the dignity?Don't you give this black man too much face? !No, just can't go on time!It's not certain whether Miss Ben will go or not!

Of course I know what you're thinking. I have made plans for a long-term war of resistance—anyway, I have nothing to do. Freelancers are sometimes really idle. For example, when I first started writing this novel, I was actually idle and didn’t know what to do Playing with code words at will—it seems to have become an important online novel. It's really nonsense. I know what I am, so why is it important? Being idle is the most important and true state of my life now. Generally, there will be more than one cigarette in my car, and there will be enough drinks and dry food—in fact, it is bread and biscuits, but I am used to calling it dry food.Because I'm a go-anywhere person, I often drive out in the morning and don't know when I'll be back.Anyway, I don’t go to work, it’s just a phone call for the bosses who give me money. I park anywhere, turn on the laptop and type the code, and then find an Internet cafe to send it to me—money Then it came to my bank account, and I didn't ask much, and I didn't look much.You can give it to me, or you don’t have to give it to me—if you don’t give it to me, I usually don’t look for it, but there will be no second cooperation.You know me, it’s really easy to write thousands of words a day, and it doesn’t take much brains. It’s enough to change some money—I don’t spend much, and my living requirements are really not high. It's enough to eat enough, make a crush, buy pirated discs, what else do I need?

Yeah, what more do I need? I'm waiting for you at the place we agreed upon - beside a small bridge. It was on the Houhai Sea, where I could see a group of old men and women singing Beijing opera or playing chess, or fishing for "black" fish, or swimming one by one - and I could also see young couples coming and going in summer. It feels wet and sticky like the little mandarin ducks or wild ducks in the North Sea all over the place. I can’t wait to come to Biochemical Butterflies—I also saw a man and a woman arguing and even fighting, and the woman was beaten. Shouting: "Why?! Why are you doing this to me?! What did I do wrong?!" The man beat her and kicked her, walking around as if he hadn't seen it, everyone in the city is like this Sexual - I'm also fucking sexual, and I just don't feel anything or say anything.

Just sit in the car and wait for you.
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