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Chapter 195 Chapter 195 Being covered by rain is like being covered by happiness

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1884Words 2018-03-18
In fact, I should have told you earlier. real. It's just that I dare not say it. It's not that you're sad, it's that I can't bear it myself. I can't bear the pain of uncovering the deep scars in my heart little by little. I haven't had the courage to uncover these for many years.I don't know what's wrong, am I too strong?Or am I too vulnerable?Anyway, I dare not say it, because I dare not even think about it. I know you're still sleeping now because you had a day of exams yesterday.I remembered that I had seen a movie, but I can’t name one, probably less than a quarter, it was called "What Time Are You Over there"-to be honest, I didn’t watch it. ——I don’t mean to disrespect the elders, I don’t have the patience and cultivation to watch it. I like to watch tense, exciting, sensational and lively ones, or pure youthful, soothing, natural and smooth ones——that movie The movie doesn't belong to any of these categories, so I didn't watch it.In fact, my artistic attainment is not just about saying that it is not high. I know that the essence should be vulgar. If it is not for exams and survival, I will not read those few books on Lao Shizi's literary theory. I don't have that interest. and hobbies.Hehe, do you still remember that I often like to browse pornographic websites when I have nothing to do? ——You once said that my computer has three functions: 1. Watch pornographic websites; 2. Play Monopoly; , there are still so few decent things, why do you like watching pornographic websites so much? ——But this is actually what you are attached to me, because I never hide myself, I am what I am, I am what I am, I don’t pretend to be fake with you, let alone pretend to be educated Temperament, pursuit and ideals - I know what I am, why should I pretend to be in front of girls?I like to watch pornographic websites because I like to watch pornographic websites, why should I explain to you that I am actually writing an essay about whipping pornographic websites?Am I that kind of person?

Although this Xiaozhuang is not that Xiaozhuang, there is one thing that cannot be changed - that is, a man of temperament.This is what is called the country is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. This is me-and it will be like this until I die. I know why you like me. I also know why you fell in love with me in the end, you can't fall in love with me. Just because I never hide myself. Even if it is a little bit of cover-up, I don't have it. What does a freelancer have to hide? ——But I never told anyone about my youth, including you. Hehe, now not only you, but the whole world knows how Xiaozhuang's youth came about.

That's it. Hehe, not only you, but the whole world knows how Xiaozhuang got here. That's how it came. But what about Xiaozhuang's future? I think only he knows, and maybe you do too. What else do we have to say? It seems that there is no need, right? If I call next time, I will ask you: "What time is it over there?" After I finish writing the novel, I will find that movie and read it, because I know that someone who can name a movie with this name must be an expert. Because I want to know now—just now, what time is it with you? I also want to know what clothes you are wearing today, what you are going to do, I want to know everything about you—girl, I think I am in love with you.Fortunately, I still have this chance, I haven't completely lost you yet.

Wait until I finish writing this novel, okay? I will come to you. Hehe, now this novel is written more and more like a love letter to you. In fact, it’s not entirely like this. I have to immerse myself in happiness first—this happiness was given to me by you, before I can return to the memories of the past—this past was arranged by God, that is, destiny. So, I think you'll understand me. Sleep well, study hard, make progress every day, and wait for me to find you. I called the brother of the airport special police team in the morning, and he will help me run passports, travel visas, and everything. If my money is not enough, my comrades will help me. If it doesn’t work, I will reach out to the old man. Although there is no face, but father and son, what did he say?It's just the airfare money and I won't give it up-as soon as the threat of the virus is over and the ban is lifted, I will come to you.If I don’t cancel, I’ll go to you too—don’t forget, there are plenty of ways to spend my youth, hehe.

Sleep well and dry the tears from the corners of your eyes. I will tell you the story of my past in your dream, and tell it into your dream little by little. Remember when we went for coffee? What's the name of that bar? ——I really have a problem with my brain now, you won't blame me, will you?Where did I forget our first date?You always remember this kind of thing very accurately, I will always forget these things, and you will be sad.Sometimes you cry, sometimes you don't—a girl like you is just like this bird, really like... her. But I'm not nice to you, I know it. I dare not be nice to you, do you understand?I'm so nice to you, my heart starts to hurt.When I was with you, you were as cautious as a little white rabbit, afraid that I would suddenly be unhappy, sad, and ignoring people—you know now? ——So, I really treat you badly, I admit, I'm really unfair to you.

…The bar had a foreign name, it was not even night at that time, dinner was not finished, and there were no people there—I remember this, and the lights were not bright, it was dark, and the blues were played—but I really forgot what the name of the music is. You and I are sitting in the corner. I dare not look at you, but secretly look at you. You took off your baseball cap, opened the messy braids, and all of a sudden, the long red hair in the black floated down like a black dream. The temptation of red is the same as that of a strange and familiar fragrance. Into my breath again, into my heart.

I dare not look at you anymore. I close my eyes. Then opened it again, and saw you——it was still her.
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