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Chapter 193 Chapter 193 Sorry

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1284Words 2018-03-18
I wiped my face with my left hand, then smiled bitterly: "Sorry." I dare not look at you again, I really regret coming to you. I let go of you, let go of you slowly—really very slowly, just like a slow motion shot by a camera at high speed. I'm slowly letting go of a dream I thought I had forgotten. Summer in the city. So, very slowly. Slow as hell. Slow... no no no. I still let go, and then quickly turned around. I have to be quick, I have to be quick. Because I heard my heart creaking—it was supposed to be a feeling, but I heard it.It was the hard and thick shell that I wrapped around my heart that was cracking.

I did hear it, and felt a pain in my heart. I really shouldn't have come to you, really. I regret it, why bother? I headed to my car and let myself cool off for a second—something I'd honed since I got out of the military. Or rather, it's already my instinct. I cooled myself and my dreams. You watched me silently from behind. You looked at me stupidly from behind. You stared blankly at me from behind. You told me later that you don't know what happened to me?I was chasing you so wildly on the street just now, I had to catch you, but I caught you but let go.You're intrigued, you're baffled—in fact, I'd say you're pissed off.

Of course you are upset, why did this black servant let go so easily? How embarrassing? ! So many people saw it, what do you say when you go back to school? ! No, absolutely not! ——Hehe, this group of beautiful girls of you now have this kind of mentality. They just don’t want people to succeed, and they can’t lose their attractiveness in front of him. They just want to make men or boys feel good because of you. I have charm-of course, I still won't let them succeed. Hehe, you were less than 20 years old that year. You were the same age as her... That year, and you were still competitive. Your bird personality is really the same as hers.

I walked slowly and walked out of this dream that shouldn't go back. I walked slowly, in the street at dusk in this city. I walked slowly towards the world that belongs to me now. "Hey!" I hear you shout. I stopped, but didn't look back. "Can you buy me a cup of coffee?" Hehe, that's what you said, didn't you? Hehe, of course I know, you don’t want to lose that kind of attractiveness to yourself—especially someone who shouts “yes” for you in the hall and sheds tears for you and hits you or hits four—in fact, it’s true Not for you. I smiled, just smiled like that—I got mixed up in an art school known as one of the "Eight Great Dyeing Vats", how could you not understand the psychology of beautiful girls like you?Then see if the fish is the best or the hook is the best.My principle has always been that the willing take the bait, I'll see where you can go?

I turned around and turned to you. But I went back all at once. "There's a bar around the corner, and the environment is not bad." You said cautiously—you said that you were still not sure who I was, and that bar was close to your school, so if it didn't work, you would run away.But you can be sure I'm not one to mess around because I let it go.More importantly... the moment you turned your head, you saw my tears. Although not now. "You, what's wrong with you?" You ask carefully. What's wrong with me? What do you think happened to me? ! In the afterglow of dusk, I saw a girl wearing a blue baseball cap.

Open your eyes and just look at me like that. Those... dream eyes. Just... just look at me carefully. What do you say?What do you think happened to me? The girl in the blue baseball cap? The kite is flying and flying in the sky. Xiaoying yelled and yelled underneath. "Higher! Higher!" Xiaofei laughed next to her, and shouted louder—but the voice was definitely controlled by herself, and it was definitely not as high as Xiaoying—you can imagine how careful she is?This is how a careful and kind girl is. What is she enduring?What is she hiding beneath her happiness?Can the girls of today still do it?

I just pulled the string and pulled it like that.
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