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Chapter 180 Section 180 Neutral like this

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1192Words 2018-03-18
There are many, many examples of sacrifices to prove that you are neutral, and I have seen many with my own eyes. I will talk about it later.Let me first talk about our arrival at the garrison - the garrison actually draws a range for you. This will be the garrison of the Chinese Engineering Corps in the future - we are used to calling it "Brigade" and the rule of foreign troops is "Battalion", so in the official When writing, it is "Chinese Engineer Battalion". We passed by the Chinese medical team. I saw the Chinese female soldiers from a distance, and my heart suddenly became ecstatic.

But I didn't shout, because I knew my duty. I was a soldier in the war zone before I could be said to be a soldier with a target. Our station is also in an area where we are not far away and surrounded by jungle. This area is the range of a camp of the United Nations UNPF. The headquarters are also nearby. We got out of the car and our security team expanded the cordon, but later found out that it was unnecessary, because I saw that the blue-helmets foreigners were all at ease, and I even saw from a distance that they were wearing swimming trunks and sunbathing in their own camp under the afterglow. ——Oh, the war zone is not quite the same as in the movie.

Then I set up camp, I won’t talk about the process, it’s the matter of the engineers and soldiers. My task is to pay attention to the movement nearby because it is getting dark and I have to be careful-although this kind of caution may be redundant, but we are all participating in peacekeeping for the first time, so it is natural to be careful.I haven’t participated in it in the future. The observer brother who has participated in the class for us many times also said in private that the peacekeeping mission is actually very dangerous. Sometimes, it is really driving like a grandson in the rain of bullets. Rush to the line of fire, sometimes on the streets of coastal cities, while maintaining peace and observing the traces of war while maintaining peace and observing the beauty of foreign countries—sometimes even the latter is the main thing. of.

But it's really hard to say, because a war zone is a war zone, and when a 40 fire comes over, it will be a big trouble. If you make trouble, you will die. So you have to be careful and careful—in fact, if you are really attacked, you can only accept your fate. If you can hit him, fight back and kill him. I will never forget it in my life, and I even felt wronged at the time. I am a special soldier and it is my instinct to strike first and control the enemy. — because you want to remain neutral. This is the most intuitive impression given to me by the bird mission of peacekeeping. The real peacekeeping mission that conforms to the UN Charter is still like this-so, if a person dies, a person dies, don't think about revenge for such a mess, you just died in vain, there is nothing to say.

But my mind isn't all about safety. Or maybe I'm all about safety watch but my soul isn't there. I was thinking about my Xiaoying, she didn't know I was coming yet. You think I can go find her as soon as I get off the plane?Are you kidding me?I'm a soldier, a blue helmet soldier, here to carry out missions to maintain peace, not to find Xiaoying?how can that be possible? In fact, the distance from her camp was only 0.5 kilometers, I calculated in my head at the time. 0.5 kilometers ah! Is this an egg? !I can run over in a little over a minute! I can see my little shadow!

But of course I can't - no army in any country. I'm a soldier, it's as simple as that. I just looked in that direction, at the blue UN flag and the red flag. In my heart, I was thinking about my little shadow. In my hand, I still hold my rifle. When I was 18, I went to meet my Xiaoying, it was so difficult. I really understood at that time what the reason is so close to the world. I stood in the camp where the night was gradually covering, looking in the direction of the Chinese medical team. My little shadow, do you know I'm here? I can feel you close to me. can you feel me

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