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Chapter 176 Section 176 is very strict

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1756Words 2018-03-18
Not only are UNPF's regulations on the use of weapons very strict, even if the UNPF delegates its self-defense authority (and only light weapons) in an emergency, soldiers from various countries participating in the UNPF force are also bound by their own country's peacekeeping regulations.Some countries stipulate that the opponent shoots first, and some countries stipulate that the opponent shoots first. In my opinion, the regulations of some countries are really harsh. And caused casualties on our own side. The real UN peacekeeping force is this manipulative. They absolutely dare not take the initiative to attack. They often dare not let go and fight back after being beaten. ——Hehe, so there should be absolutely no heavy equipment in places like the peacekeeping force, just a few broken guns and a few birdmen—a few broken light armored infantry fighting vehicles dare not use them casually.

The "blue helmet" is not so easy to wear, and it is an absolute principle to be patient. I was fooling around on the Internet a while ago, and I saw someone clamoring to send heavy armored troops to participate in peacekeeping. We can’t let our soldiers be beaten in vain—I tell you, as long as you participate in UN peacekeeping operations, you will be beaten in vain. You don't have any temper at all, if you didn't fight back at that time, and you didn't hit the person who attacked you, then this matter is really forgotten. The UN troops, that's what they are for.

Do you think it's that easy to use force? ——Using a light machine gun requires the approval of the battalion commander of the UN troops, and moving a heavy machine gun requires the approval of the commander of the UN headquarters!Hehe, where is peacekeeping between Kosovo and Somalia?That is the hammer! What is the meaning of peacekeeping? — Figure it out for yourself. Is wearing a blue beret really as imposing as you think? Hehe, to put it bluntly, it is really a case of being beaten for nothing. This is the fact, and all the troops participating in peacekeeping operations around the world abide by this principle.I also only found out when I went there—oh, it turned out that the beating was really for nothing? !

This is really different from the way I learned in the special forces to preemptively strike and kill you. So - don't complain about any sacrifices in peacekeeping, because they really sacrificed for world peace, and their countries have no responsibility. This is the obligation of the member states of the United Nations. Whoever is a member of the peacekeeping force must first sign that " This is the reason for the "birth and death certificate"-in many cases, the beating is for nothing. Therefore, it is not easy for observers and soldiers participating in peacekeeping operations all over the world.

Let me also tell you that this is only what I, a soldier, have to memorize. What about the observer brother and the officer brother? Think about it yourself, how complicated and thick it should be. Hehe, peacekeeping, is it really as beautiful as it looks? Every time I see blue helmet soldiers on TV news, I always think of these things I have memorized, and I always think of the stories that happened to me. So, let me tell you, soldiers all over the world suffer hardships. Hehe, let's think about it slowly. I'm a little tired, let's spread it here first. I'll think about what else I have to add - please pay attention to what I started to write, although it is boring, please read it carefully.

Otherwise, you really can't understand this novel. Should there be a medal? I searched and searched in my old pile of things—— It is the United Nations Peacekeeping Medal. Officers and soldiers who have participated in peacekeeping operations for three months are awarded the UN Peacekeeping Medal, and the UNPF award is the UNPF Medal.The medal is a bronze medal slightly larger than a coin, with the UN badge on it, and a small ribbon on top of the bronze medal (I can’t remember the color, because it’s been a long time, and I haven’t seen it again), and it’s packed in a small flat blue-black carton inside.There are also two small badges of the same color as the ribbon in the box, which are usually worn in the middle of the left breast pocket of the military jacket when wearing normal clothes. ——You have all seen this kind of chapter in the pictures.

——All soldiers who have participated in UN peacekeeping operations will have such commemorative medals as long as they reach the deadline? What about mine? Where are my UN medals? I search and search, because it is part of my youth. I am now immersed in the past of my youth, and I must find this medal. But I still can't find it. Where's my UN medal? Where did I put it? This kind of memory is chaotic, and I have to filter it out one by one. It's getting thicker and thicker, and it's getting harder and harder to see clearly my not-so-short blue-helmet youth. Why is this so?

I do not know either. I sat in the room blankly, without turning on the light, just sitting there. one night. I was wondering where my medals went. But I still haven't thought of it - this is what my mind is doing right now. Forget it, don't want to. Let's continue my story. ——I set off with the advance team. The reason is naturally very simple. Security work requires on-site identification of security issues and corresponding research and deployment.In fact, it is called "Jingtong Company", but it is really empty shelf. The official title of the Goutou High School Team is "Security Officer", but we feel that we are not used to it, and the accustomed name is "Jingtong Company Commander" - he How many soldiers does this company commander manage?Including me, the squad leader, there are six in total.Hehe, an unprecedentedly small company organization, right?In fact, it's just my first class, nothing else.I am also in charge of training these buddies from the Police Communication Unit of the Engineering Corps. Of course, they are all good brothers who can endure hardships.When they first came into contact with 95 guns, they really took a lot of effort. Just the habit of aiming has been corrected for several days-the two rifles of different eras are still quite different. When we first came into contact with them back then also appeared.

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