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Chapter 171 Chapter 171 The real war zone

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1537Words 2018-03-18
——Now that I think about it, the most important purpose of Team He's selection of me is definitely not because he knows that Xiaoying is also in a peacekeeping force in a certain country, but because he wants me to meet the real war zone to hone me. To be honest, he still trains me, although I am ashamed when I write this now—but now I know why he did it at that time—there is another reason, of course Xiaoying is also there. I'm really confused - what should I do? !Offended people to death? ! I stood there stupidly. "Mom, what are you doing standing there?!" Team He said, "When I see you, I get angry! Hurry up and play with logs!"

I'm not leaving yet. All look at me. "What the fuck?!" Team He was really angry this time, and I really went too far, too disrespectful to him—"It's against you?! Ah?!" Talk about scolding people. I just salute, a very standard salute. I begged, very earnestly. "Chief! I'll go!" Of course, they are all stupid. Several school-level officers don't know what I am a little soldier. The colonel smiled: "Let's talk about it later, you go first." --have to!I knew he was losing his temper and didn't want me anymore. It's over!

My heart is cold. What should I do now? ! "Get out! Get out of here!" Team He yelled at me. The Goutou High School team quickly pushed me out: "Go! Hurry up and move the logs!" I pushed it out. The door is closed. I stood at the door, really wanted to cry but had no tears! Xiaoying! ——I really missed you! It's another phone call—I don't know how much money China Telecom and British Telecom have earned, but I know what is more important than money. On the other end of the phone, is my camo butterfly. Gradually, my heart calmed down. I can't help being calm because she's soothing my young, beating heart.

I had to calm down because she was hurting my young, sentimental heart. Gradually, my heart calmed down. I started to write, and I knew, she would keep reading. I also knew that she would be mad because I didn't rest. However, I can't care about these anymore. Because I know who I owe it to. Who should I give it back to. So I started to continue my novels, continue my youth, and continue my memories. Even if it dies like a white swan. Because, once again, my life is not mine. It belongs to those dark, thin, simple and honest faces. It belongs to those fair, beautiful, mischievous and lovely faces.

Belongs to my sisters and brothers, belongs to our youth, belongs to our camouflage past. I had to write, had to write. Continue to write, because my life belongs to those ordinary lives that I should commemorate or miss. In my drawer I have a knife, a camouflage canvas sheath, a stout dagger with a sharp black blade - with a white PUMA-like product logo on it, Eagle's white logo "Made in Spain" " and other fine print.These can be wiped off at once, but I was not willing to wipe them off back then. It was a rare commemoration, and I didn’t wipe them off later, because I didn’t want to see them again.

The black blade is as heavy as my special warfare youth. The white blade is as cold as my heartache in the past. This knife condenses an important part of my past. ——Actually, I still left out a little bit of my past, which is the first time I went abroad to participate in the special forces training camp.There I met many foreign special forces buddies. Of course, there was a process from unfamiliarity or even hostility to familiarity to being called brothers and brothers to friendship through life. Although we are brothers, we all know that we are soldiers, and brothers belong to brothers. , if there is a war, we will kill the enemy first and then talk about other things. At most, we will kill you and save your corpses and relics (for special forces, this possibility is rare). I still don’t know what the plot is, so don’t be hypocritical with me on this issue-to commemorate you for a while, and then feel sad for many, many years.

That's all. Later, many of them came into contact with me again, of course in the specific environment abroad. We are also brothers, and soldiers of different countries' armies can also be brothers. Although we all know that if a war breaks out, we will be the first to go to the battlefield, and we are all the top among the sharp knife troops of the quick reaction force. Everyone understands this truth-we will fight because we are soldiers. But don’t delay us being brothers when there is no war—of course, when cutting mountains, we all know that there is a limit. All soldiers have discipline and do not force each other. Those who can enter this kind of training camp are the real ones. Soldiers are not professional spies, so they don’t ask too many questions, but they are still brothers—because we all have hometowns, relatives, lovers or lovers, young people, straightforward soldiers, and special forces who can’t do anything. , so we don't yell at each other for that kind of shit thing, just the friendship and camaraderie between brothers.

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