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Chapter 168 Chapter 168 Comrade Brother Hammer

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1650Words 2018-03-18
First hammered by comrades in arms, and then hammered by the enemy. What a strong fighter this is! Shouldn't you respect him? ! All of a sudden, his prestige among the brothers in the prisoner-of-war camp increased, and everyone knew that not only was he not a coward, but he was definitely smart, determined and not afraid of death!I just obeyed him, and gradually he became a leader other than cadres. He organized a prison escape and returned home. That whole night of grabbing weapons with bare hands!Many senior scouts are red-eyed-in fact, the infantry is not necessarily captured, the most are scouts, and the cadres on the road who were ambushed by the secret service team-really killed what!

Hundreds of people just ran like that! Run north! Run to the motherland! Kill along the way!Hit!Die!Hurt! But none flinched. When we reached the boundary line, we encountered a search team coming up. He covered the brothers to leave, and a dozen or so brothers stayed with him. Able to walk - notice I said able to walk! ——Then the search team stepped in and blocked the border. Our brother troops on the other side are really in a hurry!What should I do? !The artillery did not dare to fight the infantry and did not dare to cross the boundary line (if you have an order, you think you can kill if you want to kill it?!) - they were surrounded, and finally the bullets ran out of more than a dozen brothers and they fought hand to hand!

But basically captured again. You can't blame them for not being determined not to kill themselves - the body is really too weak, and it is quickly subdued. He went in again. Naturally, it was a continuous hammer. He never gave in, never gave an intel. Tough guy!Isn't there such a tough guy in today's era?Is he far away from us? Not far! —But who of you know the story of this tough guy, this warrior? ! After about half a year, he returned after exchanging prisoners of war. In fact, there is no embarrassment for these people-it is not the time of the Cultural Revolution, and everyone knows that there are prisoners of war in international wars, and of course they will not regard them as heroes-I said that Eastern countries have no feelings for those who have been captured. It is a matter of nature and has nothing to do with politics, it is a matter of national psychology.

Then there is the discharge of the army and the placement of work. He went to the factory. His girlfriend had been waiting for him and got married. But it is really discriminated against! ——The army really didn’t make things difficult for him. He is not a cadre or a soldier. There is nothing to say. ——The people in the factory discriminate against him, because there are two words "captured" in his file . With just these two words, the reputation of a tough guy, a warrior, and a fighter will be ruined. ——The army is still right?Isn't the file what to write? So don't say so much else.

He was discriminated against only in this factory and in this city.His relatives and friends discriminated against him, and even his parents felt disgraceful to have this son.He didn't even dare to go back to his parents' house, for fear of seeing his mother's tears and his father's sighs—that era!Can you understand? He has only love, only his women. So lonely living in discrimination. She never discriminated against him, and still loves him, whether he is a hero or a former prisoner of war. ——If you want me to say that it’s not bad to just live like this, I just look down on those Lao Shizi.Really, if you love to be my buddy, you will love me or not, and I will not beg you. If you love to look at me, then you will look at me. Love is enough.

How happy!Also married! I think I'd be happy to change it. But what does it mean that there are not such good things in the world? ——They work in a factory, one is a worker and the other is a technician. The factory manager has been coveting her all this time! ——This kind of bastard bastard is everywhere, and I won’t make a foul if I say it——I just want to be courteous and want to succeed!All kinds of temptations have been used but she just loves him, what can you do? That's not easy! An order was sent to a branch factory in the mountains. Then he and she became Cowherd and Weaver Girl.

She still ignored the bastard factory director. Then when you become angry from embarrassment, you will be tough-or how can you say you are a bastard? !4 more came, all of them are the factory director's cronies - because the last time she came here, she bit the factory director's ear and although she didn't bite it off, she definitely gave this bastard a little bit of color - the factory director thought Extremely upset, how can a traitor's wife be so awesome? The nightmare really happened. She really killed herself. ——She is his whole world! You said, what would you do if it were you?

What do you say? ! tell?Are you kidding? Then we have to wait until the Year of the Monkey? !Can you wait in time? !What's more, the director of this factory is really a high-level cadre? !Is it that easy? ——What is his identity? !A captured soldier? ! So he wants revenge. Take revenge with a warrior's means. Isn't this a natural thing for veterans of this kind of reconnaissance brigade who have fought such bloody battles?Is that how he thinks?What can you ask of him? !He was killed out of blood!Although it's been a long time without blood, can you expect him to go to the relevant department to solve this kind of thing slowly? !

Just steal guns and explosives. Compared with the search team of the secret service team, isn't the security of the public security and factories and mines the same as the decoration? It's easy to get your hands on. Something went wrong... ——Then, it was my shot.
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