Home Categories war military Leave me the last bullet

Chapter 166 Section 166 Metal Impact

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1463Words 2018-03-18
just go. Boom! The sound of metal hitting. It's all quiet and doesn't move. The night was too dark to see clearly—at that time, there were no individual soldiers equipped with night vision goggles. But—he was the first, the vanguard, and he knew what was going on. A hit is a hit. Not hitting something. It hit a person. human body. Two people are standing face to face, both can feel each other's breath, but neither of them dare to move—you can't see clearly, how can you move? ! Everyone is quiet and knows that there is trouble, but no one dares to move because they can't see clearly.

Suddenly a white light ah! ——The bazooka unit nearby has fired! I see it all. The first white light is all seen clearly. Covered with camouflage cloth, there are high and low helmets. Under the helmet, the face of a young man painted with thick black oil paint looks like a primitive tribal god of war, with black and white eyes, and a swaying radio antenna among them... The khaki helmet hat, the same youthful yellow face under the brim, black and white eyes... Probably less than 0.5 seconds of pause. From his throat burst out an extremely primitive, extremely barbaric and extremely rude:

"kill--" Then, the small, nimble and sharp scout dagger drew a white light. When the white light of the second bazooka came on, the neck of the young life on the opposite side had spurted blood, it was so red under the white light... The young soldiers on the opposite side also let out the original roar of their own nation. Immediately afterwards, the small, nimble and sharp scout dagger and the rough but sharp former Soviet-made assault dagger were flying in the air, blood splattered in the white light! The best, bravest and toughest fighters of the two nations were killed together in the most brutal way!

No time to draw a gun, absolutely no time - because it was so close! In the white light of the shooting from the rocket launcher position, just scream and kill like this! Absolutely bloody, absolutely barbaric, absolutely cruel, even in Laomei, it is definitely a restricted-level picture. But, it's real. Many, many years ago, the best, bravest and toughest warriors of two Asian nations met by such a coincidence - no one knew that the other party was going to take this road and now - and then they used the most primitive Way to kill together! You can hear the roar of the killing. You can see the splash of blood.

Of course you can also hear the screams from among the fighters of different nationalities. —— Kill without hesitation!How can you hesitate? This is war! This is fighting behind enemy lines! This is an encounter! The blood stained everyone and their hearts red—many years later, when our chief of staff told me about the bloody battle that year, he burst into tears. What I heard was thrilling!What would you do if you were on the scene? !Would you scream the most primitive "kill!" to fight with the best, toughest and bravest fighters of another nation in the most primitive way? !Do you think that war is just a few complaints and sarcastic remarks by you in front of the computer? !It's killing!Just one word!kill!nothing else!That's how the little soldiers came here! ——They are the most fearless fighters of the two most fearless Asian nations!

This blood kills! There are no winners, it's all blood killings, blood men, blood battles. All suffered heavy casualties! His eyes were red from killing, and he kept screaming and killing!Just keep killing! —War is killing! Is it enjoyable? ! That's how the little soldiers came here! ——Do you dare to try it? ! There are really no winners. They are not afraid of death! They are all killed! No flinching! He was hugged by one person, and another person came up and gave him a knife! Not in the gut, but in the stomach. He hit the opponent's face with a steel helmet with his neck!

Then he stabbed the arm of the man holding him with his scout dagger, and the man let go with a scream. His intestines flowed out from the wound cut open by the rough assault dagger - he covered it, and killed with the scout dagger in his right hand! They are all killing!They are all killing!Everyone is killing! Those who die will scream or not, and those who are not dead will be killed! Anyway, it's killing! ——This is what war is like! There are fewer and fewer people, really fewer and fewer. He Squadron yelled to withdraw! ——After all, it is in other people's fields. It is very troublesome to kill like this. It is not because you are afraid of death, but what is the result of being surrounded? !

Kill and withdraw! Holding a dagger in his right hand and covering his intestines with his left hand, he retreated while killing! However, his protruding intestines were caught by the branches. He didn't pay attention and took a step back while waving the knife. "what--" Do you know how much it hurts?How much does our minion hurt? ! He passed out. When you wake up again, you will know where you are.
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