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Chapter 157 Chapter 157 I don't know why

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1619Words 2018-03-18
I don't know why, it just changed. A private first class who silently shadowed his young face came and went in the compound, everything was so familiar, yet everything was so strange. I don't feel uncomfortable, I don't feel anything special. I knew that what He Dadui did was not wrong. At that time, I already knew that I would do the same thing if I were him. I just go back and forth like that, nothing can make me take a second look. changed. really changed. Only in the dark night, when I write a letter to Xiaoying under the quilt with a flashlight, can I feel the warmth flowing in my heart, penetrating my heart little by little—only at this time, I know that I am still Xiaoying. Zhuang is not someone else.

But Xiaoying, where are you? Why don't you come and see me? ——It is absolutely impossible for the rapid reaction force to give you leave to enter the city during the holidays.You all know the truth, but I know that Xiaoying's Military Region General Hospital will not be like this. They all have weekends and they do activities casually! Xiaoying, why don't you come? Do you know Xiao Zhuang is thinking of you? ——When the bugle sounded the next day, all these weak thoughts of mine were dispelled again, and I became a gloomy Xiaozhuang again. Yes, it's me, an 18-year-old with a dual personality.

That's how I got here. It turns out that I was shocked when I became the deputy monitor just now, damn it!Become an official? !Although the deputy squad leader is not an officer or a soldier, but in a bird unit like the dog's head brigade, it is amazing!At first, I really didn't get used to it. I was too embarrassed to have fun with the veterans when I called a team. They also looked at me and had fun! ——But now I'm really unhappy, so I just call the team with a sullen face. ——Ma Da is the squad leader, but he doesn’t lead the team all to me now, because he doesn’t want to lead the team and let me see my eyes. Salute and salute, then turn around and take a rest before returning to the team.

Just like that every day. There is no letter from Xiaoying either, so I still write every day. Then at dawn, another gloomy Xiaozhuang went on with what he was supposed to do. But I really miss Xiaoying, I don't know why I miss her so much, I want to cry happily in her arms! Xiaoying, Xiaoying, where are you? ! Who can tell me? ! Why don't you even send me a letter? ! Do you know how much I need you? ! But she just didn't hear from her. I called, but she wasn't there, and no one told me what she was doing, and Xiaofei wasn't there either. The female soldiers in their room are really not there.

That's how I live day by day. I don't know what I'm doing, but I just do what I'm supposed to do. Then put on a cool smile like that grandson and nothing will happen. It was pale, I recall that period of time now is pale. No color at all. It has nothing to do with the army, because I am Xiaozhuang and I am very sensitive, so I feel this way. I have never said that I am an excellent soldier - I don't know why so many people ask me to be the best soldier, but I really am not, I am just Xiaozhuang.So don't ask me so high, I'm just Xiaozhuang, a soldier who didn't live up to expectations, and now I'm retired to write novels for a living.

In a blink of an eye, it was the second day of the new year, and I finally got a call. I ran to the squadron headquarters to pick up the thread. I heard Xiaoying's voice over there: "Hello?! Black Monkey!" My tears came down, I never cried in those half months but I cried. "What's wrong with you, black monkey?!" Xiaoying heard it, how could she not hear it?Although I suppressed my crying, she is Xiaoying!How could Xiaoying not hear it? ! "It's okay..." I wiped my tears, "I just miss you." Xiaoying was very happy on that face. "Why did you go? Why didn't you even write me a letter?"

I asked her, but I didn't mean to blame, how could I blame Xiaoying? Xiaoying laughed: "You can't guess!" I just laughed: "Tell me, why did you go? Why are there no girls in your room?" "You turn on the TV and watch the news at 7 o'clock." What are you doing watching the news?I wonder. "Go and see!" I looked at my diving watch, it was already 7:03 and I said it was too late, I had to go to the squadron club!Those guys are all watching the European Cup. If I want to change the channel, I will hit the hammer immediately. Xiaoying was unhappy: "I'm on TV!"

I was shocked: "How could there be you?!" "Just go and see!" I wonder. The squadron clerk stood up as if he was reading a newspaper at the side all the time: "Really?! There is a small movie on TV?!" Xiaoying spoke there: "Who is eavesdropping?" I laughed and said it was our secretary. Xiaoying said: "You just watch it, and forget it if you don't!" I ran out before I got the paperwork. I heard the clerk shouting in the corridor: "Change the channel! There are small shadows in the news!" Then I heard the bustle of the squadron club at the end of the corridor, a sound of horses rattling!

I was still holding the phone in a daze, and then I heard the grandson of the first sub-team leader shouting, Xiao Zhuang!I haven't called Xiaozhuang over yet!Don't miss it! But I can't bear to put down the phone? !
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