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Chapter 151 Chapter 151

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1131Words 2018-03-18
This is the reason why it is a taboo for military strategists to change generals just before the battle. Therefore, the kittens are doomed to have no results. The dog head wins. —but I didn't win. I have nothing to do with dogs. That's what I thought while sitting in the helicopter. I was killed in the exercise. According to the exercise rules, I can withdraw from the exercise and return to the original unit to rest. I got on the helicopter of the director's department and went back to the Goutou base. However, it is no longer my home. That's what I thought when the fresh gusts of wind blew in my face.

No, it's not my home anymore. He is no longer my father. My father wouldn't... betray me. Along the way, I could see mountains, jungles, rivers...and of course, the Chinese Army, those field bases, the staggered lines of fire, the main battle tank corps, the mechanized infantry unit. But, no longer my Army. Not anymore. I leaned against the window of the helicopter and closed my eyes. I know that the fire in my chest is burning. I am no longer in the Chinese army, I do not belong to this army. What does it feel like to lose all hope?Don't say how mature you guys are, I tried it when I was 18.

The helicopter descends slowly. Descend at Kobold Brigade's forest base. "Here we are!" Lu Hang's buddies greeted me. I opened my eyes, smiled, tears fell, picked up my backpack weapon and helmet and jumped off. The hurricane from the propellers wiped away the tears from my face. The brothers from the Jingtong Squadron came up to hug me, lifted me up and threw me high, they cheered and jumped, with joy from the depths of their vests: "Hammer his fucking cat's head! Hammer his fucking cat's head!" Even the original German dog master is barking, as if he is also celebrating the rare festival of the dog head brigade.

The cadres who came and went watched with a smile. The cooks who were still cooking in the distance also raised their big spoons to me who was still in the air, and shouted: "Hammer his fucking cat's head! Hammer his fucking cat's head!" ——I know that I am a hero in their hearts. But there was no smile on my face. The brothers in the Police Communication Squadron had had enough trouble before they let me go. The squadron leader of the Jingtong Squadron came over and said with a smile: "Thanks for your hard work! The standing committee members of the brigade are waiting for you!"

Without saying a word, I picked up my rucksack, helmet and weapon and went straight to the brigade headquarters. In my memory, I saw that the cadres and brothers around me looked at me differently. Master Cook also looked at me differently. I didn't speak, just walked towards the big tent of the brigade with a gloomy face. The sentry standing guard in front of the tent stood at attention and saluted. But I didn't return the courtesy and just went in. In my memory, I saw their different faces. But I didn't care about anything and just went in like that. I saw the brigade standing committee members sitting at the conference table.

I saw him. Behind him is a military flag. He also looked at me. Behind me is the noisy base outside the tent. I panted heavily, didn't speak, just stared at him like that. He also looked at me, with no expression on Dahei's face. The standing committee members of the brigade—I didn't see it at the time, I saw it in my memory—all looked at me and him, but they didn't speak, didn't know what to say, and even the political commissar didn't know what to say.They really don't know what's wrong with me, let alone what I'm thinking. He just said lightly: "You all go out."

The standing committee members of the brigade were startled. "Go out." He said lightly, "I'll be alone with him." The political commissar took the lead and went out. Several members of the Standing Committee went out. The rolled doors of the tents are all down, but I know there is no sound insulation. It's just me and him. He still looked at me like that, expressionless. I just looked at him, the muscles in my face twitching. He doesn't say anything. I also don't say anything. Just watch, keep watching. look at each other.
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