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Chapter 144 Chapter 144

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1251Words 2018-03-18
I just throw it away. "Okay, okay!" A cat-headed lieutenant came over with a smile, "If he doesn't wash it, then don't wash it. This kid takes the drill seriously, and he will get used to it after a while." No one cares about me anymore. ——Koutou High School Team, I saw this grandson was still laughing while washing! Fuck me!What a joke!traitor! I cursed in my heart but dared not speak out. After a while, everyone eats. I just don't eat, and sit in the distance by myself. Maotou Cooking Lord greeted me with a large spoon: "Hey—that soldier is here to eat!"

I ignored him. Maotou Cooking Master shouted: "Come here! It's delicious! The cooks of our Black Tiger Brigade are no worse than your Spike!" I still ignore him. In fact, I really want to go. Not only was he hungry, but he was really hungry, and the food was really delicious. The main reason is that the cat-headed cooker, the old non-commissioned officer, who is the same age as our cooker squad leader, looks at me like a child. I want to go, but I just can't go, no matter how hungry or moved. After a while, the cat-headed soldiers sat down with our dog-headed soldiers to chop the mountain. Many of them knew each other as the backbone of the whole army, not outsiders.The Goutou High School team cut the mountain with a few Maotou cadres. They also know each other and have trained together.

I just sat by myself, and no one called me again, knowing that I would not go there. The motor is coming - within this range, we can move freely, as long as we don't get out of the warning circle. I still ignore the motor. "Guild son, you want to piss me off?!" Ma Ma couldn't speak in a fit of anger, "What are you doing?" I will not speak. "It's not really a war, what are you doing?" "Then how about a real fight?!" I rushed at him. "Give me a pork stew vermicelli and you surrender?!" Ma Da couldn't laugh or cry: "My God! Why do you really look different from others?"

I will not speak. The motor was sitting next to me, and I flashed. Ma Da took out a steamed bun with a lot of meat in it from his arms: "It's for you." It's so fucking delicious! But I just ignored him. Ma Da couldn’t help it: "Tell me about you! It’s a real war. If you are caught, you should eat and eat, right? If you don’t eat, you will starve to death, you will be a hero or a tough guy? Forgot how to learn it? Save your strength and prepare Escape! Are you patronizing your own bird? Are you a ball if you starve to death?" I do not speak. Ma Ma said, "If you don't eat, how can you escape? Isn't the exercise over yet?"

I thought it made sense, so I grabbed the steamed bun and ate it, swallowing it. "Wait! I'll bring you a bowl of egg soup!" Ma Da couldn't help but turned around and ran over to get the egg soup. I just sat there and swallowed hard, and I drank the egg soup brought by Ma Da, gulping and gulping like revenge. I just thought, I want to save my strength, I want to escape! Just eat and drink so viciously! Ma Da just looked at me and smiled wryly, not knowing what to say. Then we were taken to rest. We rest in a big tent. I was still in my dirty, wet camouflage, but my stomach was full and hiccupping.

The Goutou High School team took the lead. We went in. The first reaction of the Dog Head High School team when they entered was that they froze like an electric shock. He had never been so shocked when we were captured. To be honest, I have never seen this cool grandson so shocked, because he is a grandson so it is his nature to be cool. But he really didn't pretend to be cool and was really dumbfounded. I was puzzled at first but then I was also dumbfounded. We were all dumbfounded. The voice of the Dog Head High School team was trembling: "You...how are you...why are you here?!"

The shock, anger and helplessness in that voice was obvious. My mind is also confused! I also want to ask, why are you here? ! what happened? ! Under what circumstances would the grandson of the Dog Head High School Team, who likes to pretend to be cool, be shocked? That's when he had to be shocked by this. What even this grandson had to be shocked by? It was when he saw the person in front of him. Anyone who changed would be shocked, not to mention the grandson of the Gotou High School Team?
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