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Chapter 141 Chapter 141 Elite Cannon Fodder

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1497Words 2018-03-18
Therefore, I have always insisted that special forces are "elite cannon fodder". War is all about sacrifices, a dozen people is really nothing. The so-called zero casualty probability really depends on where you fight. I don't really believe it. Isn't that just a fairy tale?Then why do you still hang so many soldiers in Somalia? ! We stopped at the gate of the cat's head brigade base. Naturally, it was inspected and then released. I've been beating drums in my heart. At this time, we came out and prepared for the tarpaulin assembly behind the car. I am the first assaulter, so naturally I have to look outside. I can see the pickets and wolfhounds outside from the gaps. There are very few people. I guess more people are sent out, right?

Our car didn't drive towards the cooking team, and as soon as we turned a corner at the intersection, we accelerated and rushed towards the tent group of the headquarters! I heard the sound of cracking the barbed wire and then the whistle. The car rushed straight to the front of the big tent and our brothers went down! The order of jumping is an old subject that has been practiced repeatedly. Whoever falls first and who falls second, how to cover and who throws the smoke grenade is strictly trained-it is not for this time that we have been practicing this all the time. Then the empty bombs exploded into a cloud of smoke grenades flying around!

Two groups covered me and I rushed to the big tent with a group! According to intelligence, the Blue Army Special Operations Command is currently holding a routine briefing. There are guards at the door, but our 95 rings first and can only watch us rush over. What's the use of being a hammer at this time?There are so many of us!And in this case, you are killed in battle, which is obvious. If you don't report your death in battle, your points will be deducted from the director department!It’s okay to deduct this point, but it’s difficult when you earn it!Drills are not drills, you just don't listen? !Then there is still a fart, why don't you just throw the gun and shoot Doriso directly? !

I rushed to the front and the brothers surrounded the big tent and moved quickly. The motor was behind me with a machine gun, and I rushed into the big tent all at once! The rest of the brethren will come in a few! I was blinded when I went in. Where is the fucking commander? ! The lights are on and there is no bullshit!Just a dozen dummies! When it's over, I know I've been tricked. Before he could react, he heard the sound of a helicopter outside. Then quickly flash! I yelled: "You've been fooled, get out!" Then the brethren will piss you off! If the three teams take turns to cover, it's just a joke!

Go find the helicopter! To be honest, this base belongs to his grandma and it is a fake! Because there are no soldiers! With just a few pickets, it seems that the Maotou Lei Brigade has already prepared for this doggy day! I didn't care about scolding in my heart and just ran to the pick-up location! Three helicopters hovered in the air, one transporting two armed ones. We will deploy the cordon. The helicopter came down. But it didn't land. Surrounded our brethren. Clap clap!The three headlights under the belly of the aircraft came on. We couldn't keep our eyes open.

Are you crazy? !I wanted to scold just now, but I swallowed the words when I got to my mouth, and there was nothing to say with my long mouth. The three helicopter models and colors are the same as ours. The difference is that there is no dog head on the fuselage. It's a cat head. We are all stupid. I look at the Goutou High School team again, this grandson is still the same fucker, I can't see any expression. "I fuck your mother!" I'm going to shoot with a rifle!Blank ammunition also needs to be fired!Fight no matter what! What if you don't fight? !Even if I, Xiaozhuang, die in battle, I cannot be captured!

As soon as the Dog Head High School team pressed down on my gun, all the empty ammunition was fired. I just looked at him, my eyes were burning. There are assault vehicles with lights on in all directions, and cat soldiers walking underground. Several times more than us! The Dog Head High School team threw their rifles to the ground: "Give up." His fucking major has given up, can others not give up? ! I saw and heard the guns of the brothers throwing on the ground. I'm still holding it and I just want to hit it!I want to fight no matter what! But the gun was held down by the Kotou High School team.

My tears were about to come out, and I yelled at the Goutou High School team: "I will not surrender!" "This is an order!" The Dog Head High School team scolded me loudly. Fuck me!I can't wait to give him a punch right away! Die is die!Why surrender? ! Ma Da also advised me: "Forget it, the drill is not a real fight, it's all like this." With tears in my eyes, I stomped my feet and shouted at the Goutou High School team: "I fuck your grandma!" Boom!I dropped the rifle viciously to the ground. Tears came down. The dog head high school team still looked at me blankly.

I don't know why he is not angry. Maybe it's because there's no way to hammer me at this time. My hands are empty, my mind is really empty, everything is empty. I stood numbly while the owls took off my weapons and equipment and put on the handcuffs. The hurricane from the helicopter's spinning propellers wiped away the tears from my face. "Why are you crying?" A cat-headed soldier patted me with a smile, "It's not true, they are all our own people? It's the first exercise?" Fuck me!
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