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Chapter 139 Chapter 139 No sleep

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 2086Words 2018-03-18
I just watched and didn't sleep. Our brothers are sleeping in the midst of that smell—this is the age of peace!Why do we suffer so much? !If there is a war, we will definitely not hesitate, even if it is a cesspool, I dare to go down! After all, life is important!But this is an age of peace!Everything we did was just for an exercise!Is it useful? ——The Chinese Army is really fucking ruthless! That was my sigh at the time. I am 18 years old, how high do you require my rational analysis?I believe that if it were you, you wouldn't be able to bear it for a second, and you wouldn't be able to bear it if you were alone!This is not a crime!It's torture!Sleeping in clothes soaked in Big Piggy's poop and excrement all the time in this smell!What is it if it is not torture?

——These little soldiers, did they sacrifice only sweat and blood? In such a peaceful age of singing and dancing, who knows how hard these ordinary soldiers have suffered? ——It’s not that I’m expressing emotion indiscriminately, it’s from my heart!At that time, I was just 18 years old and grew up in the city, even if I grew up in the countryside, I wouldn’t have nothing to do with Big Brother Piggy. At that time, I felt that I had never suffered so much in my life!I'm not afraid of being tired, hammered or shot, but I really can't stand the smell! ——You said, what were we little soldiers doing at that time?

Oops, some people don't like to hear it anymore, but I really want to ask, would you be able to bear it if it were you? Gradually, I also fell asleep slowly. Really sleepy or sleepy. It's really disgusting!This smell makes me want to vomit when I sleep! But he still fell asleep—was he really that cheap at that time?Really, just because he is a soldier. In my memory, it seems that after dark, I didn't stand guard, and neither the squad leader nor the deputy squad leader had to stand guard because they wanted to keep the backbone of the battle resting and sleeping.We got up and were ready to go.

It was already late at night, so we quietly came to the empty factory basketball court. Then there is the lead parachute——At first, I wondered if I could talk about it, but after watching a few TV series, I was able to talk about it.A powered parachute is a parafoil with a propeller engine. It looks cool when you fly with this thing on your back, just like the pilots in "Red Alert", but it is actually very difficult to control--not many clubs dare to play it now. Well, accidents happen as soon as I play. I read a domestic report last time, and there was an accident in a club——I had a terrible accident when I was just learning, and I was afraid to tell it. ——If you fly up to the sky, you can’t come down, and you can’t come down at an altitude of about 1,500 meters.Why?There is an air current, it is windy at that time!The brothers below are all anxious!But I had no choice but to just watch. I was just learning and had little experience at that time, so I didn’t know how to get rid of the vortex of the airflow! ——Or else it’s fate!The wind passed and I didn’t fall to my death, and I was still flying there. I was more courageous than now, but I really didn’t know how to be afraid!Then an experienced old non-commissioned officer went to heaven, why?Guide me down!I just flew with him and came down—I can’t think about it now, but I’m really scared when I think about it!How terrible is it to enter the vortex of the airflow? !If you haven't played it, you really don't know how powerful that thing is!Just look at the beginning of "Air Force One", the old American special forces play paramotor like Superman, how is it so easy?I can play well, but how did the brothers practice it?Just think what a risk it is!I didn't have an accident, but I didn't have an accident! ——Stop, let’s not talk about this topic—by the way, let’s popularize it again. I think some domestic reports are really bragging. It is said that some of our special forces can turn off the engine of the paramotor and fly 30 kilometers to land accurately. Target.It's really nonsense!You don't need to have practical common sense, you just know it after thinking about it?A paramotor is not a glider!It's a parachute with an engine added!If you turn off the engine, it will be an umbrella, and you will go down immediately. Do you think that the special forces will grow wings and fly by themselves? !When the engine is turned off, it means that you are about to land and how far can you slide?You're still carrying an iron guy engine!how can that be possible?Our brothers are all supermen and gods? !Is it because Monkey King has a somersault cloud? !

——Stop it, I just have to popularize it, and some media really don't know how to brag about what our brothers are bragging to make the experts die of laughter. That umbrella came out of a box truck and we hung it up. They took off and flew in formation one after another. Our goal is the base in the forest of the cat head brigade. The vanguard is in front of me and the motor is behind me. We brethren fly in formation in the air In the night all you can hear is the low hum of the engines. Concealed, concealed and concealed. Just for that last blow. and then?Will you come back? It depends on fate, it really depends on fate.

We embarked on the flight journey to surprise the base of the cat head brigade. If you really want to know what kind of sex our brothers are, then go play the Red Alert game, what kind of sex are pilots? In the darkness, we flew in single file to the base of the Maotou Brigade. When I was 18, I thought to myself: "Grab that doggy cat's head!" It seems that only in this way can I be worthy of the unspeakable suffering I have suffered. What else can I think? In my memory, the new wind began to appear on my face again, the mountains were at my feet, and the sky was above my head.Those unbearable smells have been blown away by the new wind, we are flying like black geese in the night, our goal is the base of the cat head brigade.

If you're among us, you know what it's like to be a SOE elite. ——Only at this time can I find the pride and impulse of a real special warfare elite. ——Only at this time, our brothers are like the heroes in the movies, full of fighting spirit and concentration. Of course, our eyes are absolutely shining. Cat head, cat head, here we come. Maotou, Maotou, we have worked so hard to find you. In fact, special warfare is not that simple. One of the most basic principles is that everyone is not a fool. There are only a few sets of special forces that you all know about the same, let alone real experts in this field? ——Not to mention the two brothers of the Army Special Forces who are both from the People's Liberation Army and belong to the same system of their own family!In fact, there is really no secret to keep, because we all know it too well, and the tactics research that I summed up by myself must be reported and studied in this system.This is a very troublesome thing, so once my brothers are hammering each other, it will be a headache, and the most basic rule to win this special battle by surprise is not easy to do.

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