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Chapter 134 Section 134 Layer upon layer inspection

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1622Words 2018-03-18
Our cars, one big and one small, have been inspected layer by layer, and we arrived at our forward base just before dawn.I didn't wake up until the car stopped and our felt cloth was lifted by the deputy chief of staff, and then I got off the car with my brothers.At this time, I took a few breaths of fresh air, but was quickly brought into the house. It was only then that I noticed that our advance base was actually a construction site, but there were no people there. Obviously, it was half built and withdrawn when there was no money, leaving a shell. Then the Kobold Brigade secretly inspected this area before the exercise, and finally chose this place as the advance base of the special operations team inserted deep into the Blue Army-it will definitely not be used unless it is an emergency.Spend some more money to clean up here. I don't know how local relations are handled, but there are definitely guards in security uniforms standing at the door. It really doesn't look like our soldiers.I don't know where they got it, no matter how poor the army is, such things cannot be omitted.

Our group of young men in special combat uniforms flickered into the red brick simple house where the migrant workers lived, as if we had walked through the wrong door. The curtains were naturally drawn, and the fluorescent lights were turned on. We just stood there foolishly. I always look at the mustache of the deputy chief of staff and want to enjoy it, but I can't. The deputy chief of staff himself was amused: "Why are you staring at me, kid?" Northeast people can't help but feel like a sketch as soon as they open their mouths. Just have fun. All happy. The Gotou High School team was not happy, but the grandson actually wanted to be happy but he just wasn't.So I said that his face is a fuck, it is absolutely reasonable and well-founded.

Just start the war briefing. I will never forget this meeting. The Deputy Chief of Staff Zhongfen, who was wearing a mustache of the Japanese prince, introduced us the information collected about the cat head brigade in a serious manner.He directed the two of us soldiers to lift up a full bed, rely on me!An exquisite handmade sand table came out, made of sawdust, with a small blue flag and a scale on it, and the deployment of troops and the number of the troops in the key target areas were written in exquisite imitation Song characters.I guess those who have worked as staff officers or studied staff business have a deep impression of imitating Song characters and making sand tables. In my memory, all the staff officers of field troops have such a set of such things, and imitating Song characters is also specially practiced.Well written!I don't know if it's because of the popularization of computers that I don't practice as much as the staff. In fact, I really like watching this, it's a kind of enjoyment.

The deputy chief of staff introduced what was where, how we got in, several plans, and how to deal with the mess. We just listen, no notes are brains.Is it okay for special forces to take notes in activities behind enemy lines?What if they were not captured and sacrificed?Notes sold everyone!So the brains of the special forces are not so easy to use, and such complicated information is really almost done once.If you are not sure, ask quickly, you can remember it twice. The base of the Maotou brigade is also in a valley. We are going to sneak in under the cover of night and arrest Brigade Lei and his brigade standing committee members—that is, the special operations command team of the Blue Army.

We listen carefully, our minds are remembering and we are active, analyzing and researching our own tasks. The attitude is absolutely serious. Every link in it is very critical.Can I go in or not?How to go in and arrest them?How to get out?These are three major links, and there are many small links in it, and none of them can go wrong.The precision of special warfare is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. It is not to go in and take an AK or M60 to sweep - that is to die!You are on a mission!It is best not to shoot without firing, and if you can't do it, you can't do it-the highest state is not to shoot, not to cut, like entering and withdrawing like quicksilver.

Stealth is the supreme pursuit of special warfare operations. The briefing was almost over, and the sound of the convoy was faintly heard outside, followed by a hasty knock on the door. As soon as we got nervous, we all grabbed our weapons—absolutely subconsciously, and the indoor battle formation had already been set up. Every door and window is within the fire control range of the brethren. If it is a war, it is live ammunition, and if there are real enemies, it will be blood and blood. There are enemies, and of course there are also ours. But this is not war, there are no live ammunition, and of course no enemies are coming.

It's that female cadre. "Target No. 1 is here!" The seriousness of her voice is absolutely inverse to her attire. Before the brothers could get used to it, the faces of the deputy chief of staff and the Kotou high school team all changed. The deputy chief of staff pointed at the sand table: "Get in!" We just dived in and lay down on the bottom, and the sawdust dust flew up. It's all in the nose, but no one dares to sneeze. Then the bed board is covered. Then I heard a crisp slap on the face: "Damn! You bastard! Seduced another woman behind my back!"

Before I could react, I heard the Northeast dialect of the deputy chief of staff: "What are you doing? What's wrong?! Dare to hit me?!" Then there are fights and quarrels between men and women. I was really stupid down there, it was so dark that I couldn't see others, but I guess others were also dumbfounded. Then the door opened. The quarrel continued. But I saw some pairs of army boots through the gap under the bed. A pair of shiny leather boots. The others were a couple of high-waisted camouflage paratrooper boots like ours.There's more out there, so it's not clear at all.

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