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Chapter 129 Chapter 129 Troop Soldiers

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1158Words 2018-03-18
It's like a dozen people are still roaring, what can you do about the army soldiers like this? "Catch the mother back for me!" He Dadu said, "Heihu's Lei Brigade will live or die! The rest will die or not!" "yes!" Still roaring. "High school team!" "Here!" The Goutou High School team stood at attention like that, looking cool. "Leave at 8 o'clock tonight!" Team He pointed at his nose and said, "If you still can't complete the task, I'll take care of you!" "Yes!" The Gotou High School team hesitated for a moment, apparently it was recorded on the account of being captured last time.

I was beating my heart, and I mentioned this matter to the Goutou High School team once. It seems that this matter is not over and I have to be hypocritical with the Goutou High School team, and it must be another way to beat me. But before I had time to think about it, Team He spoke again: "What are you guys?!" "Spike!" "Who gave you your names?!" "enemy!" "Why did the enemy call you Spike?!" "Because we are accurate! Because we are ruthless! Because we are not afraid of death! Because we dare to die!" A dozen of us are still roaring.

This is the oath of our kobold brigade. "The mental outlook is not bad!" Team He looked at us, "Don't just say nice things! Bring Team Lei back to me and talk nice things! Remember?!" "Yes!" We shouted. "We will definitely bring you back the Lei Brigade of the Maotou Brigade!" I said suddenly, because the child wanted to laugh when he saw the cat's head on the projection. I don't know why I said such a sentence. I'm so stupid, what are you talking about at this time? ! After I shouted, I realized that I was speechless. Team He thought about it, and his serious face broke into a smile: "Okay! The name Maotou is good! I will call Team Lei Maotou after I bring him back! We still call it Langya or Langya! Good! Mom Why didn’t I think of calling him Maotou Brigade, who was just kidding me?”

We couldn't help laughing and dared not tell Team He that we actually called ourselves the Dog Head Team. Let's go prepare, eat something and don't dare to eat too much because it's best to be half full because we have to run.I went back to the tent to check the weapons and equipment, backed up ammunition, prepared dry food and water bags, and then put on makeup in front of the small mirror. At that time, our makeup was very good and very serious. Everyone's makeup was slightly different. It was not the request of the superior, but our own pursuit of different styles. Soldiers also have their own personality and hope to reflect their own personality. We have no other place to reflect it, but the camouflage oil on the face.

Squad leader Ma Da likes to draw thicker black stripes on his face all the way to his neck T-shirt. I always say that he is like drawing an earthworm on his neck. I like the two slanted black bars to be more eye-catching and I think it is cooler. And then just the last check, double check. I lined up and followed the Gotou High School team to get on the helicopter. All the brothers I met along the way shouted, "Shoot him!" We shouted: "Grab the cat's head!" Everyone shouted, "Grab the cat's head! Grab the cat's head!" The attitude of shouting is extremely serious, just like calling out to serve the people as a serious bird.

Later I thought it was a kind of revolutionary romantic black humor. We bring to war a life which comes from the soldierly humor of our brethren. I didn't know what humor was at the time, I just thought it was fun. Me too, I just think it’s definitely a good show for a dog’s head against a cat’s head. But the dog's head is obviously better than the cat's head. It has been true for many years. After we boarded the helicopter, the brothers below all shouted: "Grab the cat's head! Smash his shitty cat's head!" We also yelled: "Grab the cat's head! Hammer his dog's cat's head!"

We took off. A dozen of us kobolds embarked on the journey to capture the Lei Brigade of the Maotou Brigade. In the dark night, we flew at low altitude with our rifles clenched, skimming through the primeval jungle. Ahead is the battlefield.
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