Home Categories war military Leave me the last bullet

Chapter 120 120 Our God

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1851Words 2018-03-18
Can I not think about it? !What brigade is he!is our God our soul! But can I not hesitate? It was my mistake to be a soldier, I just like being with my brothers! As a professional soldier? !Really a professional soldier? ! I'm studying directing! It's really a mess, I can only describe it as a mess! What are these things called? ! ——I, Xiaozhuang, a college student in a big city, who studied art and directing, became a special operations officer in the special forces? ! Do you think that if it were you, your heart would not be chaotic? ! I haven't counted it all yet, and Team He left.

I insisted on getting up to see her off, and Xiaoying helped me to the door. Team He waved his hand away, and I saw his broad back in the uniform of an army officer walking down the stairs gradually.When the real man goes downstairs, the mountain rings! Step by step, knock on my heart! what should I do? ! I am really thinking! ——This is the first time I am seriously thinking about my destiny, my choice, and my future. I really hadn't thought about it that way before. But now I can't stop thinking. I was still thinking about it, Xiaoying said: "Xiaofei, I have to take a shower! I haven't showered for several days, so I will accompany this black monkey! You watch him for me! To save him from running around and hooking up Another girl!"

Xiaofei just laughed: "I can't stand him?! He is now a famous special warfare elite in the whole army!" "Shit!" Xiaoying knocked on my forehead, "Are you the only elite?" I am happy, I am willing to let Xiaoying sting me, sometimes people are so cheap. Xiaofei was still smiling, but Xiaoying really left. I was 18 and didn't think about it that much, but I know it's hard for a girl to go 3 days without a shower.I thought that Xiaoying was really going to take a bath, so I didn't think about anything else. But I don't feel comfortable being alone with Philip.

It's really uncomfortable, how can you be comfortable? I glanced at Xiaofei, and Xiaofei was still smiling. I just watched her smile condense on her face and slowly disappear. I dare not speak. Xiaofei helped me: "Go! Go in!" I quickly said, "I can walk by myself, my leg is not hurt." I went in by myself and sat on the bed, really embarrassed. How can I talk to Fei? ! Xiaofei stood in front of me generously, put her hands in her white coat, and smiled: "What are you afraid of?" "I'm afraid? I'm not afraid?" I said. "Then what are you sweating for?" she said.

"Oh, it's hot in the room." Xiaofei just smiled: "Don't think about it, you don't understand me. I am a man of temperament (it was the first time I came across this word), and I can do whatever I want. I just feel sorry for you. I don't have a younger brother. You are my brother." Brother." I just nodded, at this time I really can't get up anymore. "Brother?" Xiaofei smiled strangely, "Sister entrusts you with a matter." I just nodded, I have to agree to whatever I say, I can't afford to offend her! "Treat Xiaoying well." Xiao Fei said, "She transferred to surgery because of you."

for me?I was stunned. "Your special brigade is a quick-response force on standby 24 hours a day, and it may go into battle at any time." Xiaofei said seriously, "Although there is no war, once there is a war, you will not be able to run away. Xiaoying is afraid that it might happen, so you really go up , she was anxious in the back. She said that you joined the army for her, and you can't let you go up alone, and she will regret it for the rest of her life." I was confused - in fact, people outside the army think that war is far away, but this is what the army is busy with? !We also know that there is no war, but we are preparing for war every day!Therefore, the shadow of war is actually relatively strong in the field army. There is no special definition of who is the enemy. It’s not like that—you are in the field army and you are fighting. This is what you should do, so you have to think about war. ——After a long time, the spirit will be easily broken all the time——If it were you, would you try to prepare for the battle in the rapid reaction force every day? !You have to change your spirit too!

"She said that if you go up, she will be the first batch of nurses to go up to fight." Xiaofei looked at me and said. "If you are injured, she will take care of you; if you are disabled, she will accompany you for the rest of your life; if you die, she will commit suicide." I was shocked. I looked up at Fei. Xiaofei nodded: "She is serious." My tears came down. Xiaoying, my Xiaoying... A beautiful, weak and self-willed Xiaoying, a girl under 20 years old, because her boyfriend is a soldier, and she is also a soldier, so she has to mentally bear the shadow of war once it comes.

Moreover, prepare for the worst of death. She never said that to me. I just wept silently. Xiaofei put her hand on my head: "Brother! Treat her well!" She also held back her tears, turned around and left silently. I sat there alone for a long, long time. After taking a shower, Xiaoying came in: "Where's Xiaofei?" She saw me crying: "What's wrong?" I hugged her and cried. Xiaoying was anxious: "What's wrong? What happened to you? Black monkey?!" I looked up and shouted, "I love you—" The voice is very loud. I believe that the whole General Hospital can't hear the voice I shouted out.

In my memory, I heard an echo, "I love you" echoing in the corridor. It also echoed in my heart-I have only said these three words to a girl in Xiaoying in my life. And, just once. Xiaoying stayed in this echo. Xiaoying's tears slowly flowed down. She hugged me tightly. She touched my tears with her hand and smiled: "Stupid!" Then, tears fell down my face. I hugged Xiaoying tightly. Tight, I held her tightly in my arms. Tightly, I hold her tightly in my heart. Since then, never left. Xiaoying's tears fell on my bald head patter. I love you. I never said that to any girl afterwards.

These three words are not so easy to say. Because, it is love, not like that simple. is love. Do you know what it is?
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