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Chapter 108 Chapter 108 Only now do I understand

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 2231Words 2018-03-18
Only then did I understand—the old grandma asked her son to drive a tractor, and she drove me there herself!And it is definitely on the road, tractors cannot enter the mountain. I was surprised, is it possible?All the way is the checkpoint of his grandma's brother army!If you discover this, you will be tied up with a rope first. There is nothing to say. I am dark and thin, but no matter how I pretend, I will not be a farmer? ! ——If you have ever seen a soldier of the Special Forces, you know what it means to have bright eyes, which cannot be changed. But then I understood the old lady's idea - how about saying that the Chinese People's Army can win the civil war? I'm not talking about politics or anything, that is, whichever side the people stand on will win!The wisdom of the people is definitely better than the generals of both sides who read the map with a scale! - This is called "people's war".

I disassembled the two rifles and put them in two woven fertilizer bags, and then put a few real fertilizer bags on top, and the military helmet, pistol, dagger and boots were all in another bag below. Then I got in the car and covered me with a quilt. The old lady hugged me on her lap and put a towel on my head. Her son procrastinated and set off. We walked through the muddy hills like this, and then got on the road. I closed my eyes so that no one would see the light in my eyes. And my dark and thin body is really no different from the boys in the mountains.There are a lot of boys in the mountains who shave short hair similar to bald heads. I guess no one at the checkpoint has the guts to actually get on the car to lift my quilt and carefully examine my muscles and scars under the mountain costume.

The tractor was driving on the road, not fast. But procrastinating, the sound is very loud. At that time, it was still around 4 pm, absolutely broad daylight. After I returned to university, one of the key points of director learning was how to organize dramatic conflicts, which is the so-called search for "drama".What is dramatic?I have read a lot of drama and literary theory books, and there are many sayings, but I don't particularly agree with them. If I say, what is drama?What kind of conflict constitutes dramatic conflict? The inherent conflicts in life are often the most unexpected dramatic conflicts, because life itself is dramatic—and the work of art creators is to capture and reorganize life, and in this process, life The original dramatic factors are often artificially weakened by some low-level creators.Conflicts have been established, but the original ecology of life has been severely weakened. The things reorganized and constructed by them have no shadow of life at all, but castles in the air. Maybe what happened in the real world makes people feel like they are made up—— — This is called "hand wave" in our industry.

Respecting the original ecology of life is actually the highest state of artistic creation. Because life itself is too dramatic. If this kind of dramatic conflict hadn't happened to me, I wouldn't be able to make it up in 100 years. I want to laugh now when I think about it, Dog Day’s high school team, you have today too? ! The tractor took me along the way without hindrance, better than any other car.Which checkpoint dares to stop a grandma from sending her grandson to the city to see a doctor? !He doesn't want to live anymore? !He just stretched out his hand to stop him, and when the checkpoint saw that the grandma was about to eat him with a stare, he quickly waved his hand to let him go, not even daring to look carefully.It was a checkpoint led by a well-meaning cadre who earnestly offered to send his jeep to take the old lady’s family to the city to see a doctor. I still blush thinking about that attitude—what is a soldier?When you are really in danger, as long as there is a soldier present, I don't believe that he won't save you.Many people make a lot of publicity when they become heroes, and finally make you all disgusted. In fact, in my opinion, he just did what he should do.Soldiers are the children of the common people themselves, don't care what mothers do to their children, do children have any second thoughts about their mothers?

The old grandma didn't want to answer him at all, she pointed at his nose and said, "Get out of the way!" Then get out of the way quickly, the soldiers have nothing to say, especially in the face of such an old lady. ——Let me say one more thing, it seems that the quality of our dog head brigade is not high, but this thing was done by me and has nothing to do with the dog head brigade.Later, when we were serving as the guard post for a certain exercise, there was a small Mercedes with a huge score, and we had to go on the road where our class was guarded. The exercise will start in 10 minutes, and the aerial bombs will start to be thrown. What if the pilot is not accurate enough or his hands are shaking and he fails to throw it in the target area and throws it near the road?Of course it can't be released, but whoever drives a Mercedes-Benz is really awesome!Point to my nose and curse!There was also a woman in the car who also scolded, the filth of her language was not proportional to her appearance.A group of us special forces just watched, and no one dared to say anything.I really dare not say anything, you still don’t understand special forces, you are also soldiers!He is also a soldier of the People's Liberation Army!It's the same political education and rules!Even more strict!Anyone who has served as a soldier will not know these things, right?They are all simple rural soldiers!Picketing or fighting with brother troops is an internal matter of the army, but we dare not have conflicts with local governments, because there are a lot of troublesome things!I was already the deputy squad leader at that time, but I definitely have a dog temper. He scolded me for a long time and I ignored him. In the end, this **** came up and pushed me-now I got angry, and I just shot him. Tony smashed the front window glass of the Mercedes-Benz. He was stunned for a long time, pointing at me and not knowing what to say.I didn’t talk, and went up and smashed every piece of glass, including the rearview mirror, and everything that could be smashed—the big deal is that I will pay you (my dad had already started a business at that time, it was not a small business, so I won’t talk about the specifics ), I just can’t see you bullying us as soldiers!When it was over, I kicked a dimple in the car.Now the kid was honest, he didn't dare to say anything, and just stood there stupidly.The woman was also dumbfounded, because she dared to overturn the car to the bottom of the mountain after seeing my eyes blazing and scolding again.It was like this until the end of the exercise - of course I lost the money and got punished.But when Team He criticized me when the whole team assembled, he got really angry when he criticized me: "Mom, why don't you bear it?! Where is the dignity of our army?! The self-esteem of our soldiers Where is it?!" The political commissar kept pulling him away.We were all in tears. ——Hehe, it’s going too far, but I think this matter is worth thinking about.Whenever there is a disaster, you will go to the People's Liberation Army, and when the matter is over, you will leave the People's Liberation Army behind-who would not feel uncomfortable if you change it?But the People's Liberation Army has never said anything. When it is time to go, there is no one who does not go, and when it is time to sacrifice themselves to protect the people, there is no one who does not sacrifice themselves.These are really far-fetched, but it's from my heart, it's really not difficult to be nice to the soldiers, they are indeed suffering, especially in the heart, you can remember a smile on them for a lifetime.real.

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