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Chapter 104 Chapter 104 Swamp

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1681Words 2018-03-18
A non-commissioned officer suddenly turned his eyes to the swamp. I was taken aback, and I was thinking badly, I found me! But he didn't yell, just looked in my direction suspiciously, and then looked in another direction. In the end, he asked as if talking to himself: "Has it entered the swamp?" Another non-commissioned officer said carelessly: "No, no! Anyone who knows that if he can't go in here, he will die! Does he have a bag in his head?" "What if?" the sergeant muttered. A second lieutenant thought it made sense: "Try calling!" So they all shouted: "Come out! We saw you!"

I just couldn't help laughing, it's nothing new and old-fashioned, how many words do you call a bird? After shouting for a long time without any movement, a non-commissioned officer said: "I turned back. I dare say the dog chased the wrong dog. Who knows what new weapons their brigade invented to deal with dogs?" Everyone else makes sense. But the second lieutenant was still uneasy. After all, he was a cadre and knew that the life of a soldier was greater than the sky—and if he really led the team to chase the incident, it would be a big trouble. The drill is so simple?A bunch of sequelae came from his grandma.

The second lieutenant shouted: "Hey - if you are inside, just listen to me and come out quickly! I am the platoon leader, and I won't tear off your chest strip this time (our drill rule is that if you are captured or killed in battle, you must tear off your chest strip) If they take this, they will reward you (if they have a vacation or a chance to go to the city, I will join the containment team), we will pretend we didn’t see you! Come out quickly! This is a drill, it’s not worth your life!” I'm still unmoved, grandma's, don't you tear it up if you don't want to tear it up? !Besides, I am a dignified special forces soldier, can I beg you to let me live? !

If you can't say it, you won't go out. People's soldiers mean what they say. I just lay there and said nothing. The second lieutenant yelled for a long time, but there was no movement. The dogs were sticking out their tongues. They were restless but did not dare to move. They sat on the ground and stared at the grass with me. I didn't dare to move anymore. That second lieutenant was really good, even today I am very moved. Because he yelled his voice hoarse, the voice was very loud, and the worry and anxiety in his eyes really resembled Chen Pai - I felt hot at the time, and I had the urge to go out, but I still didn't move.

Naturally, they all left in the end, but the second lieutenant was the last to leave. Not only that, he really looked back for the last time, with one big eye, scanning the entire swamp for a long time. My words reached my throat, but I finally swallowed them again. He finally turned and walked away. I just let out a sigh of relief. Only then did I start checking my equipment. Naturally, there is no rucksack. We used it as a bunker for the defensive position of the ring line when we were resting, that is, we did not have any living supplies-a water bottle, one each of the 95 automatic pace and the 81 automatic pace, a few rounds of empty ammunition, and There is a special warfare dagger, a pistol, a few rounds of blank ammunition, a compass, a simple map of the area, and a hand-painted one—what else?

Four smoke grenades, one red and three yellow. Red is for calling for help in the woods when you have to, and yellow is for drills. Once the yellow smoke rises, it is you who cleared up the target. Then there was nothing on me, except for the 18-year-old life in a body that weighed more than 100 kilograms. I hesitated for a while and then decided to go. where to goI don't know either, just look at the map and the compass.I know that my current location is near Highway 3. If you cross this swamp, you will enter the mountain, and then you will be on the Highway 7 bridge; the other route is to turn around and continue on the edge of the road, but this is very dangerous because the search team Be sure to look for me around here-this is one of the goals we have to clean up every time, and the Dog Head High School team will definitely not let it go.

I decided to go there and wait for them, even if I was destined to be cleaned up, I would have to wait.Otherwise why should I go?After all, I am a soldier. If I don't return to the army, I will really go into the mountains and become a wolf? I put away the map and the compass and carried two guns on my back, and stuck out a long, hard grass as a pathfinder—I really didn’t know how to be afraid at the time!But I really only have one thought, that is, I can't be caught by these guys no matter what, absolutely not! I have the faith of a soldier! I still have the Army Special Forces oath!

Walk! I will go. Holding a grass tree to explore the way, Shenshen tried to walk into the swamp with one foot and one foot.The veterans of the Red Army dared to cross such a large grassland twice. What is it for me to walk around this small swamp as a soldier?This is the kind of education I receive every day in the army. Is it hard to think about the 25,000 Long March? Is it tiring to think about the old Red Army veterans!This kind of consciousness is definitely in the brain, deeply ingrained, for example, I have never said it after so many years, but when I write this paragraph, this kind of words burst out, and I can’t stop the car at all. Those who have served in the military are all so perverted.

I just explored the way and walked deeper and deeper into the swamp. Or if it is shallow, I can pull it out right away. Or if it got deeper, I would fall to the side and use the gravity of my body to pull out my legs. Just go ahead. Later, I was really tired and tired, and the trend of getting deeper and deeper was also serious. I crawled forward on my stomach. There is really no need to explain the physics principle, right?It is a question of the relationship between pressure and area, and I really need to rest on my stomach. I just walked forward panting with two guns on my back. Although tired, there is light in the eyes.

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