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Chapter 98 Section 98 Personal Views

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 2025Words 2018-03-18
From my personal point of view——from my personal point of view, the special operations command and intelligence system of the United States is not so perfect, and the operations in Somalia exposed a lot—and finally withdrew!What is this called?If you want me to say, don't hammer it at all! If you want to hammer it, hammer it to pieces!Reach your own combat role at all costs!If you give up halfway, why do you hammer others?If I knew today, why did I do it at the beginning?This means that the determination of the upper class to fight is not enough, and they are afraid of the dead, but how do you explain the blood of so many dead soldiers?Dead in vain? ——I'm not talking about politics, just my own point of view!

It's just my little soldier's opinion. If you want to discuss military issues, please open a post!It is normal for you to have opinions where I want to write, but please forgive me. I have said 100 times that there is something naive in the military. I am not a fan of the military anymore.If you really want to say that you don’t feel good, you can just open a post. Really, we can also talk about military affairs, but it’s not appropriate here! Well, let’s talk about novels and talk about novels! ——Our first task that time was to reach a hidden area. I look on the map and I rely on it!Surrounded by the garrisons of his grandma's brother troops, the infantry and armored regiments are all short of the Army Aviation. Let us lurk on a hill in the middle and wait for orders.Is this good to lurk?They are all waiting for us!Besides, according to the map, the people around either Wangzhuang or Lixiang went up the mountain to chop firewood and herd sheep. What should we do if they find us sneaky people?Go back and say that there is still a secret to keep the egg?You don't dare to detain them if they are all your own people!It's not an act of war! ——To be honest, it is a big problem for the people behind enemy lines in the special forces of various countries.How dare you?This problem is definitely the most difficult one.

But there is nothing to say, an order is an order, this is a drill or a war, you have to go and go. Of course, the helicopter didn't dare to fly so close, and the brothers rappelled down after dozens of kilometers. We ran on the mountain road and ran along the hills near the road in a battle formation. At dawn, I could hear roosters crowing nearby. Then I saw the lights of the village in the distance light up one by one, and the people got up. I also saw some tractors, cars and motorcycles on the road and started to leave. Of course, we also saw the checkpoints, all of which were fully armed with brother troops, and whoever came to check did not hesitate--troop drills and exercises are military operations, and military operations are military operations. To be honest, the majesty of the army is not respected now, and it only has a bit of majesty during military operations.well!

At daybreak, I dare not run like that, the Gotou High School team wants us to lie in ambush first.He wants to move his dog's head to study the map to see how to run below. We were on the top of the hill to watch the checkpoint vehicles of the brother troops. ——Do you know how I felt when I saw the 81 gun? It's so fucking beautiful! When I first touched the 95 gun, it was very fresh. I thought it was good-looking, but if you see it every day and touch it every day, there is nothing new! Now I suddenly saw that the 81 gun looks good, so don't mention it. My hand is itchy and I want to seize one for fun.

The checkpoints of the brother army were wearing 80 steel helmets and 81 guns, wearing army camouflage and full of rubber shoes, and they felt hot-eyed when they saw it-so kind!How can this soldier be the same as after two lifetimes! ——I later learned that most of the brothers felt this way when they first faced off with the brothers' troops. Ma Da was also fascinated, staring at the 81 gun with eyes shining. I said to Ma Da: "How about it? Just play around with it?" "Fuck! You are crazy!" Ma Da winked at the high school team. I didn't say anything, just looked down and thought, I definitely want to play with 81 guns.

It was getting brighter. The Dog Head High School team thought about it for a long time before deciding to take a rest and run away at night. I just wonder why you are so stupid!Only then do you understand?He even fought a war! Then we set up a circular defensive position and took turns to stand guard. I'm still thinking about the 81 gun, I'm really thinking about it. You don't know what that feels like, do you? That was the first time I shot a gun in my life! You can’t even imagine how beautiful autumn in the mountains is. I have never seen such a beautiful autumn since I returned to the city.It's really golden autumn!The corn is golden, with its mouth open and teeth bared, drooping red beards in the breeze, like a group of tall, thin old men, and the wheat, golden, shaking its head and swaying its head, stretching its golden arms, like a group of people coming back from school Little doll, Marshal Huang with apple golden yellow dangling around with a braid hanging and showing off pock marks all over his face, like a group of old ladies returning from laundry—and then there are brothers lurking on the top of the hill where there is nothing but weeds and farts, looking down eagerly The observation post is stupidly listening to cicadas, and it is an incredible consumption of life-now you know what special operations are all about?Most of the time, when running, lurking, and observing when it’s time to fight, I just flicker and run quickly. The enemy advances, I retreat, the enemy retreats, I enter the enemy, and I disturb the enemy. I fight this guerrilla warfare. Our brothers sometimes called ourselves Pingyuan Guerrilla when we were taking guerrilla tactics courses—later I thought that I was the grandson who inherited my grandfather’s career, because my grandfather was the pistol captain of the Central Plains Tuba Road who specialized in this when he was fighting the Japanese devils.

I bought a box of apples at the checkpoint, and I just didn’t want to eat any more. We wandered around there to sip our food, and our brothers swallowed—you can’t drink the water in the kettle at the enemy’s rear. You have to use it when you’re thirsty. If you’re thirsty, you can’t. With a small bite, the apples are even more unpalatable. That's the patent of the enemy's defense forces—we are now covered in camouflage and face camouflage and ran to the apple orchard to ask fellow villagers to buy ten catties of apples, and the gang looked forward to the stars and the moon. The brothers who were hammered first used big wolf dogs and then punched them violently—the special forces are not so awesome. Do you really think that the big bad wolf who came out of the mountain caught and bit who?How many of these dozen wolves can you kill?Therefore, the special forces behind the enemy are mainly to circle around the enemy, insert the enemy's loopholes, and quickly dodge when they are done, otherwise it will be very troublesome and there will be no place to die.Now you look at the mountains of apples hundreds of meters away, but you just can't eat them, so I always say that special forces are like rats, and sneaking is not fun.So the misunderstanding of film and television dramas is very serious, how can there be such a good thing?You hit for nothing?

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