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Chapter 97 Episode 97 The Golden Autumn Raid

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 2645Words 2018-03-18
At about three o'clock in the morning, the combat readiness alarm sounded sharply in the ravine.At that time, I was dreaming about eating fried noodles, which was made by the monitor of our cooking class (this grandson’s cooking is so delicious), but I jumped out of the bed all of a sudden, completely subconsciously, my eyes have not yet opened.When the motor pulled the light cord on the lower bunk next to the door, there was absolutely no response, and it was still pitch black. They all yelled, and this was also subconscious, because they knew that it must have specifically cut off our electricity.Then there was a busy day of putting on clothes, boots, rucksacks and helmets, and it was pitch black when I ran out of the corridor.What's even more exaggerated is that the gun storehouse is also completely dark. The clerk is very familiar with the gun storehouse, so he goes in and calls out which unit to come over, and then throws out a bunch of rifles-you see 95 guns and 92 guns in the picture? They are all rare, but when we are preparing for war, we really throw them in bundles on the ground outside!Hurry up! ——We just share it with the ground, and each person quickly divides up a few long and short guns while running, puts on the fast gun holster, inserts the short gun, puts the long gun on the back, and waits for the plane to change.The courtyard is already full of people, the barking dogs are just like the night of September 18, except that there are no shells flying randomly, bullets intersecting, and the Japanese devils’ teeth chattering (by the way, you don’t have to think about anything during September 18 and July 7th) Yes, I absolutely have to prepare you once. There was one time that was the worst. On September 18 of a certain year, I prepared for the brothers three times. The guns had just been put back and they were all packed up. What should I do? Toss once - you don't know how troublesome it is to take out the weapon and go back to the point for inspection - and then come back with fear of pulling it again, but I didn't pull it for a day, so I went to sleep peacefully and came again in the middle of the night. Tell me, is the quick reaction force human? The place to stay? What is the place that is not a bird place?!), on both sides of the road are the pickets and dog masters of the Police Communication Squadron, and the cadres of the Police Communication Squadron are instructing the positions of each unit according to the preliminary plan (the plan will be changed back and forth for you! replaced).The brothers just run like a gun, they can’t back their helmet buckles well, some don’t fasten their helmets, they just hold on to their helmets and run, it’s definitely a splash. This is the truth, not as awesome as in the movie, and then just a few weak lights Under the indicator light, we ran to our respective assembly locations, sorted out our weapons, and received a full backup magazine (empty ammunition, of course. If it’s really a war, it’s real bullets. These two systems are in charge of the two systems. I don’t know who will take care of them later. You really don’t know how many rules there are in the army. You are afraid that the bullets will leak out in an accident, because it’s not packed in the box and you can tell that it’s all pressed in the magazine. We all think it’s unnecessary for the bullets to leak out. For eggs, where are the 5.8mm rifle bullets and 9mm pistol bullets going out? It’s just a decoration at most, but it’s still strictly controlled. The troops are what you can do—this is the reason for the rapid response), and then you see the helicopter squadron The transport helicopter flew over according to the boom and then got on the plane according to their respective positions.

I took a breath when I got on the plane, took off my helmet and organized the weapon and equipment rucksack under the faint light, and applied camouflage oil on my face.The Kotou High School team started barking at the radio, and then they knew where to go.After finishing tidying up, the brothers will settle down with each other and touch up each other's makeup-there is still a strict painting method for this makeup. During the whole process, you can see that the army is so old-fashioned in the whole process, but there is nothing new about it. Even if you always think that the Chinese Army has never been so troubled in 800 years, it is not a foul for me to popularize it for you.

The helicopter formation flew to the specified area according to the order, and we waited on the plane according to the order. The Kotou High School team began to assign our tasks to what time to go to the dog's place, and then to run to the dog's place at what time, and then lurk waiting for orders or just do something.In fact, the special forces are just stabbing the enemy's back and not blocking the tanks, so let me tell you the truth, even if you see the tanks, you will have nothing to do, just do something. Tanks are corps combat against tanks, not special forces. task.We are not running so fast to withstand the first wave of attacks, that is, the egg meets the stone.

We just do what special forces all over the world should do. It is to turn into a dagger, stab into the weakest part of your heart, and then retreat, not to be entangled with you like a dog - if you can withdraw or not, it is not up to our brothers, of course we all hope to withdraw, So I always joked with the buddy who drove our special service team that if the war sent our brother to a place, I would give you a 40 fire to beat you down first, because he knew that you would not come to pick me up, so he laughed. ——If the plane doesn’t come to pick us up, we have no other choice but to run away. We are not as awesome as in the movie, and we go to grab the enemy’s helicopters. Army aviation bases are all important military sites. How do we get in?How do you get out of it?Don't they have anti-aircraft missiles, and they will hammer it down for you all at once?A dozen or so can deal with hundreds of light and heavy weapons?Is it really a movie?If you can't hide, you can be a meat bun?Hundreds of people feel that it is not enough after eating it. What is the first principle of special forces combat? ——"Concealment", quietly entering like air and withdrawing like air, try not to disturb the enemy, you just want to complete the task, can you be a hero like that in the movie?No matter how awesome you are, you can't stop the hail of bullets, can you?Are you not fat?So now I just want to laugh when I watch the movie where Rimbaud catches and bites like a tiger among hundreds of people. Both shoulder and waist shooting require both hands. If Rimbaud shoots like that, the bullets will fly into the sky—so we try not to contact the enemy or infiltrate them. The reinforcements to entangle the enemy will arrive soon, and all the quick-reaction troops are not fools. Once surrounded, basically the brothers can wait until the ammunition is exhausted to pull the glorious ammunition.This is just military popularization and not the content of a novel, it’s just that I can’t read it. No matter how bad “Black Hawk Down” is, some things are true. Run, I guess this scene is very real, if we brothers encounter such a situation, it is almost a fuck - let me say one more thing!Looking at the failed battle from my point of view as a small soldier, I think there are three mistakes in the military: First, insufficient estimation of the enemy's situation and insufficient blind confidence in reconnaissance. effective mastery?Not even a rough estimate?As a result, the soldiers went in and died in vain?This is the decapitation of such an intelligence officer in any army!First of all, he is the one who should be held accountable. Of course, I don't know how Laomei handled it. Second, the use of troops was unreasonable. Since it was a special warfare operation, why did so many planes launch such a blatant attack on such a large scale?And the attack time actually chooses daytime?Are special forces suitable for fighting in broad daylight?It was supposed to be sneaky material, you asked him to do this, didn't you court death?Why not send light armor or even heavy mechanized troops?Isn't that better than Hanma?Third, the commander's tactical literacy and combat determination are not very good.Capture the thief first and capture the king!A few special operations teams rushed in and one guy secretly infiltrated and controlled that general (this control has multiple meanings, arrest or simply kill him, etc. You have watched a lot of blockbuster movies for yourself), and the rest is not Is it easy to solve? ——Of course, this is based on the intelligence work, or the intelligence work is not in place!And now that you have been surrounded, you can no longer use the tactics of "refueling" which is a taboo of military strategists, and continuously increase the rescue troops on a small scale, or you will give up-of course no one will give up, if you want to save you, just do it for him die!When you come up, the big troops go in and hammer until they are smashed!What do you mean by sending troops scattered here and there?Don't you keep adding meat stuffing to it?save?in hesitation.Do not save?Who dares!Hundreds of soldiers!So the commander also made mistakes in judgment and decision-making, and his determination to fight has not been very firm. If you are not firm as a leader, will the subordinates still be firm? ——So, this commander is also responsible.

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