Home Categories war military Leave me the last bullet

Chapter 95 Section 95 Targeting

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 2028Words 2018-03-18
Xiaofei burst out laughing: "You guys take us to target shooting in a while!" "Yes!" The swarthy faces of the brothers all burst into laughter. "We have to clean the sanitation area in the morning!" I reminded Xiaofei. Xiao Fei blinked and blinked: "Cut! Look at me!" She turned around and ran to the team leader and political commissar who were entering the building, and said something to our team leader, Uncle He, who stopped her there and pointed at me and Xiaoying. Team He smiled and waved, and a staff officer ran over. I watched with trepidation, and then the staff officer turned around and ran away.

Xiaofei just looked at us and continued to talk to our team leader and political commissar. I don't know what to say, but Xiaofei absolutely laughed. Our team leader also leaned forward and backed up, and the political commissar even leaned forward and backed up—I have never seen this stern-faced political cadre leaning forward and back together like this, and I haven't seen it since.It's not that the officialdom is just as it should be, anyone else would be like this. The deputy commander of the military region is also a man and a respectable superior. What's the matter if his granddaughter comes to shoot twice?What's the point of saying a few words with you?I don't think it's interesting for anyone who wants to comment on officialdom. This is not the minimum courtesy of officialdom.

After a while, I saw a group of brothers from a squadron gathering and running over with brooms and dustpans in their hands, and our eyes were so hateful that we straightened our hairs.They were still wearing short-sleeved shirts, shorts, and rubber shoes. They were sweaty and looked like they had just been called over from the football field; the hatred was clear at a glance. You took the female soldiers to shoot targets, even if you took the female soldiers to shoot targets, grandpa had to clean the sanitation area for you. What good things let you share? ! ——Army is this kind of bird, what the place says is what it is, there is no reason for you to say, or should it still be called an army?

We were replaced. Xiaoying and their units also assembled and she smiled at me. In the end, it wasn't me who smiled at her alone, but our brothers were all happy. The female soldiers all laughed and absolutely burst into laughter. We still giggle. Today, the Gotou High School team is on duty at the command post of the brigade, so they can't take us there. A small lieutenant staff officer took us there, and the captain also specially designated our special service unit of the Second Squadron to be the guarantee. Let's go back and change our clothes. Brothers found out the newest and cleanest camouflage uniforms. The boots were polished extremely brightly. I want to say that it's not good to expose our brothers. Some of our brothers didn't have time to take out the shoe polish. They even pulled off their pillow covers and followed the boots. Wipe on the top - the motor is too much, it has a few extremely short hairs, and it dares to be waxed, and the smell is not ordinary.

We changed our clothes, took our guns and received the bullets. The staff officer then led us to run and drive. It's all beautiful, but it turns out that the number is absolutely good. As soon as I looked up, I saw that all the windows on the bungalows were heads, as if we had won the first prize. At that time, I remembered the wise words of Sharon Bass in the "Monopoly" game: "Envy?!" We drove the assault vehicle fully armed and went out to lead the way. A large sedan car of female soldiers followed behind. The brothers are absolutely full of energy, and I can’t wait to feel like a special warfare elite. Hurry up and sit up straight. I’ve never seen these guys sit in an assault vehicle so neatly and like a clock. I can’t wait to lie down—we’re tired from training. !This time, I really saw what is the quality of soldiers and what is bravery in special warfare.

I looked back and followed the big sedan. I saw Xiaoying sitting in front of the car window and staring at me like that. Xiaofei was beside her, sometimes looking at me. The two chattered. Xiaoying kept looking at me when she was talking. I just looked at her like that. Do you know what happiness is? I think that's it. There is nothing to say about target shooting. The brothers don’t need to shoot in group battles. As soon as a few special tactical shooting moves are made, the female soldiers cover their ears and then scream—the decibel is definitely higher than any gun because it is not Shocking your eardrums is piercing your eardrums.The brothers showed a strong desire to perform, and then they rolled forward with their pistols, fired their guns quickly, turned around, drew their pistols, fired quickly, used all their tricks, and then screamed and applauded continuously.The brothers still want to perform and then realize that the bullets can’t be remade, and then they have to go back to collect them. The chief of staff is babbling again. The guns and ammunition are strictly governed, and for fear of accidents, any field troops will be troubled to get a bullet), so they stopped fighting and organized female soldiers to fight.

Female soldiers shooting guns can be called a scene, you can just think about it yourself, it's a variety show. Of course I am tutoring Xiaoying.Xiao Yinggun's voice is not very good, she is definitely a first-class master, and Xiao Fei next to her is also a match between the two sisters.I endured double screams amidst the ding-dong gunshots, but I was still beautiful because I was tutoring Xiaoying. Then the bullet went out and Fei said he wanted to climb a mountain. Do you think the staff has the guts to refuse?Is it a bird to climb a mountain after shooting all the guns? Then climb the mountain.

The brothers used to go up the mountain to run, but this time they went up the mountain carefully to protect the female soldiers and took the opportunity to hold hands. I don’t know how many people didn’t wash their hands when they went back. Anyway, I did, but I guess 90% of them didn’t wash their hands. As mentioned above, the so-called special forces are also human beings. You can understand it when you think about it. Xiaoying and I walked at the end without knowing it. The staff officer didn't answer me either, probably it was Xiaofei who said hello.He also specifically told me what time and where to gather, and I quickly agreed.

My gratitude to Xiaofei is not the slightest bit, because I thought it would be more than a month before I came back to see Xiaoying, how romantic it is to see Xiaoying again this time and climb the mountain together! I took Xiaoying's hand and deliberately walked behind deliberately walked the difficult mountain road and deliberately walked into the small woods. Then we hugged each other. No tears, no speaking, no watching. Just kisses. Then let go, all gasping for breath. All laughed. "Yo! Here it is!" Xiaofei blinked and walked out from the depths of the woods, smiling and holding a red fallen leaf in her hand.

Xiaoying hammered her: "How long has Nizi been peeping?!" Xiaofei flashed: "What's there to see? What else can you two do? You expect me to see it?" When the two of them are arguing, I'm happy. Xiaoying said: "Hey! How can I thank you!" Xiaofei just laughed: "Which one of us is with whom? Why are you thanking me? - He has to thank me!" Xiaoying thought about it: "Exactly! Black Monkey, how do you thank my sister?" I can't figure it out. "Look at this soldier, how does he look like the playboy college student you told me?" Xiaofei laughed, "I can't even say a good word!"

I just laughed, I’m not pretending or I really don’t know how to say it. That nerve died a long time ago—I slowly recovered after I was discharged from the army for a year.
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