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Chapter 94 Chapter 94

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 2106Words 2018-03-18
You know that every autumn, there will always be red leaves falling. But you don't know if the same red leaf will fall in the same place next autumn. Philosophically, this is impossible. Even less likely in reality. But in my dream, it is possible. Every autumn, when the red leaves are falling all over the sky. In my dreams, there is always the same fallen leaf, falling on my face and covering my eyes. So I saw the bright world. Not blood, but a pure heart. Also, my fiery youth. We actually didn't set out right away the next day.You guys don’t know about Team He of our Kotou Brigade, if he doesn’t play tricks for you, he’s definitely not Team He—for example, the idea of ​​pulling out is a trivial matter that usually needs to be prepared many days in advance in the general army, and he has to play for you Come up with a trick to give you a combat readiness alert to toss you once.I won't tell you the exact time, of course I know the training plan, but do you know the specific day when he will start the training during the stipulated time?If you are not allowed to prepare, secretly prepare and punish if you find out.At most, everyone has a muscle in their brains, even when they play football, they also grow ears, for fear that the war readiness alarm will go off-this thing will be pulled out as soon as it goes off, no matter what you are doing!Then I saw the brothers running from every corner like hundreds of camouflage wild rabbits to their respective military buildings just like in the movie, and the armed helicopters hovered in the air to guard them. It was the atmosphere of war, and I almost used 3D to make some bombing points behind. up!The one in the corridor is busy, changing the camouflage uniform, carrying the backpack and picking up the gun is messy, but it is really busy but not chaotic and time is tight.Immediately, the helicopter squadron is dispatched, the vehicles leave the warehouse, and the personnel board the aircraft and board the vehicles in the designated area to gather, and then set off according to the scheduled echelon, usually the first assault echelon (that is, the brothers of our second squadron's special service unit) fly out for half an hour After leaving the guard echelon (mainly the police squadron and their dogs and cooks) just set off, what’s even more exaggerated is that from time to time, when you get off the plane and run in the mountains, you will be given directions to different or even opposite assembly areas or assaults The starting area, toss you back and forth-do you think this quick reaction force is a place for people to stay?All you do is run away as soon as you throw out your rice bowl!Once I went to the toilet and just took half of the bathroom when I heard the alarm sound and ran back as soon as I held back!It's too late to wipe! —Isn’t that the case with the Quick Reaction Force?But Team He, a birdman, doesn't greet the standing committee members of the brigade. He is the military chief. Whenever he is happy, he will say hello, and when he is not happy, he will also say hello-to practice your reaction speed if you don't do it!We have been eating dumplings on the morning of the first day of the new year, but we also pulled it!Then there were planes, cars, people running wildly, dogs barking wildly!Just toss you!Can I still eat the dumplings when I come back? ——Do you think this dog head brigade is a place for people to stay?Is it a bird place?Is Team He a birdman? !

So we were all in fear, and we were all in fear when we went to the toilet. I'm really afraid of the combat readiness alarm. When this thing rings, you have to pinch the stopwatch to count the time. The next day we trained in fear, and didn't dare to sleep to death during the lunch break. That's it. The third day was a rest day, but we were still in fear. We took a dustpan and a broom to sweep the sanitation area in front of the command building. As a result, did something unexpected happen. I don't even know what level of combat alert this is. A Li Shan green sedan car with a military region license plate came in.

At first I thought it was another agency that organized a delegation to shoot targets, so I didn't care. But when I look at the car window, I rely on it!The brothers were all shocked! A carload of female soldiers! We were all dumbfounded, not knowing whether to cry or laugh. — Comrades!There have never been so many young and beautiful female soldiers in the Kotou Brigade! The female soldiers poked their heads out of the windows like green sparrows and chirped. We just poked the ground like camouflage quails and waited in a daze. Or the team leader and the political commissar both went to greet it, the score is really big.

"Black monkey! Black monkey!" ——You all know who shouted this, but I really didn't think of it at the time. I was still dumbstruck with my mouth open and a girl jumped in front of me and slapped me: "What are you doing? Are you blind?!" No matter how stupid I am, I will know who it is, so I will be happy. The brothers are happy to know that it is my partner who has come. Xiaoying just laughed: "Haven't we met?" "I've seen the photos." Ma Da laughed happily. "I forgot what you looked like that day, the brothers were just excited."

Xiaoying Gege was happy. Brothers, hey, happy, uniform expressions and voices show absolutely good military qualities. I pulled Xiaoying aside: "Why are you here?" "Our female soldiers from the General Hospital organized to come to you to shoot targets today." Xiaoying said, "I didn't call you just to make you happy!" When I saw that the leader of the team was a lieutenant colonel, I was dumbfounded, so why did our captain and the political commissar greet him?It's just that the counterpart medical unit sends a section chief, and the two come together? !What kind of lieutenant school is this? !

I don't think that's the case. The captain and the political commissar are not very enthusiastic about the lieutenant colonel, just meeting comrades, but they are very enthusiastic about Xiaofei.The feeling that Team He is still telling jokes with her, we have never seen this before! "See?" Xiaoying smiled, "I told you earlier not to provoke her, you still miss her!" I looked at Xiaoying stupidly: "What kind of character is this?" "The granddaughter of the deputy commander of our military region!" As soon as I stuck out my tongue, my god, the granddaughter of the lieutenant general!

Only then did I understand why she said she did it herself the other day, and this target shooting is not a big deal. The granddaughter had a phone call with her grandfather. As far as the relationship between our He brigade and the deputy commander is concerned, it doesn’t matter whether it’s the superior or not. What's more, his grandma's lieutenant general told him to hit a target? ! Dozens of female soldiers stood in front of our command building, looking left and right, chirping and gesticulating. Dozens of male soldiers stood on both sides of them holding brooms and dustpans and didn't know which one to look at. They were definitely dazzled.

Xiaoying and I stood in the middle, looking like the captains of two football teams meeting before a game. Xiaofei talked to the team leader and the political commissar, and then came over with a military cap dangling: "Hey! College student special forces! You still don't believe me when you say you can't move? How about it? I've done it, right?" "You are amazing, you are amazing!" I sighed sincerely. Xiaoying took my hand and I quickly let go. This is the dog head brigade, the special forces, not their headquarters. Xiaofei was happy: "Hehe! You are so honest here! Where are you in our dormitory?"

The brothers behind me were happy. Xiaofei was also happy, and walked over casually: "Comrades, you have worked hard!" "Serve the people, serve the people!" The brothers didn't know what to say, and they didn't dare to stand up to attention. They were all there and said happily.
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