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Chapter 92 Chapter 92 Let me see

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 513Words 2018-03-18
"Let me see!" She took it and tore off the gift paper wrapping outside. A white dress. She just laughed. "What's wrong? Don't like it?" I asked quickly. "No, no," she said with a smile, "I like all yours. But you don't watch any seasons anymore, so buy me a skirt?" I am embarrassed to laugh, where do I have any concept of season?The troops are just those sets of military uniforms. "I'll see how it looks." She unpacked the dress and was startled when she saw the label: "Lady's house?" I nodded: "I think it looks good on you."

"You... do you know how much it is?" She opened her mouth wide. Of course I know, it's almost 10 months of my stipend. It cost nothing. Just to buy a gift for Xiaoying. How fucking poor to be a soldier at that time! Xiaoying cried again and hugged me: "Black monkey Xiaozhuang, what are you doing?" I said, "What's wrong? Isn't it just a skirt?" "Don't buy me any more presents, okay?" she said. I didn't say anything, I thought I should buy it and I had to buy it, what's the point of talking? "I'll put it on now!" She stood up and opened the skirt, "I'll show you how to put it on!"

She took off her military uniform, and I quickly closed my eyes. After a while, I heard her say, "Okay!" I open my eyes. If there is a fairy in the world, it is that day. Xiaoying, a white skirt. Fairy. Who else? "Why are you so stupid?" Xiaoying tapped my bald head. "It looks as good as a painting!" I exclaimed. "Why did you just say that? There is nothing else? Isn't the letter pretty good?" She smiled wryly, "Look at this soldier taking you for it!" I laugh, I am beautiful in my heart. Because, the fairy is my little shadow.

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