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Chapter 85 Section 85 Joint Armed Forces Exercise

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1621Words 2018-03-18
That was the first time I participated in a military-scale joint military exercise.All members of the Standing Committee of the military region were present, and the viewing stand was full of lieutenant generals. The veterans carefully watched their subordinates with binoculars to simulate a realistic war. Needless to say the details of the exercise, because you have watched too many exercises on TV, and you are more familiar with how things go from the top to the bottom than I am. What I am familiar with is the task of our brothers. Parachute behind the enemy and carry out special warfare missions.

There is a small island behind the enemy, on a small island in the sea not far from the viewing platform. This time we are parachuting by helicopter.There are many subjects for special forces to parachute, and I don't mean much to say, they all know the techniques.You can read popular science textbooks by yourself. We are on the Mi 171 helicopter, advancing towards the target. In addition to the umbrella bag, it is fully armed - of course, blank bombs. When we arrived at the specified airspace, we jumped, and the Kotou High School team led the team. Before the trip, we agreed to organize our brothers to play football with the brothers from the amphibious reconnaissance unit of the Marine Brigade.Both of our troops are indifferent to each other. During the exercise, each unit was too tight to fight each other, so we organized beach football.We agreed to see whether the green camouflage is awesome or the blue camouflage is awesome.We all estimate that it will be "combat football" in the end, so that we will not hammer each other, and small movements are indispensable.

The brothers in the army look like this bird. That competitive mentality is the same. I didn't take the parachute jump that I was about to take seriously, because there were many rehearsals for the rehearsal, and the procedures were all familiar.They are all trying to figure out how to play with blue camouflage. We just talked and laughed, and the child was holding a sniper rifle on my left side. The white teeth on the camouflage face were particularly eye-catching—one of the signs of a special forces soldier is a mouth with absolutely good teeth. The teeth have a good appetite and a good body. Well, that makes perfect sense.My current teeth are typical tobacco and alcohol teeth, which has absolutely a lot to do with not exercising.

He is the absolute defender of our team, and his calmness and sophistication do not match his age. And me?Do you still need to ask?Forward! Our teams are consistent with their respective combat positions. Then it started to dance. I am the second, just behind the vanguard. No trouble just dance. When we were about 40 meters above the ground, a gust of hurricane came and scattered our brothers' formation. Then the one who jumps first will naturally blow closer. What about jumping back? Naturally far. We just landed, a lot away from the original target. We hurried to that location.

But what about the back? Three flowers are blown to the sea by the hurricane, the distant sea. I was shocked when I looked back: "The high school team!" The Gotou High School team was also surprised when they saw it—we are not going to skydive!They are all traditional parafoils!It's okay to fall into the sea. But the chiefs are all watching us!We have missed the position, why don't we rush to make it up? ! The Dog Head High School team ordered us: "Keep going! The Navy's support will come!" Let's go and get on with the mission. I thought at the time, the boy who had a child didn't know what kind of sex it was to catch it!Also running and holding back a laugh.

Do you know what it means to be overwhelmed by military orders? ... The Navy's guarantee finally found the three of them who had children. However, after the exercise is over. It was dusk. Three of our brothers on the beach. They lined up neatly. But instead of standing straight, they lay down straight. Their eyes were closed, those piercing eyes were closed. We line up. Many officers and soldiers lined up. They were all bald, with helmets, helmets or hats in their hands. Many brothers in green camouflage, blue camouflage, green uniform, and blue uniform stood there. Our brothers fell on top of them and wept.

I can't describe it anymore... My nose and tears flowed together, hugging this hugging that told this one to open his eyes and asked that one to open his eyes and look at me I am Xiaozhuang... I looked up to the sky and yelled, "Fuck you—" But I don't know who to scold. I suddenly got up and kicked the dog's head high school team in the chest - this was the first time I attacked him actively. He didn't stop me, although I knew he could. Of course he didn't fall, he just took a few steps back. "Fuck you!" I yelled and threw myself at the Goutou High School team, cursing, beating and biting:

"Why don't you let me save them! Fuck you!" The Dog Head High School team didn't say a word. I cursed and hammered him, but he didn't say a word. Then I was pulled away by many hands and hugged to death. I struggled and scolded the Goutou High School team: "You killed them! I want your life!" Many powerful hands hugged me to death, and some of their tears fell on my body, face, and hands, it was like rain hitting my body, face, and hands. My brothers were struggling on the water less than 1 kilometer behind me. Their bodies were covered by umbrellas, entangled in paracords, and pulled down by heavy guns and equipment!

How could they break free by themselves? ! Why didn't those bastards in the Navy save them? ! I cursed the Goblin High team, the drills, the Navy, everything that came to my mind. ——Because an exercise is a war, not a game. ——Because, the support cannot be dispatched until the exercise is over. ——And why? ——The military order fell like a mountain. ——Because an exercise is a real war, the requirements must be based on actual combat standards. ——So, it cannot be saved.
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