Home Categories war military Leave me the last bullet

Chapter 82 Chapter 82 Really Awesome

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 3053Words 2018-03-18
I sigh in my heart that it is really awesome! ——Only if you do it yourself, you will really know that it is not easy, because you are not a professional skydiver, you are a special soldier, and you have to train a lot of other deadly subjects. You can’t skydive every day, and you only have so much training time. In addition to time, masters also need talent. And it was those dark, taciturn faces that made up the wild goose. Although the chief of staff shouted with a tweeter below: "Attention to the formation, comrades! Attention to the formation!" But everyone knows that his shouting is superfluous.

This formation will not disperse. ——The ground is a square concrete floor in the middle of the lawn. In my memory, it is 5 meters long, and the center is a red 1 meter square center. They're going to fall on this one by one. Then I opened my eyes wide. ——A pair of rubber shoes lightly landed on the red heart like a superficial touch. Another superficial touch! ... After coming down, he smiled naively. I sigh in my heart, it's awesome! Do I need to repeat the role of the helmet and umbrella boots?You guys should know better than me! But the first time I saw a parafoil landing with my own eyes was a bald head and rubber shoes.

By the way, there is another swimming cap with the words "Beidaihe Memorial" written on it. I know that it is against the regulations to descend from 800 meters without wearing umbrella boots and a helmet.But I said that this is fiction, and it cannot be used as evidence to accuse our dog head brigade of violating training regulations. ——I want to say one more thing about this target. To be honest, I really hesitate to say it, but I thought it would be fun to say it since it is a novel. Our Kotou brigade has a rule, except for these veteran oil parachute training backbones, whoever steps on the bullseye in this 800-meter day training will be rewarded with 500 yuan-it seems that the PLA should not do this, but I said it is a Novel, everyone treats it as a joke.

In the year I jumped for the first time, the daytime wind during the 800-meter parafoil training was relatively harsh. Except for those old birds and a few officers and senior non-commissioned officers, very few fell in the bull's-eye.After all, most of the team members are not the backbone of the airborne troops, they are all from the army, and there will not be as many parachute training days as the airborne troops, so this is normal. So the logistics department has long hair very refreshingly. On the same day the following year, the wind was excellent. Needless to say how well the dance is, you can tell by the expression of the logistics chief.

——Opened his mouth wide, the muscles on his face twitched for a while, and the muscles on his face twitched for a while. In the end, just close your eyes and stop looking! I don't know if someone else sent it in the end, anyway, I used the 500 yuan for the first high-end gift I bought for Xiaoying. I don't know how everyone understands the meaning of the legend, and I don't understand much myself.Because I don’t think there are any legends in this world, it’s your life, it’s what you deserve—you all admire those legendary heroes on the battlefield, but to be honest, I don’t think they even admire them themselves Own.Because in their minds and hearts, they always think of those comrades-in-arms brothers who died, how did they shake their bodies like twitching in the hail of bullets at that moment?How did you smile and joke with you or quarrel with you a second ago at that moment, but disappeared without a trace after a cannonball? There was not even an arm left?How did you swallow your last breath in your arms at that moment, with a child's smile or fear in the blood on your face?At that moment, for the sake of more brothers, he rushed towards the minefield without any hesitation, and then you just watched his young body collapse and lose half of his leg with a crash, and finally lost an arm. Roll, roll, and then it collapses until it becomes a small meaty egg wrapped in red blood and black mud, surrounded by minced meat?At that moment, how was the enemy's wolfhound and the enemy's search team running all over the mountain like a rabbit, helplessly calling brothers and brothers for help, and you were lying in the grass very close, but you couldn't save him because the soldiers wanted After completing the task, you are thinking in your heart that this is still a child who is 17 years old or even younger. Before you set off, you still pestered yourself to see the photo of your sister-in-law, but why didn’t you agree? You didn’t have time to break your heart, and then you saw that little soldier The little brother was bitten by a few wolf dogs or held down by a few enemies, and he still shouted for help. At this time, he either fired the glory bomb himself, or his own sniper who ambushed farther away gave him a bullet on his forehead or chest. A clean shot without hesitation and you just watch...

Do you still feel like a legend? ——When you are wearing a neat military uniform with a chest full of military medals, surrounded by reporters flashing lights and flowers, applause and smiling faces in the auditorium, do you think you have the qualifications? Don't you think of them—comrades who left this fucking world forever in obscurity? Peace has a price. The price is the soldier's life. What you see in the newspaper may be numbers, small cold typefaces or no numbers at all (Eastern countries have no tradition of reporting their own war casualties so you can't see them); but what do these numbers represent? ?

——Lively smiling faces jumping around you shouting I want to see sister-in-law's photo I want to see sister-in-law's photo... Do you still feel like a legend? ——So Team He kept silent about his battle stories. The thing he regretted the most in his life was participating in the hero model report group and going to exhibitions everywhere. After each report, this tough guy hid in different bathrooms in different auditoriums and cried loudly. Therefore, every time Team He went to a high-risk subject like skydiving, he would stand on a high place and watch from the beginning to the end until the last soldier put away his umbrella bag and put it on the Dongfeng flat-head firewood. The next day was another day. so.He wants to avoid the sacrifice of soldiers as much as possible!

So don't think that the story I'm going to tell is so legendary. Although the protagonist is me, I've said that this is my life, and it's my destiny. We got on the little fly with four wings and buzzed and took off. The goal is 800 meters high and we are going to do the first parafoil fixed-point jump.At that time, we were not nervous. In fact, the trial jumps of those veterans were not only to let them have a dry addiction. The consideration of the standing committee of the brigade was to give confidence to the soldiers who were not from the airborne troops behind us. Those who skipped also needed encouragement. ——Although I repeatedly talked about the causes and symptoms of various dangerous situations and how to deal with them during the lectures, I broke my hands to teach you, and the cadres' voices were hoarse, but I still have to repeat it. Even we feel that the nagging is like an old woman, but Seeing a light in their stern eyes that is different from previous training, we were all moved. That kind of light that we are all familiar with but rarely seen in previous training is the same worried look as your brother. Just listen carefully and practice again and again, don't be afraid of trouble - the army is such a stupid place, cadres who have no sense of humanity can be staff officers or officers, but you must not lead soldiers, otherwise no one will answer you, you are in the eyes of brothers There is no status in the army-the army is forged by iron discipline, but the core of maintaining the combat effectiveness of the army is not discipline, but the relationship between brothers and the prestige of cadres as men.How do you understand the former one?Just think about it with your heart, if your elder brother or younger brother (I dare not say your father, although I want to say it, but it still feels inappropriate) dies, do you want revenge?Do you still care about your own life?Will you be merciful when you move your hands?You have a gun in your hand, don't you want to chug when you see your enemy?How to understand the latter?That is, if you are not a man, a man, or a dog-like birdman, it will be difficult or impossible for the brothers to believe you. Do you feel safe following you?So the little second lieutenants who just came out of the new training team and finished the basic education of special warfare officers went down to the grassroots troops to be a small cadre at the unit level and couldn't even shout well. It's not that they don't have this quality, but these soldiers simply don't accept it. He—how can you call out to our brothers?Are you a bird?I want to say the truth, it seems to expose the unqualified quality of our old army soldiers, but I still want to say that it is also a reminder to the rookies in the military academy. The squadron cadres are not here, when these little second lieutenants are running around with them, the oldest veteran dares to take off his belt and smoke under the shade of a tree while chopping mountains. I dare not speak out because I am afraid of being hammered or scolded, and I really dare to stab you with words.You think it's that easy to be an officer in the special brigade?When will it be truly prohibited?It is when you are recognized by them as a man, a man, and a brother (although many non-commissioned officers are older than the little second lieutenant, but you are a cadre, you are a brother), know that you are not a muddleheaded man, but a tough man with a clear mind and a calm mind. When you have the courage as a man and the reason as an officer, when the brothers know that you can come back safely with you, you, the second lieutenant of the special brigade, are really qualified. There is an episode of "Band of Brothers" that I very much approve of. Regarding the episode about the replacement of the company commander, if there is such a company commander, our brothers are probably more fucked up than them. When the lieutenant jumped over the low wall and came back through the hail of bullets, my eyes were really wet. I would also like to fight with such an officer because I know he is a man, a man, a fucking real man!I have said that my novels are not political and only tell the stories of soldiers, and soldiers are the same all over the world, no matter whether the political cadres of soldiers are instructors or chaplains, but the essence is still the same. This kind of thing in my novel says things, otherwise I'll fuck your grandma first!

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