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Chapter 74 Chapter 74 Eighteen Martial Arts of the Dog Head Brigade

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 2942Words 2018-03-18
Although the basic training of the Kotou Brigade is boring, we still have a lot of bird affairs. When we recalled many things about birds when we were drinking, we would laugh all the time, and then cry all the time—what kind of bird’s youth was that! The Jingtong Squadron has always had an opinion on our No. 2 Squadron: You train as long as you train, why do you have trouble with our Jingtong Squadron? ——Because our training is regardless of time, place and occasion, sometimes it is too much.Sometimes what you do is simply nonsense. Of course, it’s not a big leak, or it must violate the army’s management system, which makes the squadron leader of the Police Communication Squadron hate the Goutou High School team to the bone—he is training for the Goutou High School team. After practicing well, I have to be punished by the captain. What is going on with your police squadron? !But it’s impossible to guard against, the Police Communication Squadron only has a few people and a few dogs, can’t they all wake up and go to night duty every day?Do you still do normal training?Are normal duties still being performed?Full duty 24 hours a day? !How many days can it last? ! ——The key is that the Gotou High School team came out of the war, and they are good at reconnaissance. The squadron leader of the Jingtong Squadron——He Daduan is also a birdman!He has his own considerations - the combat unit and the guard unit are a sword and a shield, isn't it good to test each other?It's interesting to be unpredictable!They've all trained their troops—under the guidance of his thoughts, the Kotou High School team is becoming more and more rampant!The squadron leader of the Jingtong Squadron didn't dare to provoke him - he couldn't afford it!This grandson is a famous birdman!If you turn against him over such a trivial matter, he doesn't know how to make it hard for you!I can only bear with it, or I sometimes see that the squadron leader of the Jingtong Squadron is very pitiful-is the picket work of the Goutou Special Brigade really so easy to do?Regarding Hammer Man and Group Hammer, I will introduce Dianzi's unique hammering method separately.

This is all due to the birdman of the Goutou High School team, he blew the emergency assembly whistle directly under the special service unit at night, pulled us up and said: "Your subject today is to bring me all the tricycles from the cooking class to the front of the building! " Those of us newcomers are stupid when we hear it, what do you mean?What kind of trick?After two o’clock in the middle of the night, we knocked on the door or window of the cooking class, and asked, “Squad leader, can I use the tricycle?”——that’s why the group of special cooks pressed the cutting board to the cutting board and raised their knives to chop it up. ? !How dare you disturb the dream of grandpa, the dog-headed special cooking soldier? !I have to get up at 4 o'clock the next day to make porridge for your dog day's steamed buns and serve you dog day's food and drink. How dare you not let grandpa sleep? ! ——By the way, although these cooks are not scouts, they are all top chefs from various field armies. I said that the cooks in the full training units of the field army also have to be trained, but there is no front-line team. It’s just high-quality, but it’s also training—even the military workers in the repair station are forced by our brigade He to run a 3,000-meter warm-up every morning, not to mention the soldiers in the serious army non-commissioned officer dog head brigade? ——Except that all the squad leaders are chefs above the second level, they are all third-level or no-level, but cooking and making steamed buns is quite a set. I have never eaten such good dishes and steamed buns in any big restaurant, and my mouth is watering. They came out—but they also have guns, helmets, and rucksacks, and they are combatants. Can Team He let them go? ——Compared with us rookies, these old non-commissioned officers are all more skilled—their kneading dough in the cooking class is not sitting, but a special push-up kneading method, because they still have a little physical training; All of a sudden, because the brigade needs to be assessed as a whole, they must pass—and, 10,000 meters and physical fitness must also be run.If you think about it, if they supplement their own nutrition (I do the same as the cook in the cooking class), will their bones be weak? ——For these special cooks, I have seen them once. The two cooks don’t know how to stand up to each other, and then they compete to smash beer bottles (we don’t drink, but we use these for shooting and performances) So every time when the cooking team went out to buy vegetables, they bought them later, and they were piled up behind the cafeteria like a hill, and they would come and collect them if they needed them), and they smashed wine bottles not on the ground, but on their own heads ——I also smashed this one. I really didn’t dare to do it at first. In fact, it’s just a one-shot. I’m used to it. It’s okay. I can also tell you that you don’t need special training. , Just don’t let the glass ball scratch it, so the general unit performances wear training hats, which is tricky.If you have a bald head, it is real kung fu, but it may also be that you can practice quickly and well, and you don't need any hard qigong.Because as long as you have the courage, girl, I tell you it’s fine, it’s not painful, it’s fine if you master the strength and speed.I was scared for the first time, so it hurts to hit myself. Everyone laughs at me, as long as you are brave enough and courageous enough, it will be fine. ——I didn't mean to encourage everyone to smash themselves!It's just a joke!It can't be said that I tampered with you to practice!Because you are still incomparable with the fighters of the Kotou Brigade!We are hammered every day, and that blow really doesn't hurt, can you guys do it?So just listen and don't practice!I have marked it!If any grandson comes to me for doing something on his own, I'll fuck your grandma!I said can you practice? !Are you a special soldier with all kinds of training? !Then there is no way to write this novel!I just stopped writing! ——Does the army practice this kind of thing?Really practicing iron head skills?Shit!There is pain tolerance, but who is stupid?Is the hard qigong thing useful on the battlefield?It also wastes precious training time - there are so many subjects and we feel that we don't have enough time, so we really want to practice hard Qigong and exhale with horse steps?This is a kind of show, bluffing people on TV, as long as you dare.No one of us practiced boulders on the chest. Is there something wrong?During a war, lay down there with a boulder and let the enemy hit it with a hammer? !Boxers? !Do you think the military is really that stupid?The grandchildren of a TV station like this!We don't play that.At most, it's a performance for the TV audience to watch, but this is also tricky, and I will say it later-but these two dog-headed cooks didn't just smash one, they smashed more than anyone else!My grandpa!After all, it is a human head, not an iron head!It is better than anyone else who is not afraid of pain!Do you think what kind of bird character they are? !I was brought in to be the referee, and I saw the two of them hammering themselves with the wine bottle, glass flowers splashing, I was thrilled!After a while, I couldn't even stand still—after all, it was a human head!Will be dizzy!But it's all dangling, dangling, still touching the wine bottle and smashing it!After a while, each person smashed at least 20 more!My goodness!I hurriedly pulled one and said that the squad leader is okay, friendship is the first!He just looks at that, and he smashes it again if that one is still smashed; I just pull the squad leader to go second in the competition, he just looks at this, and he smashes it if this one is still smashed! ——Let me tell you, this man never mentioned his aggressive mentality when he became a soldier!He refuses to admit defeat even to the death!Otherwise, how can you mess around in the army?The army is a world of tough guys, how can you behave like a bird? ——Just watching them smash and smash, I can't wait to kneel down! ——When I saw that there was nothing I could do, I hurried to call the cadres, and in the end I called the head of the logistics department.When we entered the cafeteria, we heard the back saying: "Damn! Why didn't that brainless Xiaozhuang call the cadres earlier? What are we brothers doing here after he left?" Yes! Where did you put the safflower oil for a while, I’ll wipe it off!”——So they didn’t want to stop in front of rookies!In fact, I can't stand it anymore. (I'll make a special note, don't smash the liquid inside, it will definitely cause accidents) ——Do you now know the character of these special cooking soldiers? ——That's why Team He said that there is no birdman in this doggy place from the team leader of that doggy day to the bottom! ——That kind of competitive heart is in the bones——We are special forces, and we are the most fucking tough guys!The result is to be victorious!Don't admit defeat under any circumstances - so many brothers and troops can't get used to this kind of bird spirit, and I couldn't get used to it before, but not only did I get used to it later, I'm still proud of it, even if it's naive - but it's definitely me Get over it!His grandma's! ——Later, I and the Goutou High School team trained a special police team sent by the local public security bureau to our brigade for training, and made those gangsters think that they were the police elites of the city that ranked No. 1 in Sanda in China Have a good taste of what is a special force in the field and what is a real bird!I'll tell you this idea later, I'll laugh at you to death. ——Note, it refers to the specific [SWAT team of a certain city's public security bureau] Not all the police buddies, can't we have fun talking about ideas?Brothers in the police force, don't be angry!It's just a joke.Aren't our bad things always being used by other troops for entertainment?Shouldn't I also bring up our own stinking things?We were not angry either, it was all a joke, kindness makes money.If you want to get angry, I won't talk about it!Just pretend I, Xiaozhuang, didn't say anything!The more my grandma writes, the more I feel that this novel can't be written anymore, so I worry about this and that!

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