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Chapter 72 Chapter 72 My 18th Birthday

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 2925Words 2018-03-18
My 18th birthday was spent with Xiaoying. The sweetest day of my life. Then, I never had a birthday again. Until last year, I had to live, but I was not happy. Because I didn't say a word of happiness, and I was really unhappy. I thought of Xiaoying, and I kept thinking about it. She also looks like Xiaoying. Do you say I am happy? In fact, think about it, I shouldn't be sorry for her. But the key is Xiaoying's story. When I told her, it was already too late. My 26th birthday and my 18th birthday are the only two birthdays I have ever celebrated as an adult. I got two girls who looked like one person.

Tell me, which one can I forget? Love stories are always heartbreaking, so let's change the subject and relax. Let’s talk about our basic training at that time, it’s just a bit boring, I’ll try to make it interesting, girls can jump over it. I thought about it for a long time and didn't know how to describe those complicated and boring basic training subjects. Although we all found ideas and fun in the boring at that time, it would be too boring and boring if we wrote it out - it would be better for you to find the book by yourself What popular science books to read!It’s just a popular science article, and it’s meaningless, because I don’t remember those things very clearly now; and there are only disadvantages, no benefits, why I’m here to teach you how to open the door and how to arrest (kidnapping) What character, how to scout in advance, how to ambush, how to start, how to end?And how to avoid the tracking of military (police) dogs in the mountains? ——Knowledge is a double-edged sword. The good learns the good and the bad learns the bad, so I forget it, and there is really nothing to say.

I'll still write my novel.But I still have to briefly introduce it, otherwise friends who don’t understand may have difficulty reading it in the future, so I’ll talk about the eighteen martial arts and seven weapons of the Kotou Brigade.I don't have an order, so I just pick the ones that I feel deeply. The rookies of our new training team are not finished when they enter the brigade. They have to be hammered collectively and then separately.This process is different. For example, the training time and training methods between snipers and assaulters are completely different. Although they still run 10,000 meters together in the morning, they still have basic physical training together, and there are some common subjects such as sign language. , formation, fighting, climbing, etc., but the content of professional learning is greatly different.In my impression, the only polite sentence that the Goutou High School Team said was-"The so-called special operations squad is actually an integration of expert fighters from different specialties, and its overall combat effectiveness is far greater than that of ordinary fighters." The combination of infantry and reconnaissance teams' combat effectiveness."——I heard the mist at the time, not to mention our non-commissioned officers from the countryside—by the way, the three second lieutenants are no longer with us, they I have my own professional learning courses, and then I am not in a squadron, so I rarely see him. I met a man who was already a team leader during a drill, and we chatted very warmly, but there was always something behind—— The cadres I deal with the most are the Goutou High School Team, every time the rookies in the squadron are coached by him, otherwise he is not at ease.Later, I was actually selected by the Kotou High School team to be included in his direct special service unit. I guess he thought it would be more convenient for him to hammer me.In the last two and a half years in the barracks, I have been with this bird man and received his bird spirit.How do you say I got here? !

We didn't understand it very well, and we were about to be hammered into "expert fighters" by them-the training of the troops is just to force ducks, so how can there be so many reasons? ——I was still baffled, so I became the first assaulter, my mother!What is the concept of the first commando?It is the vanguard who is the first to go up to be cannon fodder after confirming the target location, and the first to rush in every time! ——If there is a war, the brothers can just look at the meaning of the first assaulter. You don’t need to talk, just to see if he hangs up and you know it’s safe inside? ——One of the most classic scenes of the New Gulf War is captured by night vision devices. A special operations team (like seals) surrounds a house, and then a buddy is burnt out by an incendiary bomb and rolls to the ground— - This is the first commando.

I, Ma Da and Shengzi were picked into his direct unit and hammered.Here are all the best old birds in the whole squadron, they are extremely unfriendly to us - they also have this qualification, we don't know anything!Ma Da installed a fire support vest, and ran all over the mountain with a 40 fire on his back every day-who made his calf thick enough to bear the weight?In addition to 40 fires and a few prescribed rockets, he also brought his own rifle and prescribed ammunition, not a lot at all, plus pistols, daggers, water bottles, rucksacks, etc., you can imagine his load How much is it? !Comrade Ma Da worked hard and ran all over the mountains like wild rabbits—peasants and soldiers are really simple!I have never seen him complain a word!It was only when we were taking a shower that I could see the red marks on his dark shoulders slowly turning into wounds and scars, and then two strange-looking calluses slowly appeared on his shoulders.

When he was just worn out, it was really painful! I gave him medicine at night, and then the tears were dripping. But he didn't even care about being moved, and often snored when he took the medicine. Really tired! Who made our country use 40 fires if we had nothing else at that time?It was this decades ago, and it will be this decades later.Now maybe those little brothers have better guys, I don't know. ——Fighting 40 fires is an unforgettable experience in my life, because every team member must use all light weapons, so I also fight every year——Bang all of a sudden, my brain is blinded, and then my ears can’t hear. It’s definitely tinnitus. A wave of heat really went out from the back.So when we lie on our stomachs, we always lie on our sides. One winter, a soldier was lying a little upright, and the cadres didn't pay attention. As a result, half of his cotton trousers were sprayed off by the air wave coming out of the tail. ——It’s half cotton trousers and half of cotton military boots on the side of one leg, and the meat suddenly reveals the whole half of the thigh—or many people will die!He lost half of a leg of cotton trousers, half of a military boot, and a few hairs on his legs, and he didn't even have a burn! ——So being a soldier is really not a very pleasant thing. I still remember the kind of 40 fire.When you are standing next to you, you can clearly feel the ground tremor and tinnitus—many of our cadres wear earplugs, and they lead troops to fight every year. How big is the noise? ——Of course not as big as artillery, but I did feel quite ruthless at the time.That thing was really not played by an untrained person——and then I went home to watch "Black Hawk Down", and the biggest untruth was that when the black man hammered the beautiful Black Hawk with an RPG, he was actually in a corridor As soon as the head is raised and the tail touches the ground, the hammer will be fired-my goodness!I guess the RPG in Somalia will not be more advanced than the 40 fires we have improved many times, in that case the black man will go to heaven.And there is no tail flame on the screen, my impression should be relatively long, about 3 meters of tail flame, the air flow is longer!Such a large tail spray force is enough to spray that black man into the sky!I also don't know if so much money is spent on helicopters, can't the rectification of such a bad idea be understood? ——Lao Mei also has amateurs!To be honest, that movie was really mediocre, with no characters and no story, it was just a commercial for the Black Hawk helicopter and Hammar Jeep.

Becoming a sniper after having a baby - that's what I actually wanted to be, how cool!Holding an 88 sniper rifle, I feel like a scarecrow, just like the real thing.But the Kotou High School team didn't let me be, the reason is that I am restless.It's true, I really can't sit still, lurking as a sniper is a hard job, you have to be patient and patient, you need to be outstanding in shooting, and you have to have this when you have a child.This kid can lie there all day long, but I can't do it—he later told me that he really fell asleep during a few lurking trainings, and he was very sound. Then Shen ran all over the mountain, and he didn't have to run around like me. The first memory the sniper gave him was sleeping under the sun.Those soldiers are all over the mountain shouting, I saw you come out!But the reason why I can't find it after looking for it is that he is sleeping, so he doesn't feel panic when he gets close - of course, there is nothing he can do about it.

However, having a child also encountered a more difficult thing for me, that is, the flock of sheep. In the end, the sniper's lurking training is not in the training ground, it is really a hilltop within 1,000 meters to 2,000 meters that you choose yourself, and then a bunch of people from the dog head brigade look for it.There is a problem of sheep in the training ground without a security circle—it is not easy for people in that place to grow food, and goats are herded in mountainous areas, and this kind of goat is really a goat. I only know the name of the goat in the city but not Knowing the magic, one time when I got out of the gate of the compound, I looked up and saw a pile of white spots on the cliff opposite at about 70 degrees—I don’t know if you believe it or not, half of the cliff is full of goats jumping around.I rely on!I know what a goat is!What a sheep climbing a mountain!

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